#queue can catch me in the next city







Aleksander Morozova x Sun Summoner!reader x Malyen Oretsev


WARNINGS: cussing, mentions of blood, nightmares

SERIES SUMMARY: You have lived isolated from the outside world in a forest for a large portion of your life. One day, a mistake you made causes you to end up with the Darkling wounded in your cottage. Time passes as you both become closer while you nurse him back to health. When it is time for him to return to the Little Palace, you go with him, which puts you on the track of a new part of your life.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: The chapters keep getting longer because I have no self-control and I want to give you guys more content.


You carried everything you were given to a table, then asked, “Is this all that you have?” 

“What do you mean?” Sturmhond chuckled as he watched you try to briskly examine the books he had given you. “Those are already more than thousands of pages of information that you most certainly did not have before.”

“For such an important city, you’d think Kribirsk would have a long section in this encyclopedia.” You looked perplexed.

“I do not control what is transcribed. I only help you locate them.”

“Where are the military documents, paintings, novels? I mean… this can’t just be it.” You skimmed through each hardcover’s pages and only came across what seemed to be secondhand accounts. “Sturmhond, how am I supposed to learn more details about what we’re fighting if it’s being told through a historian’s perspective?”

He went around you and weaved through the library’s bookshelves. “Fine. I can find some more things if you come back tomorrow,” he continued as you gazed over the pages, “but for now, you will just have to rely on your trip to Kribirsk for your ‘military documents, paintings, and novels'’”

You almost laughed at his mockery until you realized something. “How do you know that I’m going there?”

He paused for a moment, then said, “I didn’t. I just have a bel esprit.”


“I’m witty, Y/N.” 

You found his offence to your lack of knowledge of whatever he was speaking about to be humorous, and that already made you forget what you were originally talking about. “Well, I’ve got to go.” You began closing all the books that you were given while you asked, “You wouldn’t mind if I took these with me?” Your question was completely ignored by him and did not even receive a glance your way. “Oh, come on. Do I seem like someone to be so careless with sacred literature?”

He rolled his eyes at your exaggerated emphasis on ‘sacred’. “You really will not let me exist in peace. Take this one and this one only. And if the Apparat asks, you did not get it from me,” he said sternly. 

“Who? I-I mean, ‘yes.’” You joyfully nodded at his demands and were out of the library in a thrilled haste.

The palace was already preparing to rest along with those who lived inside of it, but you were patiently waiting for the man whose aura almost made you forget about your nightmares. As you waited patiently, you reread the letter Mal sent you. He started by saying he missed you and how bad the food was now that he had returned. He never talked about the Little Palace in his letter because, from what you saw and what you knew about him, he ran out of so much space reminiscing about the past. By the time he made it to the back of the paper, he likely ran out of space. The knots you felt in your stomach when you first read it were not as strong, but they came back every time you read the letter’s last paragraph.

Continuar lendo

“I’m witty, Y/N.”

very smooth recovery there sir

He rolled his eyes at your exaggerated emphasis on ‘sacred’. “You really will not let me exist in peace. Take this one and this one only. And if the Apparat asks, you did not get it from me,” he said sternly.

which reminds me!! where’s the slimy bastard?? he’s unusually quiet…

That long quiet ride made me realize how deep I buried the feeling of missing you.

shut up mal!!! don’t you dare ruin this relationship!! i will fight!! come at me!!

“Just… just please be more careful around powerful lonely people.” Genya did not elaborate on what she meant but instead wished you a good night with a smile that you noticed never even reached her cheeks.

genya is out here being a good friend and we’re just gonna completely ignore her, bless her soul

You had no recollection of falling asleep on your cushioned chair,

at least this one is cushioned, it’s an improvement and I’m accepting

“Don’t worry.” Your momentary giggle sounded like a well-tuned instrument, and its notes pleased his ears.

literally me giggling at the screen

Your mirroring in the water was beautiful, but it did not command the beating of his heart like a conductor. It did not pull at his heartstrings to make a song at his expense like you did so carelessly. Whether it was your flesh or your soul, you played him like a skilled musician. You never let him rest and it felt like his heartbeat was like a percussion being drummed into a crescendo.

this man is so in love, as he should be!! and also?? this is literally poetry?? like what the hell, is so good???

“So, it was someone,” he said. You nervously looked past him and at his horse as to not admit his inference was correct. His lips released a sigh before he muttered, “It’s Zoya.”

the man is perceptive!!! we love to see it

“Please,” you took his icy hands, “I’m sure she meant well. I needed to focus on training, anyway.” You frantically explored his face to see if he understood your request.

she meant well??? honey no. no she did not.

“I don’t want to be anyone else because that would mean that I wouldn’t know you. I know I won’t be alone tomorrow, so what should I be afraid of?”
“Come along. I said that I wasn’t leaving you alone.” He motioned toward the outside of the tent,

if i’m being honest this is a very nice change from when we arrived at the little palace and he literally disappeared

The tent was dark, and he was next to you, ready to sleep in a chair without a pillow or blanket.

i know it’s cute, but having back pain at 300 years old is not

“No one in Keramzin knew,” an unfamiliar voice said.

oh god what? what did they not know??

It was once stained with tears, but now, before the moon could even greet you again, it was touched by a man whose kisses felt like the last cries of a dying star.

that’s so pretty, that’s it that’s the comment, just beautiful writing

You place your attention on the hardcover of the book as you murmured, “You’re always worried about me so please let me do the same.”
“No. On the contrary, actually—” He was cut short by a soldier entering the room.

he was gonna tell her??? the growth!!! the evolution!!!

Your eyes fluttered open to just see who it was, and it was Aleksander. Resting on a chair much smaller than him right across from where you rested.

they really do love their chairs and I have to stop commenting on them

“The stag’s antlers will allow me to help you possess more control over your abilities. The sooner you master your light, the less perturbed I will be about your safety. If I acquire its antlers, then we can produce something that will help you have more discipline over your capabilities.”

he told her!!! he really did!! i’m very proud of this stupid man, i love him

He stopped fighting once he was struck by an arrow. He went falling then knocked you down, and you tasted the earth.

i know this man is immortal or something but like?? that’s a whole ass arrow inside of your body…

The forest might have been tired of you disturbing its tranquility because at some point you went tumbling down a slope you did not see.

this chapter is really not for them huh

response under cut

“I’m witty, Y/N.”

very smooth recovery there sir

He just thinks he’s so cool…

He rolled his eyes at your exaggerated emphasis on ‘sacred’. “You really will not let me exist in peace. Take this one and this one only. And if the Apparat asks, you did not get it from me,” he said sternly.

which reminds me!! where’s the slimy bastard?? he’s unusually quiet…

Honestly that man is like an annoying parasite, you dont see him but you know his weirdo self is there

That long quiet ride made me realize how deep I buried the feeling of missing you.

shut up mal!!! don’t you dare ruin this relationship!! i will fight!! come at me!!

NO MAL, BABY! KEEP GOING!! I love the chaos he brings. Puurrrr. B^D

“Just… just please be more careful around powerful lonely people.” Genya did not elaborate on what she meant but instead wished you a good night with a smile that you noticed never even reached her cheeks.

genya is out here being a good friend and we’re just gonna completely ignore her, bless her soul

Bless that baby’s heart she is trying her best. Was out here being a ride or die and the reader is just like “aannywwaaayssssssss,” she is me, i am her, y/n is me, i am she

You had no recollection of falling asleep on your cushioned chair,

at least this one is cushioned, it’s an improvement and I’m accepting

Baby steps, baby steps. Iet’s hope we upgrade to a recliner

“Don’t worry.” Your momentary giggle sounded like a well-tuned instrument, and its notes pleased his ears.

literally me giggling at the screen

HE’S. SO. WHIPPED! GOOOOODDDD! Man is out here simping over her voice

Your mirroring in the water was beautiful, but it did not command the beating of his heart like a conductor. It did not pull at his heartstrings to make a song at his expense like you did so carelessly. Whether it was your flesh or your soul, you played him like a skilled musician. You never let him rest and it felt like his heartbeat was like a percussion being drummed into a crescendo.

this man is so in love, as he should be!! and also?? this is literally poetry?? like what the hell, is so good???

Thank you so much dear!! And also eys! That man is literally like “YOUR REFLECTION ISNT AS HOT AS YOU ARE BABES!!!!”

“So, it was someone,” he said. You nervously looked past him and at his horse as to not admit his inference was correct. His lips released a sigh before he muttered, “It’s Zoya.”

the man is perceptive!!! we love to see it

As much as i hate him so much I wanna kiss him. That man is smart for a reason.

“Please,” you took his icy hands, “I’m sure she meant well. I needed to focus on training, anyway.” You frantically explored his face to see if he understood your request.

she meant well??? honey no. no she did not.

Listen, the reader is out here making excuses and she’s starting to sound to much like me. Zoya maybe an HBIC but reader she didn’t mean well!!

“I don’t want to be anyone else because that would mean that I wouldn’t know you. I know I won’t be alone tomorrow, so what should I be afraid of?”

“Come along. I said that I wasn’t leaving you alone.” He motioned toward the outside of the tent,

if i’m being honest this is a very nice change from when we arrived at the little palace and he literally disappeared

The fact that he waited for us, my knees, my kkneeesss

The tent was dark, and he was next to you, ready to sleep in a chair without a pillow or blanket.

i know it’s cute, but having back pain at 300 years old is not

It’s okay, he’ll get a palace chiropractor or whatevs. Let’s plan to hire… mal. the chaos in that would be so funny. the drama

“No one in Keramzin knew,” an unfamiliar voice said.

oh god what? what did they not know??

I’m not answering that question your honor

It was once stained with tears, but now, before the moon could even greet you again, it was touched by a man whose kisses felt like the last cries of a dying star.

that’s so pretty, that’s it that’s the comment, just beautiful writing

Thank you thank you honey! I luv ya.

You place your attention on the hardcover of the book as you murmured, “You’re always worried about me so please let me do the same.”

“No. On the contrary, actually—” He was cut short by a soldier entering the room.

he was gonna tell her??? the growth!!! the evolution!!!

You see that. That’s growth. That’s development. He’s so hot.

Your eyes fluttered open to just see who it was, and it was Aleksander. Resting on a chair much smaller than him right across from where you rested.

they really do love their chairs and I have to stop commenting on them

I’m thinking of doing a collab with IKEA. Golden Cages x IKEA chair line. I got some ideas that I’ll bring to the next meeting.

“The stag’s antlers will allow me to help you possess more control over your abilities. The sooner you master your light, the less perturbed I will be about your safety. If I acquire its antlers, then we can produce something that will help you have more discipline over your capabilities.”

he told her!!! he really did!! i’m very proud of this stupid man, i love him

He’s so cute for being so open. I hate him for being to sexy. Punish him. I wanna punish him for it.

He stopped fighting once he was struck by an arrow. He went falling then knocked you down, and you tasted the earth.

i know this man is immortal or something but like?? that’s a whole ass arrow inside of your body…

It’s giving that one scene in frozen where olaf walks into an icicle and is like “oh look, I’ve been impaled” that’s aleksander and that’s the tweet

The forest might have been tired of you disturbing its tranquility because at some point you went tumbling down a slope you did not see.

this chapter is really not for them huh

The way this chapter is the pits… like good lord. Everyone is getting bullied by life.




[mainly] Yandere!Steven Grant x Reader

word count: 6.9K

genre: 1950s AU!, suggestive themes, obsessive behavior, clingy steven

warnings: dieting, discussions of weight, mentions of stalking, religious imagery, obsessive behavior, toxic relationship, misogyny

summary: Upon being stood up for a date, Steven spends his evening watching you perform at the theater. After which he develops an unhealthy fascination that surpasses that of a normal fan.

author’s note: locked myself in a study room all day to finish this

Steven still recalls the first time he had ever seen you. It was naturally impossible for him not to. The circumstances were unfortunate, but the outcome was just as beautiful as you were. 

He had been stood up on a date to the theater. While the crowd spent their last few minutes in anticipation, he was frantically searching for any sign of his date. To his dismay, he didn’t have the type of money that few in London had where they could afford a ‘55 Mercedes-Benz at the drop of a hat, so he and his date chose to meet at the theater on Friday evening. Little did the man know it was Sunday, which meant that you would be singing.

He should have known that the date would have been a failure from the moment he arrived without a ticket. He left it on his morning paper. So Steven had to spend another $6 dollars to enter, which likely meant he would have to stretch trips to the coffee shop for the next week.

With all this in mind, when the lights went dim, he had no choice but to follow along with the crowd and sit perfectly still as the show began. 

And just like that, he was possessed. A curse was placed over him, rendering him entirely immobile as he watched the curtain to reveal the most beautiful face he was certain he would ever see in his lifetime.

Keep reading

no fr

SAVE SAVE SAVE! To my camera roll this goes


weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well:

  1. chipotle order?
  2. thoughts on veganism?
  3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
  4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
  5. favorite form of potato?
  6. do you use a watch?
  7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
  8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
  9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
  10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
  11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
  12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
  13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
  14. do you think you’re dehydrated?
  15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
  16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
  17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
  18. your boba/tea order?
  19. the veggie you dislike the most?
  20. favorite disney princess movie?
  21. a number that weirds you out?
  22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
  23. do you wear jewelry?
  24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
  25. would you say you have good taste in music?
  26. how’s your spice tolerance?
  27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
  28. last meal on earth?
  29. preferred pasta noodle?
  30. ask me anything !

leave an ask for the person you reblog it from!


reminder for those who are too slow to understand. i am a black woman, therefore every fic i write is for BLACK WOMEN. thank you.



, , || !||


: (Y/N) and Doctor Strange end up trapped in an incursion-stricken universe with no clue how they get back to stop the Scarlet Witch. While exploring, they meet a rather…familiar face.

/: None to be added.

:(Comment/Reblog/Use my inbox if you wish to be tagged!)@jimin-sii@ghost-lantern@dopeqff@dragonqueen89@weirdhorrorenthusiast@justsomecreaturewandering@fadedeuphoria@yuugenmomo@slut-for-matt-murdock@sonnensplitter@isasv@catherinewind05@thewestcoasts

ɑ/ɳ:It’s 2 am here and I just finished writing this - damn am I proud! Consider this my 700 followers gift for you guys, which I hit yesterday! All thanks to you, of course ♡ I’ll add the “read more” option later because I got no clue how to do it on mobile. Also, not proof-read! Enjoy~

A universe left behind with the remnants of an incursion works like the brain of someone near the brink of death - soft, haunted whispers linger around, forever stuck in a cycle, forced to repeat the same day where their voices were silenced.

Keep reading

Excellent writing! I really like the dynamic between 616 Strange and the reader because if I’m reading this correctly he’s still not quite sure of his feelings while sinister strange has his sight on the reader. Please let me know if I missed this being clarified in the story but does 616 Strange know sinister strange wants reader for a bargain and just goes along with it because he’s in denial of sinister strange actually taking reader or he is in denial that he actually cares if reader gets taken?

Anyway, awesome job!!!!!


good morning black women ☀️







That doctor strange cgi… lord each new movie and marvel still not learning

THIS I watched the first movie with a few friends over discord and it was way better(to me). It also irritates me when they cgi things they can do irl. Spider-Man’ new suits are not going to age well because of cgi

marvel will cgi an actor into a kitchen before they just find one… they’re going to be sick when all their shit looks horrible in 2025. It already looks questionable now.

Yeah the green screen at the beginning of Dr. Strange 2 really took me out of the movie a bit

IT WAS SO SO BAD! The colors, the lighting, THE WIGS. Anyway.

OMG they always do cumberpickle’s wigs terrible

It just needed a pluck and bleaching the knots





That doctor strange cgi… lord each new movie and marvel still not learning

THIS I watched the first movie with a few friends over discord and it was way better(to me). It also irritates me when they cgi things they can do irl. Spider-Man’ new suits are not going to age well because of cgi

marvel will cgi an actor into a kitchen before they just find one… they’re going to be sick when all their shit looks horrible in 2025. It already looks questionable now.

Yeah the green screen at the beginning of Dr. Strange 2 really took me out of the movie a bit

IT WAS SO SO BAD! The colors, the lighting, THE WIGS. Anyway.



That doctor strange cgi… lord each new movie and marvel still not learning

THIS I watched the first movie with a few friends over discord and it was way better(to me). It also irritates me when they cgi things they can do irl. Spider-Man’ new suits are not going to age well because of cgi

marvel will cgi an actor into a kitchen before they just find one… they’re going to be sick when all their shit looks horrible in 2025. It already looks questionable now.

aniqua: Aleksander Morozova x Sun Summoner!reader x Malyen OretsevWARNING(S): gore, blood, violence,



Aleksander Morozova x Sun Summoner!reader x Malyen Oretsev

WARNING(S):gore, blood, violence, angst, cussing, sexual content, one character from the books that has not yet been introduced in the show 

SERIES SUMMARY:You have lived isolated from the outside world in a forest for a large portion of your life. One day, a mistake you made causes you to end up with the Darkling wounded in your cottage. Time passes as you both become closer while you nurse him back to health. When it is time for him to return to the Little Palace, you go with him, which puts you on the track for a new part of your life.



AUTHOR’S NOTE: The only time that I do describe the reader is with hair and last name, but that is because it is integral to how the story progresses. Furthermore, I was planning on reading the book series but decided to wait until I finish this story. Thus, what I know about the Grishaverse is based on selective research.





Chapter I 

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V

Chapter VI 

Chapter VII

Chapter VIII

Chapter IX

Chapter X

Chapter XI

Chapter XII

Chapter XIII

Chapter XIV


Chapter XV

Chapter XVI 

Chapter XVII

Chapter XVIII 

Chapter XIX 

Chapter XX

Chapter XXI

Chapter XXII

Chapter XXIII

Chapter XXIV

Chapter XXV

Chapter XXVI

Chapter XXVII

endings and mendings 

Chapter XXVIII

Chapter XXIX 

Chapter XXX 


Post link




Steven Grant x Reader x Marc Spector

word count: 5.3K

genre: smut, angst, dark-ish themes, fluff, suggestive themes

warnings: smut, angst, mentions of stalking

summary: you, steven, and marc are forced to comfort all that you have kept from one another.

author’s note: I’m editing this one my lunch break. The dedication.



You were much too guilt-ridden to present your truth to Marc above all, but you couldn’t possibly lie to him. It wasn’t like the secret was kept by your own volition, yet the guilt that came with it was entirely the same. 

Just as you were quietly mustering up the courage to voice what would likely have him turn him against you completely, the sound of your father’s wooden cane made a tapping sound against the bright white linoleum of the hospital and brought him to the door that was left slightly ajar. He frantically came through the door, ushering in most of everything you were afraid of.

Your mind froze at the sight of him. The brewing anticipation caused a lapse in your cognitive processing. Fear played a hand in you, not remembering anything that led up to the first words that your father said, but you came to when you heard him ask once more.

Keep reading


I was flustered by the end of this fic! I loved every moment of this series omg!

Tysm for sharing your works. Its a joy to read them ☺

(Hope to see more MK fics!)

D(esperate)om!steven >>>>

I’m glad the smut was good! It’s always a bit of a challenge for me when it comes to smut so yay!!

Have a wonderful day and thanks for reading this whole series❤️❤️❤️❤️




Steven Grant x Reader x Marc Spector

word count: 2.9K

genre: angst, dark-ish themes, fluff, suggestive themes

warnings: angst, blood, jackal, possible death

summary:you and steven wait with held breaths for anyone’s help.

author’s note: I haven’t really been having a good day, but this chapter was a nice relief from the hell that was today and yesterday.


The stone of the pavement was as cold as your skin was. However, it could have never been as cold as the rain that started to fall. It came shy at first. You never noticed that the sky was crying until you were forced to stare at it with your back to the ground.

The shimmering pieces of glass that decorated your body like rhinestones made a home all over your weak, supple flesh. You looked pretty enough to be buried in, but your body wasn’t cold enough to mourn yet.

The rain picked up so quickly.

Keep reading

I genuinly though i’d bleed out. I love love loved this chapter!! And the introduction of Jake was amazing too!

Ngl, if I was really sick, I would have just ended it right here. But I have morals (kinda) so I kept reader alive. And yes, Jake



Malyen Oretsev x Reader

word count: 1.0K

genre: angst, a drop of fluff

summary: You struggle to believe that someone like Mal could love you so you make an effort to not get your expectations high.

author’s note: My plan for a Mal drabble was originally much brighter, but I had a really rough day so my frustration bled into this little thing. Also, the mal fanfics may be less popular but I don’t mind. I’m here to give the girlies what they want, heehee.

“Tell them I said ‘happy birthday’ too,” Mal said as he passed you the wrapped gift with dry hands and knuckles adorned with dried blood. Despite his exhaustion, he was still capable of carrying a smile that appeared more genuine than anything you had ever been gifted in your entire life.

What did love feel like? That was a difficult question to answer when you were much too frightened to admit if you had ever felt it recently. Your younger self would have said it felt like fireworks, but now you actively chose to consider it as the stuff of fantasies. Or, it was a privilege that only the few could indulge in, but that personal admission was much too personal.

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