#question thing


I was tagged by @applezingsims! Thanks dude!

RULES: It’s not just our Brooding Sims who have the option to ‘Talk About Feelings’; we can also talk about our feelings, about them, too!

Look deep into yourself and ponder on the thoughts which motivate you to play the game we all love. Then tag at least 5 people on your friends list to help them explore their feelings too.

I was tagged by @scipisims!

The questions are as follows:

  1. The boss of EA is in front of you asking for one statement about The Sims before he goes away and makes TS5. What do you say to him?
    Bring back Bed Cuddling 

  2. Do your Sims know you as their Sim God or are you the invisible deity to them?
    Nortu better know I’m up here making magic happen. If not Imma probably start raining frogs and killing firstborns. 

  3. How do you see yourself connected to your Sims? Do those of you who say you love them, really mean this? How deep is your game?
    To be honest, I’m pretty attached to my sims. One family will last me a year or more of game play because I can’t bare the thought of not looking at their little pudding faces. 

  4. What’s your Sims Secret? Is there something going on in your game that none of your screenshots will ever tell us? WHO IS LOCKED IN YOUR BASEMENT???? What are those secret Sims doing behind closed doors?
    hmmm…..Nortu has a pretty rad bug collection? He’s got a shed in the back yard filled with them and sometimes I’ll catch him just staring at them. What a weirdo.  

  5. Can we learn anything from our Sims to take away for our real lives? And/or can you give us an example of how The Sims has influenced you outside of gaming.
    I feel like after playing the sims I look at skills much differently. Much more like a “work in progress” then expecting to be good at something right away. When I get better at something I feel like I’ve “leveled up” XD
    Also, I’ve met some really talented people through tumblr, that I talk to on a almost daily basis & can’t imagine not having them around 

    I tag @deetron-sims@teanmoon@simlaughlove@mlyssimblr@martinessimblr