#love suggestions


It’s like I’m living in a dream, and with you in here with me, I don’t ever want to wake up.

Someday you’ll find someone you’ll want to say ’“I love you”’ to.

I’m legally obligated to fall in love with you if you listen to mother mother

thank you so much for appreciating what i do. i feel so worthy and valuable when you recognize me

all my life i’ve felt so lost and out of place wherever i go, but i think i’ve finally found where i belong, and it’s with you. i truly believe i was put on this earth to take care of you, to nurture you, to help you find strength, to encourage and support you, to always be by your side as we journey through life. i was born to be yours. i was made for you.

come lie with me. let me lose myself in the rhythm of your breathing, let me bask in the serenity that your presence brings. let me hold you and wonder how i ever slept without you before.

nothing comforts more than the knowledge that you will always be in my life. nothing brings more solace to my wounded heart than your unending devotion. you give me the strength to go on.

those eyes. those sweet, soft eyes that make me melt all over again with just one look. those perfect eyes that hold captured stardust and endless reverie. those gorgeous eyes that i can’t ever see myself getting tired of looking into, day after day, for the rest of my life. god, you’re so beautiful and you don’t even know it.

i have never felt safer than i did that day when you held me in your arms for the first time

i crave you like i have never craved anything before. your presence, your warmth, your comforting voice, your encompassing love. you are all i could want or need

i know the sun is setting over the gentle ripples in the water, and i know the sky is streaked with a thousand different shades of orange and pink, and i know it’s such a beautiful moment to be in, but your hand is so warm in mine, and i swear the most breathtaking part of it all is you

you bring a peace to my soul that nothing else can bring. you calm my fears and make me feel so safe

i want to be your best friend. the person you tell first when you have exciting news, the one you lean on when you feel lost, the one you laugh uncontrollably with about things that aren’t even that funny, the one you’re texting when you should be sleeping, the one you trust with your deepest secrets, the one you feel free to be stupid with, the one with whom you share every inch of your soul. i want to know you like i know myself.

i love hearing you laugh or seeing you smile, and knowing i’m the one who caused it. i love knowing i can make you as happy as you make me

the feeling was indescribable, like you opened me up and poured warm honey all over my insides. my soul melted into yours, and you welcomed it.

i know i’m not perfect. i know i’ve made so many mistakes. but through it all you have never left my side, and that is how i know you’re the one for me.
