#queue by four

ninemoons42: kagayuzen:Kaga-Yuzen Kimono Yumi Matsushimaso elegant and spare. @mathclasswarfare



Kaga-Yuzen Kimono

Yumi Matsushima

so elegant and spare.

@mathclasswarfare@voxiferous@johanirae Aulea or Noctis?

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Why do people stop commenting on fics if they’re more than a week or two old? Please comment on old fics. Tell me you like my one shot from 2014. Tell me you like my old multi-chap I finished in 2016 that I spent a year writing. I will be fucking thrilled.


not gay as in fitting into a binary created by a euro cis white colonialistic world and never having to meditate on my identity beyond that, but queer as in everybody else




this may be the wrongest thing I’ve seen all day and the longer I look at it the angrier I get





People referring to Judaism as one of the “Big 3” religions is funny

a christianized atheist: i’m LOGICAL and i believe in SCIENCE so i hate all of the three BIGGEST religions, one of which is judaism, with its overwhelming numbers, 0.2% of  the whole world’s population, which I as a logical mathscience minded logic man know makes it SO big and enormous,

I wish christianized fedora atheists would just fucking keep away from anything other than Christianity whenever they criticize religion. Every single christianized atheist I’ve known I’ve ended up in arguments with because they literally fucking knew nothing about Islam and wanted to either prove I was dumb or irrational for believing in God and practicing my religion, or that God was straight up bad? (Astaghfurullah) I guess it’s easier to assume all Abrahamic religions are basically Christianity but dressed-up different than to actually do research and find you don’t hate every religion. Islamic Atheism and Jewish Atheism are hugely different from Christian Atheism, and from each other, and I find that Jewish and Muslim atheists tend to be far more relaxed about religion than the latter.

Besides, Hinduism, Buddhism and other polytheistic religions are way fucking bigger than Judaism, but those are never talked about cuz they’re considered primitive or incorrect. Ethnocentric headassery.

If one more fucking fedora atheist tries to go off to me about how my God is evil because of their self-obsession and lack of ability to look at another perspective, I’m throwing hands.








grown ass men are out here not eating fruit or vegetables or washing their face and having a list of things women must do to be attractive to them and thus gain their respect like grow the fuck up and eat a carrot literally no woman needs you

“No woman needs you” said the future cat lady lol

Newsflash. No man needs a bitch telling him to eat rabbit food and nagging him constantly.

I cannot wait to see feminism burn itself out.

u gonna die of scurvy in the name of antifeminism

The scurvy got him

I don’t get why ‘cat lady’ is an insult to women

My dude, you got this backward; welcome to the modern era, we have careers, money, we buy our own houses and cars, and we have easy access to a selection of vibrators our ancestresses could only dream of.  Companionship is great and everything, but as many of us discovered, it comes in many forms.

If a woman has a cat but you don’t see a guy, that’s usually because she did the math and overall, men scored lower than a furry animal that shits in a box and a Hitachi.


If a woman has a cat but you don’t see a guy, that’s usually because she did the math and overall, men scored lower than a furry animal that shits in a box and a Hitachi.


The things I have learned in Hebrew school:
1. This is the Alef-Bet in Hebrew. It is your people’s tongue. It is sweet on yours.
2. They want to kill you
3. This is what you say when they accuse you of killing their god
4. This is what you say when they accuse you of controlling the government
5. The Mishnah has six books, arranged by subject.
6. This is how to hide a kippah in public
7. There are two main commentaries on the Gemara on every Talmud page- Rashi and Tosafot
8. They killed your family
9. This is the prayer for the anniversary of a death
10. This is how to feel afraid
11. This is how to feel ashamed of being afraid
12. Do not read “children”, read “builders”
13. Your children will be afraid of building a life anywhere they cannot flee from at midnight
14. This is how to feel anger
15. This is how to choke
16. On it
17. It back
18. When you are dying
19. When they are killing you
20. Say the shema


kagayuzen:Kaga-Yuzen Kimono Tomoji Ueda


Kaga-Yuzen Kimono

Tomoji Ueda

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anniahma:Needles and glitter (2019)


Needles and glitter (2019)

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darkhei-noam:My last day at the @nli_israel archives… And what an incredibly beautiful and fascinati


My last day at the @nli_israel archives… And what an incredibly beautiful and fascinating image to end with! This is from a bilingual prayer book published in 1883, with Hebrew on one page and Maghrebi Judeo-Arabic translation on the other. The editor even translated the shiviti, a traditional form of Jewish meditative art, so that “I have placed the L!RD’s presence before me always” becomes “ja'alat Allah liqbalati da'iman.” What an amazing time in Jerusalem… Many new friends and some great finds. Next stop: Tel Aviv!

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me, to my housemates, one of whom is a thermal engineer: if someone had hypothermia, is the best way to warm them up ‘spoon them’, or ‘cuddle chest to chest’? I feel like it could be either – spooning is the classic warming position, and you warm up the colder part, but spoon the front and you insulate the skin with the largest temperature delta

housemates: [fervent, serious debate]

me, after a couple of minutes: to be clear, this is for a final fantasy 7 fanfiction scene where my character got really cold, the stakes aren’t high in getting this completely right.

housemate: does the hypothermia exist sheerly as an excuse for the cuddling?

me: that is the only reason hypothermia exists in fanfiction.

so i asked my mom’s boyfriend, who is a paramedic, and he recommended that for hypothermia, you cuddle chest-to-chest, BUT if you are digging in to survive a blizzard, spooning is preferable




It’s funny that we use skeletons as symbols of core human anatomy when our bones are just the scaffolding for something else.


a human without its suit or fuel system

autonomous spagetts

yesterdaysprint: Courtney Dunkel in the Boston Globe, Massachusetts, November 10, 1950


Courtney Dunkel in the Boston Globe, Massachusetts, November 10, 1950

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