#questionable advice column



I’ve been searching for quite some time now for a book on how to Do Social Skills for adults with ADHD. For example, how to teach yourself to read facial expressions/microexpressions, how not to wander off topic in conversation, how to listen effectively, etc. 

The only problem is that all of the ones I’ve found so far are written for kids and teens in mind.

It’s not that I have a problem with reading and using books geared toward kids and teens. It’s that the ones I’ve looked at pretty much cover basic things that even I know how to do (like how to not respond entirely off topic to something someone says).

All the books I’ve found for adults with ADHD are all about organization, work-life balance, time management, etc. And that’s good, and necessary! But I feel like learning those things without learning social skills, for me, would be like taking calcium without taking vitamin D.

I’d love any suggestions. Even for books for teens that cover things like succeeding in the workplace, not sounding like you’re making excuses when you’re not trying to, communicating that you’re taking responsibility for your behavior, etc. Again, it’s not the reading level that’s the problem–it’s the fact that I know the content already.

the book You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy? is written by ADHD adults for ADHD adults and contains social & relationship advice in addition to all the organizational stuff.

but issues with reading the mood/understanding others’ facial expressions/etc are also common among ppl with ASD, so looking up resources for autistic people might be helpful as well.

anyone else have any thoughts?
