#puck amber dream

Daylily: Did you want to take Dusty with you?Melora: I would, but I couldn’t find him.Alfredo: He’s Daylily: Did you want to take Dusty with you?Melora: I would, but I couldn’t find him.Alfredo: He’s Daylily: Did you want to take Dusty with you?Melora: I would, but I couldn’t find him.Alfredo: He’s Daylily: Did you want to take Dusty with you?Melora: I would, but I couldn’t find him.Alfredo: He’s

Daylily: Did you want to take Dusty with you?

Melora: I would, but I couldn’t find him.

Alfredo: He’s asleep on my bed, Dad took him for a run this morning before he left for work.

Melora: Oh I’ll just leave him be then.    

Puck: Can you deliver a message to Huck when you see him for me?

Melora: Maybe, depends what it is.

Puck: Don’t worry it’s easy to remember, just tell him [long extended burp].

Melora: I’m leaving now.

Puck: Make sure you tell him!

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Melora: Where’s Huck this morning anyways?Alfredo: Where mom can’t see him.Daylily: He’s at work witMelora: Where’s Huck this morning anyways?Alfredo: Where mom can’t see him.Daylily: He’s at work witMelora: Where’s Huck this morning anyways?Alfredo: Where mom can’t see him.Daylily: He’s at work witMelora: Where’s Huck this morning anyways?Alfredo: Where mom can’t see him.Daylily: He’s at work wit

Melora:Where’s Huck this morning anyways?

Alfredo:Where mom can’t see him.

Daylily: He’s at work with your father where he can see him.

Melora: Oh is he still serving out his punishment for the tree thing?

Puck: He’s going to be working to pay off that debt until he graduates.  

Alfredo:He forgot my stuff to return this morning too.  So now I have to go down there after lunch.

Melora: I can do it, I was going to go for a walk anyways.  I wanted to get some photos of the new wildflowers down by the creek.  

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Alfredo: If this is a cost thing, we could always cut back on his feeding him.Puck: Just make MeloraAlfredo: If this is a cost thing, we could always cut back on his feeding him.Puck: Just make MeloraAlfredo: If this is a cost thing, we could always cut back on his feeding him.Puck: Just make MeloraAlfredo: If this is a cost thing, we could always cut back on his feeding him.Puck: Just make Melora

Alfredo: If this is a cost thing, we could always cut back on his feeding him.

Puck: Just make Melora move out, aren’t you supposed to be a college graduate or something?

Daylily: No.  Melora is not moving out.

Melora:I can’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind…

Daylily:Meloracan’t move out, she’s my only ally in this house.  No, nobody is leaving, you’re all staying right where I can see you.  

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Alfredo: Hey mom I have a great idea, why don’t we send Puck to boarding school in Willow Creek?PuckAlfredo: Hey mom I have a great idea, why don’t we send Puck to boarding school in Willow Creek?PuckAlfredo: Hey mom I have a great idea, why don’t we send Puck to boarding school in Willow Creek?Puck

Alfredo: Hey mom I have a great idea, why don’t we send Puck to boarding school in Willow Creek?

Puck: I agree with Alf –

Alfredo:Don’t call me Alf.

Puck: I’d finally get to be known as something other than “one of the triplets”.

Alfredo: See?  Everyone wins!

Daylily: Too bad because it’s not happening.

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Puck: You do know Voidcritters are for babies right?Daylily: Knock it off Puck.Puck: What?  It’s truPuck: You do know Voidcritters are for babies right?Daylily: Knock it off Puck.Puck: What?  It’s truPuck: You do know Voidcritters are for babies right?Daylily: Knock it off Puck.Puck: What?  It’s truPuck: You do know Voidcritters are for babies right?Daylily: Knock it off Puck.Puck: What?  It’s truPuck: You do know Voidcritters are for babies right?Daylily: Knock it off Puck.Puck: What?  It’s tru

Puck:You do know Voidcritters are for babies right?

Daylily:Knock it off Puck.

Puck:What?  It’s true, Voidcritters are for little kids.

Alfredo:Shut up fartface.  Stop acting like you’re so cool all of a sudden.

Daylily: Don’t call your brother fartface, and Puck that’s awfully rich from you considering I overheard you playing Voidcritters with your friends online only last week.

Melora: Pretty sure he also got his ass handed to him if the swearing I overheard was anything to go by.

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Puck: Sorry Dad.Huck: Yeah sorry, you never yell.Bramble:  I’m sorry for yelling, but you can’t be dPuck: Sorry Dad.Huck: Yeah sorry, you never yell.Bramble:  I’m sorry for yelling, but you can’t be dPuck: Sorry Dad.Huck: Yeah sorry, you never yell.Bramble:  I’m sorry for yelling, but you can’t be d

Puck: Sorry Dad.

Huck: Yeah sorry, you neveryell.

Bramble:  I’m sorry for yelling, but you can’t be daring each other to do stupid crap, I know what you’re like.

Daylily: This has nothing to do with your dad’s story, that house is a safety hazard, you could really get hurt.  Now can we not move on?  Why don’t you tell us more about this assistant opportunity Mel?  

Melora:Um, okay, sure…

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Melora: Sure, whatever you say.Puck: “Whatever you say” sounds to me like you’re scared.Huck: WorrieMelora: Sure, whatever you say.Puck: “Whatever you say” sounds to me like you’re scared.Huck: WorrieMelora: Sure, whatever you say.Puck: “Whatever you say” sounds to me like you’re scared.Huck: Worrie

Melora: Sure, whatever you say.

Puck: “Whatever you say” sounds to me like you’re scared.

Huck: Worried that Beans McGravy might get you?

Melora:You’re not serious.

Puck: Then I dare you to go down to that house and get a photo inside to prove it.

Bramble: Enough!  There is no daring anyone to go to anywhere and I don’t want to hear one more word about that house.  The only thing that matters is that you kids steer clear – understood?

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Bramble: Oh it’s not just a story, I saw him with my own two eyes.  Beans McGravy!  I called out to Bramble: Oh it’s not just a story, I saw him with my own two eyes.  Beans McGravy!  I called out to

Bramble:Oh it’s not just a story, I saw him with my own two eyes.  Beans McGravy!  I called out to him - but alas, he faded back into the rain.  But not before giving me a sinister smile and promising death if we ever met again.  So if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay away.

Alfredo:Wait Dad, are you telling the truth?  Did that really happen?

Puck: No Fredo, it didn’t happen because there is no Beans McGravy.

Bramble: Look all that matters is that you stay away from that house.

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Daylily: Mel, what about you?  Could be fun, working together you and me?  Melora: Thanks Day, um, bDaylily: Mel, what about you?  Could be fun, working together you and me?  Melora: Thanks Day, um, bDaylily: Mel, what about you?  Could be fun, working together you and me?  Melora: Thanks Day, um, b

Daylily: Mel, what about you?  Could be fun, working together you and me?  

Melora:Thanks Day, um, but I actually think I’m going to focus more on my photography right now.  

Daylily:Oh!  Well…that’s good too!  

Bramble:Personally I’m just glad to hear you’re going to start developing your gift.

Puck: Boo, Dad come on.

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Puck: That’s not what bookkeeping means dingus.Huck: I know that ass-Daylily [sternly]: We are at thPuck: That’s not what bookkeeping means dingus.Huck: I know that ass-Daylily [sternly]: We are at th

Puck:That’s not what bookkeeping means dingus.

Huck: I know that ass-

Daylily[sternly]:We are at the dinner table.

Huck:As…tually.  I know that actually, is what I was going to say.  But I don’t really know what you do Mom.  I mean, I’m still not even sure what a financial advisor is.  

Daylily: You wouldn’t have to know, it’s just some light secretary work.  

Huck:I think I’ll stick with Dad and the library, but thanks Mom.

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