

#1 If you put your phone in airplane mode, it will charge twice as fast. 

#2 he little arrow on your gas gauge is there to tell you what side your gas tank is on.

#3 The best time to buy anything in 2014

#4 How to turn any smartphone camera into a macro lens. (Note: the spelling error is not ours.)

#5 Hate shoulder bumps from hanging sweaters? Do this:

#6 Eat Cheetos or Doritos with chopsticks to keep the dust off your fingers.

#7 G-E-N-I-U-S

#8 Debone your chicken wings like this: Pull the cartilage at the end off, then work out the small bone…

#9 Stop hammering your thumb.

#10 Don’t like hangers but prefer drawers? This is how you should stack your clothes

#11 This is how you organize underneath your sink.

#12 How to cook corn with no mess and no dishes

#13 Awesome smelling bathroom, all the time

#14 Peel a banana by squeezing the bottom and pulling it apart when it cracks.

If you’re at a hotel that has a Nokia TV system, enter 2-2-1-down arrow-and hold “ok&rdq

If you’re at a hotel that has a Nokia TV system, enter 2-2-1-down arrow-and hold “ok” on the remote to access free movies!

Click For More Life Hacks

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captain-spicypants: thelilnan:aroyalmoon:littlegreendorito:mauditcajun:tahthetrickster:Attcaptain-spicypants: thelilnan:aroyalmoon:littlegreendorito:mauditcajun:tahthetrickster:Att







Attention non-artists who commission artists: don’t fuckin do this???

Actually had someone do this to me too. Was doing a art stream, it took me over 2 hours to do his inked commission, he got a refund cause ‘it took too long’ that he figured I wasn’t going to do it after I gave him the file.

Don’t do this. Do not.

I’ve had this happen to me with a $350 comic :/ I had already finished it, it was full color, 6 panels and had a full bg in every panel. I was lucky in that I didn’t spend him money yet, but it left me without funds. I’ve also had the above happen to me as well.

Don’t do this shit to artists. We’re people too. Drawing for you is more than a hobby. It’s a job.

Use Paypal Invoices. 

I cannot stress this enough. That shit helps A LOT when it comes down to Paypal refunds/disputes.

There’s a description box that let’s you put in what the product is/how long it’ll take/yadda yadda, and then there’s another little memo box that only you and paypal can see where you can say it’s a digital commission and doesn’t require shipping (So Donald Mcfuck can’t say that they never got their commission).

And there’s also a box for your Terms & Conditions where you can say, if you have any conflicts/want a refund - email me, or you can actually tell the user that this is a digital commission and they won’t be getting a hard copy of it.

And to: the people who do this to artists – Fuck you. It’s okay if you change your mind and want a refund. But freaking TALK to us and let us know what’s going on. Let us WORK with you.

ALSO A HUGE TIP: Invoices paid will automatically set up a shipping notice which, if not fulfilled, can land you in SERIOUS hot water with PayPal. Since a lot of artists don’t print and ship the commissions, this is a huge problem.

However! Totally manageable. Just go to your PayPal, scroll down to find Seller Preferences

>> Shipping Preferences

>> Display Ship Button. Make sure all the boxes are unchecked. Then you’re all set!

As a big supporter of artists, don’t you ever fucking dare fuck over an artist like that. Like don’t. And if they take their time to do a good job, don’t shit all over them for it! Don’t be a fucking ass hole. Just don’t. These people put a  LOT of work and time and effort into their artwork. Just don’t be that guy. Often times these artists aren’t even getting what they deserve in compensation. 

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copperbadge: tastefullyoffensive: That’s actually pretty effective. (via dosh_jonaldson) I’m not gon



That’s actually pretty effective. (via dosh_jonaldson)

I’m not gonna lie, having been house-hunting for almost a year I wish more people would do this – maybe not to this level, but have one thing in each photo that we can identify by size and use to calculate space. The level of trick photography used in Chicago condo sales in order to imply large spaces is incredible. If more people did this I would disqualify about half the places I look at immediately (which of course is why they don’t, but I’m not gonna buy your shitty tiny condo just because I was willing to look at it after your fish-eye lens made it look twice the size it is). 

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wolfforce58205: lyrslair:prismatic-bell:motherstrawberry:hanari502:Alright shitstains listenwolfforce58205: lyrslair:prismatic-bell:motherstrawberry:hanari502:Alright shitstains listenwolfforce58205: lyrslair:prismatic-bell:motherstrawberry:hanari502:Alright shitstains listen






Alright shitstains listen up because I just found god in a bottle.

If you’re a nerd like me your body’s probably riddled with a few nerd tattoos yeah? Some of ‘em in some pretty obvious places? Maybe you work in a professional environment that frowns upon body ink? Maybe you’re a cosplayer and you have some revealing outfits that you need to cover up for, yeah? Tattoos that you can’t afford that $30 Kat Von D Tattoo cover up because you’re a cheap broke shit?

Story of my life bud.

Now I have a pretty obvious Squad 11 tattoo, because I’m a Bleach nerd and Zaraki Kenpachi is my husband, and honestly it’s difficult to hide it in some of my cosplays because it’s bright and black and right smack dab on my shoulder. Poor planning on my part but hey, squad represent.

You see that glorious miracle up there? That’s Mehron Tattoo Cover. You see those pictures underneath it? Tattoo? What fucking tattoo?! It’s gone!!!! Vamoosed!!! Like I never got the ink in the first place!!!!

This shit is durable, and I mean durable. It’s completely waterproof and that first picture of my tattoo is actually what it looked like after scrubbing at it with two makeup wipes. TWO. It’s not going anywhere

And the best part? 


I mean it’s not phenomenal but hey at least it’s not just “pale as fuck”.

And you wanna know the second best part?

It’s only 12 bucks on Amazon

Yeah. $12. Not $30. Because $12 is much more reasonable than $30.

As for size reference, that’s how big it is in that third picture right there. It’s honestly the best investment I could have made and everybody should know about it.

Go forth and conquer with your newfound knowledge. You’re all welcome.

As someone who used to chair a stage makeup department, Mehron and Ben Nye are going to be cheaper and better than whatever concealer/orange eye shadow/green lipstick whatever weird tutorial you found or expensive-ass luxury concealer.

Why you ask?

Because Mehron and Ben Nye are stage makeup. They’re meant to give thick, full coverage in one layer that can stand up to cameras and stage lights. Blend it out, powder it, and you’ll never look back. Plus it’s cheap enough that you can buy 2 and mix the perfect shade. 

This will work on scars, too.

Just an FYI for folks I know who may want to cover for cosplays, work, or personal reasons.

Honestly this would be a life saver for people with tats stuck looking for jobs in places that frown on them.

I’ve watched people not get jobs at places I work even though their personalities and experience levels were exactly what we were looking for purely because of personal adornment (tattoos, piercings, etc.). So to anyone who might need a product like this, I hope you see this post.

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