#queen meme


Brian: know why I called you in here?

Roger: because I accidentally sent you a dick pic

Brian: *stops pouring wine* accidentally?

They’re literally just a group of teenage girls

I know we all have our theories about how roger got on the red mail box, but please someone explain this

Roger: You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, “Are we about to kiss?”

Roger:Doesn’t work for getting out of speeding tickets, by the way

toxic men be like “why cant you be skinny? why cant you be pretty?” mf why cant you be freddie mercury

Brian if he never joined queen and stayed with astrophysics

Brian:What’re you two fighting about?

John: he keeps using phrases wrong!

Roger: Oh cry me a table!

Roger:Why are you looking at me through a fork?

John:I’m pretending you’re in jail


John:It’s spiritually healing

“when Goliath gone missing, Freddie had offered a £1000 reward. Then I found him asleep in the jacuzzi bathroom. I ran down to find Freddie, he came up, took one look at Goliath asleep in the marble washbin and let out a hysterical scream” -Jim

John having a better fashion sense than all of us combined

John, waking up from a deep sleep: Where am I?

Roger, sarcastically:Heaven.



John:I didn’t think you’d be here

“Do you know how many fucking times I’ve been in a shopping center, and some kid has pointed at me and shouted ‘mummy look, it’s Santa’”

-Roger Taylor

John: What happens when you press the brake and the accelerator at the same time?

Roger:It takes a screenshot

Brian:Get out, both of you

Freddie and Brian would often match their nail polish. Brian painting his left hand white, and Freddie’s left hand black.

Brian still paints his left hand white, I image Freddie does too, somewhere in heaven
