

Have you ever thought things like “I’m not REALLY disabled” or “I won’t let my disability/illness stop me”? If so, this video might be for you.

…and with that, I have just finished my first YouTube series! ✨

It’sa series of 4 speedpaint videos discussing internalised ableism. They can be watched in any order, this is the last and newest one.

In these videos I delve into the various ways in which disabled and chronically ill people turn ableism inwards, often without realising.

I do so with the help of Internalised Ableism Bingo, an unexpectedly useful meme that gave me some incredible insights. The final concept I want to explore is “disidentifying”: rejecting the reality of being disabled in society.

I put a lot of work into this series, and I hope that it can help other people understand the ways in which ableism impacts them. I would love it if you checked it out and let me know your thoughts.



Keep reading

Sorry about reblogging this, but it’s important to share.

ADHD IS a disability and it affects every day life. I need accomodations and acceptance for it, because it’s a disorder that causes shit for me.

You are right. It might be a “label” but it’s a label that actively helps me cope with bad days. That helps me look towards the future for what I need. It’s not a gift, but it helps me recognize how to deal with it.



Who decided we have to give up pure and wholesome things just to grow up? Sleeping with a little Pikachu plushie does not mean I don’t also make my own doctor appointments.

reblogging because I think there needs to be more notes and more people comfortable with the idea that adulthood is a lie.


So there’s a lot of posts differentiating between laziness and executive dysfunction and that’s all well and good but can we please acknowledge that lack of motivation and interest can also be symptoms of things and they don’t necessarily mean people are lazy either


having adhd and not knowing it from a young age is being yelled at by your parents because you remembered to do your homework that’s due tomorrow on the night before. it is often getting into trouble because you zoned out during a conversation or a teacher’s explanation but you don’t even know how you did it, you don’t control it. it is knowing deep down that you’re different from other kids but not knowing why. and then, being treated different by your peers and by the adults around you and again not knowing why. it is suffering in silence because everybody, in a way or another, punishes you for being the way you are even if you don’t even know what that means.

but then… you finally understand it. you finally put all the pieces together and for the first time in your life, everything you’ve lived until that moment finally makes sense. the reasons behind the things you did and still do are finally explained to you and you don’t feel like an outsider anymore. and tbh? it’s one of the greatest feelings in the world.

what-even-is-thiss:@thatsthat24 as an individual with ADD let me tell you that you just described a


@thatsthat24 as an individual with ADD let me tell you that you just described a good chunk of my life very accurately.

Post link

To myself. lol. Some of my posts have got over a thousand notes and that is fantastic!!! I am so excited to see anything I made get so many and its a big personal achievement for me so. <3 Thank you!







UGH there is NOTHING more frustrating than trying to research ADHD, it’s all “do you interrupt people a lot? do you find it hard to sit still?” and “boys are twice as likely to have ADHD than girls” and “here’s how to deal with your ADHD child” and there’s nothing about adults, nothing about underdiagnosis in women, nothing about RSD, dyscalculia, sensory processing, emotional regulation

i am not a little boy pretending to be an airplane in the back of the classroom. I was never allowed to be, because I was a little girl. i was a little girl who couldn’t sit still but i had to because ladies sit still while the boys shout and fidget in the background. i was a little girl who got left behind when recess ended because i was so engrossed in my small rock garden i didn’t hear the bell; i was a little girl who grew up smart enough to take precalculus, but couldn’t for the life of me remember my times tables; i was a little girl who got so angry and didn’t know how to stop it (“you can control your emotions!” my dad told me; “don’t bottle it up,” my mom said; “scream into a pillow, write it down, take deep breaths” everyone told me, and none of it helped); i was a little girl who lay awake every night terrified i’d forgotten to do something due tomorrow; i was a little girl who couldn’t make friends because socializing was hell because if i made one wrong move, received one negative response, i might as well have set myself on fire; i was a little girl who took pride in being the Weird Girl, because i had to; i was a little girl with adhd 

and now i’m an adult woman with adhd, and i know that because of people on tumblr, not because of the DSM-V. The DSM-V and the CDC tell me little boys have ADHD, not little girls. they tell me if i don’t interrupt people (don’t interrupt people, that’s rude, being rude means hurt hurt hurt because of RSD and nice young ladies aren’t rude anyway) and finish assigned tasks (don’t forget don’t forget don’t forget if you forget they’ll hate you) i don’t have the inattentive component; and they tell me if i can sit still (what kind of organs do snails have, anyway? let’s research that for four hours) and avoid butting into people’s space (don’t be rude, don’t be RUDE) i don’t have the hyperactive component; and they only ever mean to talk to parents of little ADHD boys, and there is nothing, nothing, nothing meant for me.

Wow. I relate to this so much and the thought of it possibly being ADHD never even crossed my mind.

Just from my personal experience, I’ve found it much easier to get a diagnosis and be treated for mine. More and more health professionals are recognizing ADHD in AFAB (assigned female assign birth) people and adults. I’d highly recommend seeing a mental health professional to get assessed if you think it’s impacting your daily life in massively negative ways; getting help can be a life saver.

They also don’t talk about how girls with ADHD are much more likely to develop anxiety or how girls tend to fixate on hyper control to prevent “unladylike” behavior.

It took until college for me to get a definitive diagnosis of ADHD, and even then I second guess it. I can focus on video games for 18+ hours, with no breaks, not even for food. That’s not inattentive! Doesn’t matter if I can only focus on a few very specific games or that what’s really happening is hyper fixation. I can focus therefore no ADHD. My classmates comment on how surprised they are that I didn’t make a lot of noise in class from fidgeting? Everyone fidgets, still not ADHD. Literally feel like my brain is being crushed in a voice whenever I try to study or work? I just don’t have the discipline to get my work done, not ADHD. Want to start crying cause you can’t focus and what your learning/working on just does not make sense? Suck it up, still not ADHD.

“Everyone experiences those things”

Actually, no, they don’t. I’m not hyper fixating because I’m obsessed or addicted to something. My brain just decided THAT’S SOMETHING WE CAN FOCUS ON. Normal people don’t fail to get any work done for weeks or months at a time because it physically hurts your brain and things just WONT WORK. Normal people can get comfortable when sitting.

I was tested for ADHD as a little girl but it was decided I didn’t have it, so I learned to sit still. I learned not to talk in school. I didn’t fidget and I didn’t speak unless spoken to. I hyper fixated on reading and expanding my vocabulary in third grade I was reading books at an 8th grade level because of this, but I didn’t have ADHD, I was just smart. I could not, for the life of me, figure out what the weird language of math was. it was a foreign language I couldn’t understand. but that was just me not trying hard enough. when I drove myself to tears trying to figure out one problem and being unable to move on to the next until k got this one right it wasn’t ADHD, it was me being childish and procrastinating my work. me not turning in half done work because it wasn’t finished so I couldn’t because it wasn’t done and it needed to be done to get turned in, was me being irresponsible and not caring about my grades when I cared so much it stressed me out in the fourth grade.

I got diagnosed with ADHD when I was seventeen years old. I was almost done with school by then. but that didn’t matter. we got me on meds, but they made me so sick I couldn’t eat anything and I was almost a zombie, no emotions to even struggle to regulate. (which when I had issues with that I was just “over emotional” and “a crybaby”) so we got me on new meds, and I think they worked. I couldn’t tell. I didn’t feel any different. I still hyper fixated on english and reading only now it’s fantasy and fiction because the world I see is too bleak and rattled with horrible things that my mind of anxiety, depression, and ADHD can barely handle.

now I’m twenty and off all medication and not being out back on because “it’s all in your head”. I’m twenty and just learning that the sinking feeling and tightness in my chest when I even THINK I’ve made someone close to my heart remotely upset is something that comes with ADHD that I wasn’t told about.

nobody tells you how much it actually sucks to deal with ADHD, and how its different for literally every single person with it. because while I may suffer from auditory processing (“huh?” “oh wait, *answers question/continues conversation in the middle of the person repeating*”/ “wait what? my brain said no to that-”), someone else may not, they may be able to process things perfectly but have some other issue with I don’t have.

WOW. I got my diagnosis a few months ago at age 32 and it seriously just boggles my mind. This entire post is so necessary. A diagnosis of ADD/ADHD as a late teen/early adult is just wild. You’ve lived your whole life feeling a certain way and then you get told you have ADD/ADHD. If I hadn’t worked up the courage and actually talked to my Doctor about my eating behavior and how it was making me feel, I wouldn’t have even known.

Doc decided to test me after 6 months when we talked about side effects of the med he had me on (Vyvanse) and there weren’t any negative. The positives prompted the test. 

People don’t realize you don’t need to be hyperactive to to have attention deficit disorder. 

Even if it can be a bit much sometimes and I can be a bit much to other people, I do really love getting excited more easily and falling in love with topics so quickly.

I love being able to share interest in other people’s passions and loving to learn and just, falling in love with subjects.

It’s not always so fun losing that love, especially because it makes it very hard to finish projects I’ve started while “in love” but, I’m still glad to have had those passions. I’ll always have affection for them.

Sometimes I feel like I have no self-awareness, because I’ve been on a round-about of thinking I don’t have ADHD (round-about as in I just keep thinking the same thing, going round-about in a circle) and I’ve talked to my friends and family about it.

And recently they brought up that I talk a lot and I, was kinda stumped and I asked them “I… talk a lot?” and the two people I was talking to were like “yeah… you do”. I honestly had no idea, other than that when I’m talking about a hyperfixation, past or present, I just go on and on. 

I dunno, just made me think about how maybe I don’t have a great awareness of my behavior until someone points it out.



I started reading the picture, got about 3 words in and then went, oh, more writing then I read the rewriting at the top, then I read the rest of the picture


Jokes on you I read the first two words of the picture and doubled back to the first word of the text and got so lost I started scrolling again


Everyone else will read this first

I was purposely taught how to speed read as a child so i read both instantly, jokes on everyone

Halfway through opening line before i notice theres a picture at all, let me hear it for my hyperfixation adhdrs

adhd is writing a shopping list but forgetting to look at it while shopping

me making my return to human civilization after hyperfocusing on a new interest for the past 3 months

i hate when people ask me what my hobbies are because i’m an adhd troll with ninety hobbies that change every hour so i’m just sitting there like

watching tv without subtitles


One time I let this little kid barrow my phone to call his parents, and suddenly he just randomly asked me «do you also have adhd?» I’m still confused, like how did he know? Did I give off some kind of ADHD energy? Did I subconsciously give a subtle hint? Does he have an ADHD-radar? It was so random like what!

Thinking about this little boy

me: *goes to bed at an appropriate time thinking i’m actually gonna fall asleep*

me and my adhd 6 hours later: i am but a fool as i lie here in my finest clown suit


that ADHD feel when ur trying to get back into a productive mindset after taking a break from work like
