#pyrrah nikos



Pyrrha: Jaune can you help me please, I think my shirt got caught on the bed frame.

Jaune is looking at Pyrrha trying to wriggle free. She was searching for something underneath her bed and got stuck, somehow. Matters were not helped by her school skirt slightly going up higher and higher every time she to tried to wriggle out!

Jaune only blinked at the sight before him now, he never expected Pyrrha to wear Black Lace.

In that instant Jaune was dealing with his conscious as two forms appeared on his shoulders.

DevilJaune:Slap it and puut it in her butt!

Jaune:I can’t do that, she’s my partner and might kick my ass!

AngelJaune:Listen to Devil Jaune, he has a good point.

Jaune:Ain’t you the good one!? Ya know what, ta Hell with both ya.

With his inner turmoil settled, Jaune went over to Pyrrha’s side where she was stuck at and lifted the bed with ease. Allowing his Redheaded partner to now be free and smiling at him gratefully.

Pyrrha: Thanks Jaune, I have no idea how I got stuck underneath there.


With those words Jaune sprinted out of the dorm, and leaving Pyrrha to let out a grimace.

Pyrrha: Dammit! I thought you said it was going to work. I even wore my good underwear for this.

Two forms then appeared on her shoulders.

DevilPyrrha: It should’ve worked! It worked all the time in those movies online!

AngelPyrrha: And we even bribed his Angel and Devil to help us out too!

DevilPyrrha: Guess he’s just alot stronger willed then we first thought.

The three Pyrrha’s let out a sigh of defeat, clearly Jaune was not to be taken lightly.

AngelJaune: So how long has he been like this?

DevilJaune: A good thirty minutes now.

The pair looked at Jaune as he was busy lifting logs to keep his mind off of the recent problem that had arise.

Jaune: Just stay strong Jaune, Pyrrha is a good lady and ya friend, no matter how sweet and fine she may look you promised your folks an Arc promise. Even if she does have one fine looking…

He stopped himself at that thought and let out a yell as he lifted the log even higher above his head.

The other Jaune’s only looked at eachother.

DevilJaune: Guess we should meet Devil and Angel Pyrrha for our dates then huh?

AngelJaune: Might be for the best, plus they could help us get Frontier Boy here some action and tamed like a stallion.

DevilJaune: Are you sure I ain’t the good one here?

AngelJaune: Just shut up and let’s go. Don’t want to keep Devil Pyrrha waiting for me.

DevilJaune: Guess we really are suckers for Redheads huh?

Long time no post!

Been super busy getting back to school but I have been up to a few things lately. For one I was able to go to SacAnime back at the beginning of this month! Even did a few commissions.

I know that some of the RWBY Cast was at SacAnime but I didn’t get to go to the panel or signings. I hope that this commission I did made it to the voice actor though, I love Pyrrah! QwQ
