#quarantine time


It was a very laid back day. 

I woke up kind of late, around 1pm. Immediately I started watching the series finale of Itaewan Class, which I’ll review later. 

I worked on my bullet journal. 

Then my husband and I started Spring cleaning. I got rid of SOOOO much clothes that no longer fit me. It was so many pretty dresses that fit 20 lbs ago :( It was a bit sad. When I met my husband I was around 86 lbs, and now I’m 120 lbs. Which is not bad at all, I’m happy with my weight, BUT i wish I was more toned and without a gut. So hopefully I actually use this time off to work out. 

After our depressing spring cleaning, we took our dog for a 15 minute walk.

Then took off to my mom’s house because she made fish. 

We had a nice dinner with my parents, then went on search for water again. This time we were prepared so we actually got water. 

Back home, I did a bit of accounting and more planning while watching Johnny Tsunami on Disney Plus. 

Finally I did a 30 minute pre-studying on future material, while I took my progesterone pill, which had me feeling like i was high. 

I showered while feeling so out of out of it. Then I fell asleep peacefully. 

The end.

The previous day, my husband and I had heard that our area was going to officially be under quarantine, so decided to go to the grocery store the next day. Although we were already planning to go grocery shopping since it was payday. 

So we woke up at 7am since the grocery store opened at 8am. We got there and obviously there was a super long line. They were allowing only 50 people inside at a time, which i think was a great idea. When we finally went in, the employees were very diligent and welcoming. My husband and i split out so that he could do the regular shopping and I could go in search for toilet paper and napkins. No, we weren’t those people who stock piled. We hadn’t shopped for toilet paper since a month ago and were running out. THANKFULLY there was still 10 packages of TP left, and the limit was one, which was all I needed. Unfortunately there were no napkins, soap or hand sanitizer. In total we ended up spending $135 which wasn’t too bad. 

Back at home we were being lazy butts. I just watched Itaewon Class, Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland. 

Later we took our dog for a walk which my dog was really excited about. It was nice taking a whiff of nature. 

Once we came back home, I cooked us some ground beef taquitos and I got back to working on our daily accounting and bullet journal. 

We then realized that we hadn’t bought water yet and were down to one gallon. We went all around town looking for watermills but none of them took card. So we went back home.

By 11pm my husband and I had set a movie date, so he heated up some popcorn and we watched Count of Monte Cristo which I had never watched but he kept insisting that it was one of his favorites. 

Then we went to bed. THE END.

(I’ve had a minor dry cough since Monday. I feel like its just me being a hypochondriac, but my throat is starting to hurt which is getting me concerned.)

So On Wednesday, March 20, at work we had a team meeting in which we were advised that we would close the store for the next two weeks. I didn’t actually think that it was going to come to that. So now that it has it lowkey did start freaking me out. Thankfully, I will still be getting paid, but a much less amount. 

Now, instead of freaking out, I will take this time off to get my sh*t together! I have an important certification exam to take in exactly 2 months, so during my quarantine time (starting Monday because I want at least enjoy the weekend), hopefully I study as much as I can. I think this is a GREAT opportunity. Plus, I do plan to actually CLEAN my house. I’m looking around and my grass is dying, the furniture is dusty, the floors haven’t been mopped in months, and I need to spring clean. I seriously think that this is a blessing in disguise. Of course I also want to binge watch shows/movies, read, and just bum around…so perhaps tomorrow I will come up with a schedule for these next two weeks to make the most out of them! 

Anyhow, yesterday was Thursday, first day of my quarantine. I did minor clean up at my house, tiny bit of spring cleaning, and actually folding laundry that I had washed almost a week ago. 

Afterwards I went over to my mom’s house and she dyed my hair. I’m now wondering why I even did that if no one is going to notice my canas gone since I won’t be going anywhere. 

My niece and nephew went over and since they are young they ran up to me to hug me and I had to tell them to keep their distance because I have a small cough. As a pastime we did a couple of cute tiktoks, which my niece really enjoyed.

Back at home my husband and I decided to watch the 3 Musketeers and went to bed around 3 AM. 

Lets see what the next 13 days bring. 

“You wear the crown well, but not, I think, for long” © You drove me wild (by LiveOakWithMoss)

Some Maitimo and leaves make a good sketch
