#qpr suggestions


its abt thinking abt them and feeling like uve got cartoon hearts floating around u as u do

all gay ppl know how to do is longing look at hotel rates for hotels in their qpp’s city

queer culture is your qpp sending you letters from sleepaway camp every day despite the fact that they will only be away for less than a week and you wont even get half of them by the time they get back due to postage

to the people who’ve met their long-distance partners, how do you ever find it in yourself to drop them off and not internally contemplate figuring out how to stay with them a bit longer

sometimes love is wanting to buy your partner a bunch of flannels bc they have a slight obsession with them

me: *stares at pictures of my qpp*

me: f e l l a s i s i t g a y t o b e -

qpp: :D

me, internally: ok on a scale of one to ten how annoyed would they be at me calling them cute because I literally call them cute every time they smile but they’re just so C U T E-

Self-care is editing heart emojis all around pictures of your qpp’s cute face

I could look at your face for hours and never get bored

You’d never think the thought of making your qpp a grilled cheese would make you so soft inside but uhhhh,,,

do u ever just listen to ur qpp’s voice and the only thing u can think of is ❤❤❤❤

tell your qpp corny jokes to get them to laugh
