#queen saccharina

Kytober day 22: I might or might not be recreating a meme with this one… pt 2 tomorrow (I think?)(ClKytober day 22: I might or might not be recreating a meme with this one… pt 2 tomorrow (I think?)(ClKytober day 22: I might or might not be recreating a meme with this one… pt 2 tomorrow (I think?)(Cl

Kytober day 22: I might or might not be recreating a meme with this one… pt 2 tomorrow (I think?)

(Click for better quality )

[ID: The first image is a drawing of Gooey giving Saccharina a piggyback ride. Gooey is a chocolate woman with purple skin, short straight red hair and purple eyes. The right side of her face is melted. She is wearing armor on the top and green pants on the bottom and she’s carrying Saccharina on her back. Saccharina is an ice cream sundae woman with green skin, curly hair in the colour of neapolitan ice cream, shaved at the side, and blue eyes. She has a circlet on her head. She is wearing cherry-topped epaulets, a green shirt, green pants and beige boots. 

The second and third images are close ups of Saccharina and Gooey’s faces respectively. End ID]

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