#quality tropes all around



Intro Post

Figured I should probably make one of these things. I’m a minor, so I refrain from using my real name on this platform, but you can call me Tabitha if you wanna refer to me. I’m currently questioning, so I’d like to be referred to by they/them for the moment, but know that that may change later. I’m mostly gonna write whump, possibly post the odd whumpy doodle, reblog whump writing and art, and generally be chill. Here’s a short little list of what you can expect from my writing and art.

  • Whumpees of all genders (I plan to tag and trigger warn all gendered whump, especially lady whump, accordingly, do not fret)
  • Intimate whumpers
  • Defiant whumpees
  • B+ caretaking (I rarely write abusive caretakers/caretakers turned whumpers, but I will write a lot of caretakers that are kind of bad at caretaking but generally trying their best. I’ll tag all instances of this as B+ caretaker so it can be properly filtered.)
  • Multiple whumpers/whumpees
  • Hurt/comfort
  • Scars/mental aftermath of whump
  • Medical whump (especially vivisection)
  • Supernatural/non-human whump
  • Pirate/ocean-based whump
  • Stab wounds and solitary confinement out your ears
  • Very occasional character death (don’t worry, if anyone ever dies, it’s most likely going to be a whumper and I will tag it properly)

And some of what you most likely will not see and absolutely cannot send me in asks or submissions:

  • Explicit non-con/dubcon (I am a minor, this is illegal)
  • Explicit gore (like, people losing limbs and such)
  • Emeto/SNZ/sickfic

As of yet, I have no ongoing series’ and most of my whump OCs are either still in development or being used for other projects, but that could very easily change, so keep your eyes peeled. I hope you have fun watching me beat up fictional characters.
