#it makes me so happy


Me when I see the same user name in the comments of more than one of my fics.

Opening the Leo Valdez tag and imidiety getting hit by Valdangelo.

I am so proud of this community.



okay so i just finished the first thrawn book right? and like all of it is making me feel insane and i am sure someone has pointed this out already but do you wanna know what makes me feel extrainsane?

thrawn send eli away to protect him

like sure he also sends him away to help the chiss and so he could reach his full potential and bla bla but look - thrawn realizes very early that eli is a target as long as he’s with him

Screenshot of thrawn book one that reads: “You’re showing them up, and they resent you for it. And if they can’t take you down, they’ll go after the people they think helped make you who you are.” “People like you?” Eli let his gaze drift away. Yes, people like him. People who still had the lowly rank they’d graduated the Academy with while everyone else was energetically climbing the ladder. ALT

and then that is proven over and over again throughout the book until it finally accumulates in this - pryce outright threatening thrawn right after she showed how incredibly ruthless she is

Screenshot of thrawn book one that reads: But don’t lose track of the fact that you need me.” “In what way?” “To smooth out your future political bumps,” she said. “And trust me: There will be more bumps. You’re a successful admiral. That makes you a target for people who want to siphon off some of your power for themselves.” “People such as you?” She smiled again. ALT

and then the very next scene is thrawn and eli talking about that very conversation, it’s eli first acknowledging how dangerous pryce and the high command are and then confirming- even if he might not be fully aware himself - that he is loyal to thrawnnotto the empire

which, let me remind you, comes after yularen just pointed a blaster at thrawn and accused him of treason

and i think that moment of eli pledging his allegiance to thrawn is the first time thrawn realizes both the depth of which he cares for eli and that he will be eli’s downfall if he keeps him around

Screenshot of thrawn book one that reads: “Remember, too, that others have served the Empire well. I trust the Emperor will have enough honors to award to all.” “I wouldn’t hold my breath,” Vanto said. “Doesn’t matter. I’m quite content to be your aide, Admiral. It’s where I’m supposed to be.” “Perhaps,” Thrawn said. “Perhaps not.” ALT

which then leads to him sending eli away to the chiss and this fucking devastating journal entry:

Screenshot of thrawn book one that reads: A friend need not be kept either within sight or within reach. A friend must be allowed the freedom to find and follow his own path. If one is fortunate, those paths will for a time join. But if the paths separate, it is comforting to know that a friend still graces the universe with his skills, and his viewpoint, and his presence. For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone. ALT

like for a moment i was confused bc it happend so fast without a goodbye, plus he offered it to nightswan first and it kinda felt like eli was just an afterthought but no oh fuck no

like nightswan thrawn would have send to help keep the chiss safe, to utilize his abilities to help them fight whatever enemies are lurking in the dark, but eli, oh no, thrawn never planned on sending eli away in the first place, not until he realized it was the only way he could keep him safe

and yeah eli will obv also be beneficial to the chiss, like ofc he will, he’s smart as heck, but below all that is the simple fact that thrawn is doing all this empire shit to keep his people safe so even if the empire falls that is still the safest place for eli to be

and I’m just feeling very emo about that

@keldabaehello this is a brilliant addition why is it in the tags??

#I also firmly believe that Thrawn knows Eli isn’t built for high rank on an Imperial bridge crew #oh he learns tactics and leadership sure #he’s smart and keeps his head about him and he’s more politically savvy than Thrawn #but he won’t have the stomach for it #i think the Wookiees made him realize that #Eli was so deeply disturbed that a species had been enslaved and Thrawn couldn’t logic that away for him #he finally had to settle on the old ‘that’s how it is and we don’t make these decisions. #and Thrawn knows that won’t be the only ugly fact that comes to light #he knows the Emperor will do this and worse because they won the war by being ruthless #this is where it would have been kinder to leave Eli to his supply officer career #safe behind his numbers and his inventory lists #and since it’s too late for that Thrawn sends him where he’ll be the safest #and where he can thrive and do the most good #welcome to the thranto party friend! #the feels will be intensifying i promise

our system’s fictives are like, oh yeah, you know, someone from that popular piece of media, someone from a different popular piece of media, someone from a roleplaying account, and then there’s the whole herd of alters from that one piece of media -felix

for some reason I looked in the mirror and I’m just…. really romanticizing my face today. I’ve never romanticized my acne before, but I just… I love how I look. I have blemishes and red marks and my skin hasn’t been clear for 8 years, and I love my face. I’m so unique, and I’m interesting, and the textures and flaws and marks and discoloration are so beautiful to me. I just really love myself today.





I wanna see pictures of your lowest moment from 2013 go

I was in a Toy Story play.


And I loved it.


You’re an inspiration to us all

please explain how this was your lowest point





People horrifically fucking up facts about evolution and genetics too support their stupid beliefs or to seem smart and “rational” is probably one of my big pet peeves 

Yeah. An enormous number of racists, misogynists, homophobes and transphobes I’ve met eventually whip out something about evolutionary biology and they never, ever, ever, ever have the slightest shadow of even a half-right idea what any of it means or ever cite a claim ever actually made by a scientific study.

Here’s a quick handy reference list or anyone who isn’t sure:

  • Homosexuality does exist in almost all social species.
  • “Alpha males” are not a real phenomenon and in fact the most aggressive males tend to be the least reproductively successful.
  • “Survival of the fittest” simply means that the success of a species hinges on how well it “fits” its environment. It does not mean that stronger or smarter individuals are supposed to succeed. Those things can even be a detriment in nature by wasting too many resources.
  • “Race” is not a biological concept. Someone who looks different from you has the same human genes, just a different grab-bag of dominant traits.
  • Evolution is not a march towards higher complexity, more intelligence or even more adaptability. It’s just a fluctuation of characteristics dictated by environmental pressures and mutation. A slime mold isn’t “less evolved” than a hawk, just adapted for success under different parameters.
  • People didn’t evolve “from apes.” It’s more complicated than that. We are a category of ape, sharing a common ancestor with the other apes.
  • No human on Earth is “closer” to an evolutionary ancestor than any other. We all descended from the same one.
  • Neanderthals were also a “sibling” species of ours. We didn’t evolve from them.
  • Some of us did, however, cross-breed with Neandethal man. It is exclusively non-African races, such as white people, who still carry hybrid human/Neanderthal genes.Whoops, sorry “white purity” skinheads, you’re actually mixed with a whole other species.

Some more stuff!

  • Humans are actually more genetically homogeneous than most people suspect. This is possibly due to a population bottleneck at some point in our evolutionary past. Two chimpanzees from different sides of a jungle are likely more genetically different to each other than any two human beings in the world.
  • Our big brains may help us use tools, but what was really principal in their development was the need for empathy, communication, and cooperation.
  • Humans. Are. Social. So social it drove an incredibly energetically costly increase in our brain size.  Don’t believe anyone who says its our nature to fight “every man for themself.” We’re humans, not bears. We fight for each other.
  • And we always have. Fossil remains are found of ancient humans who bore signs of crucial mobility impairments that lived to notable ages. Some even have sticks or other mobility aids – community care and support is our way. We don’t cast off those with impairments, we stand by them.
  • Human sexual dimorphism is on a decreasing trend. Our ancestors had greater difference in canine size and overall size. Our dimorphism gap has gotten smaller.
  • Occam’s razor is the principal that whatever is the simplest explanation is probably the most likely one. Don’t believe someone who says the reason we evolved bipedalism is so that males could carry gifts to females to woo them. Yes, this is a real ‘theory’ on how bipedalism evolved.
  • Skin tone is an adaptation of UV levels vs vitamin D levels. Both come from the sun. UV is harmful, so where sun is plentiful populations develop a darker skin tone for more protection. The skin needs sun to create vitamin D, so where sun is scarce, the skin tone lightens to allow more sun in. This is literally all it is.
  • Final thing: No one’s mind is really equipped to fully understand how long a billion years is, or a million, or even tens of thousands of years. Evolution takes place over a loooong time. Its very, very, slow, slower than we can really comprehend. We can’t “stand in the way” of natural selection by caring for our ill. We don’t need to “help” evolution in any way. It inevitably happens, but not on any sort of timescale we could possibly affect, so don’t fall for anyone that tells you not to “stand in the way” of natural selection. That’s fascism, and its utterly pseudo-scientific.
  • Not to mention natural selection doesn’t have a “will” that you can stand in the way of. Its not an entity with wants, its a millions-year long process. And its impossible for our decisions to “stand in its way.” Our decisions to care for one another are what brought our species where it is, plain and simple.

Evolution is literally genetic mutations that sometimes help with propagating our own genome. It’s just luck. Sometimes the mutation is helpful to the organism. Sometimes harmful. Sometimes neutral. It’s just random shit happening and if it was helpful enough ( to reproduction ) it becomes a widespread trait.

everyone is absolutely welcome to use art I’ve posted as icons/headers!

All I ask is that you credit me/let me know so I can see it!

love how some of you see vernon and think of me immediately

why is the aew pride vid like. actually important to me tho. why is it so important to me having so many wrestlers in there why do i get so emotional abt it

I still can’t believe some of my favorite artists and authors follow my blog, reblog my shit, tag me on stuff and talk to me like we’ve been friends for years like ???? how and when did this happen????


can we as a society return to gifting books with personalized notes written on the inside of the covers? thanks


you are so fucking valid and you are my biggest source of motivation i  love you


Why do people stop commenting on fics if they’re more than a week or two old? Please comment on old fics. Tell me you like my one shot from 2014. Tell me you like my old multi-chap I finished in 2016 that I spent a year writing. I will be fucking thrilled.
