#queerplatonic fo imagine



Imagine going window shopping with your f/o. Whether it’s things like suits and dresses or just laughing at stupid gamer graphic tees in a department store, it’s nice to be able to see the things they eye closer than others, just as it is the other way around. They see a nice piece of formalwear you’ve been melting over, a goofy shirt that made you laugh until you got those little tears on the edges of your eyes, and they haveto get it for you. Their treat! Even if that treat is an “I’d rather be gaming” shirt.

Hiking imagine

Applicable for romantic f/os & QP f/os

Please imagine enjoying a small hike with your f/o; think about the sunlight filtering down between the trees of the canopy above y'all, of the song birds singing sweetly around y'all while you two talk and walk together in near perfect step with one another.

Think of their eyes pooling with sunlight as they tilt their head at you to smile at something funny you’ve just said, of their hair haloing with light.

Imagine them gallantly offering you a hand to step over fallen logs, laughing delightedly as you return the favor; think of their hand in yours and how they don’t let go after that but instead intertwine your fingers, fitting perfectly.

Think of them swinging y'all’s hands as y'all walk, smiling ear to ear! Imagine reaching your designation together, a nice and quiet spot with a scenic view and sitting together, their head on your shoulder or yours on theirs just enjoying this quiet moment together.

Imagine them telling you, quietly, “Thank you for agreeing to come with me, I’m looking forward to doing it again soon.”
