#pump hose


I designed this stretcher years ago, a friend made it. A nice piece of sycamore, good engineering and some leather.

It wins all arguments. Takes a while but it wins.

Using it is one of the reasons I invented the pump hose.


Just so you know, I now have left hand versions of the rubber gas mask hoses with aromas pump with red or yellow tubes on eBay.

That’s what 80 cleaned up gas mask hoses look like before I transform them into pump hoses. Looks like I have a few days work ahead of me.

Just received this GP-9/MAG gas mask and had to try it right away. It’s lovely over my Libidex Stranger Hood.

Mistress Maggie with her Gas Station.

It’s an ‘industrial’ version of my original pump hose design. Bottom left is the aromas pump, then it’s the bubble bottle, and bottom right is the air inlet. Top left is the regular gas mask hose connector, the centre valve allows the rebreather bag to be included, and the top right connector is for a second gas mask to allow a shared experience.

The pump hoses pictured, are two of the current, flow limited, versions which I make and sell on eBay. I’m delighted to say that they are not just getting wonderful feedback, but buyers are sending some very appreciative messages too –

From a buyer in America:

I received your pump and hose assembly today. Put it together per your instructions (very well done by the way). Then put is some aroma and gave it a try. Followed your breath out and pump advice and it worked like a charm. Very smooth delivery only when pumped. A very controlled and effective amount delivered with each set of pumps. I had only intended to try it out to make sure it worked but ended up with a nice little session going for awhile. The amount delivered was so consistent the whole process was very pleasurable as there were no weak or overly strong surprises.

Great job all around and I will be glad to recommend this to all the aroma players I know.

From a buyer in Germany:

Yesterday I got your package and of course tried the hose directly - and what can I say: It’s awesome. You’ve really crafted the perfect accessory for poppers consumption. You always get exactly the right amount of it. 3 pump strokes for a little bit or 6 to get the full charge. An absolutely awesome experience. Thank you for your great product! I am sure that I will have many years of fun with it :-)

There is no better way to enjoy aromas with a gas mask, the hoses simply do exactly what you want, when you want.

Well connected for electro with my Erostek ET-312 and ready with a poppers pump hose – wonderful!
