#purple dice



Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your desires.

Polished, unpainted, not candy.

You can find these on my Etsy and even pick your own paint color!


Okay y'all, what color would you paint these if they were rolling on your table? Because you can pick your own paint color now!

You can find these on my Etsy <3

“Crown of Roses”

I’ve been playing with posting polished but unpainted dice! That way you can customize them by picking your own number color. What would you put on these?

You can find these on my Etsy <3

So… This is the end results of my first set of dice! They aren’t perfect but I quite like the

So… This is the end results of my first set of dice! They aren’t perfect but I quite like them and am proud of myself for this first attempt! They’re velvet room themed c: 

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