#dr strange and the multiverse of madness




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: (Y/N) and Doctor Strange end up trapped in an incursion-stricken universe with no clue how they get back to stop the Scarlet Witch. While exploring, they meet a rather…familiar face.

/: None to be added.

:(Comment/Reblog/Use my inbox if you wish to be tagged!)@jimin-sii@ghost-lantern@dopeqff@dragonqueen89@weirdhorrorenthusiast@justsomecreaturewandering@fadedeuphoria@yuugenmomo@slut-for-matt-murdock@sonnensplitter@isasv@catherinewind05@thewestcoasts

ɑ/ɳ:It’s 2 am here and I just finished writing this - damn am I proud! Consider this my 700 followers gift for you guys, which I hit yesterday! All thanks to you, of course ♡ I’ll add the “read more” option later because I got no clue how to do it on mobile. Also, not proof-read! Enjoy~

A universe left behind with the remnants of an incursion works like the brain of someone near the brink of death - soft, haunted whispers linger around, forever stuck in a cycle, forced to repeat the same day where their voices were silenced.

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Excellent writing! I really like the dynamic between 616 Strange and the reader because if I’m reading this correctly he’s still not quite sure of his feelings while sinister strange has his sight on the reader. Please let me know if I missed this being clarified in the story but does 616 Strange know sinister strange wants reader for a bargain and just goes along with it because he’s in denial of sinister strange actually taking reader or he is in denial that he actually cares if reader gets taken?

Anyway, awesome job!!!!!

petite-madame: You hypocrite! (Stephen Strange) - (2022)I’m not giving you any context for this art


You hypocrite! (Stephen Strange) - (2022)

I’m not giving you any contextfor this art as some of you haven’t watched the movie yet…even if I’m sure that you didn’t miss this very frightening iteration of Dr. Strange that first appeared in the trailer two months ago. Enjoy ♥

Post link

Finally got a chance to see Dr Strange in The Multiverse of Madness and had so much fun! After two years away, trips to the cinema still feel like such a luxurious treat at the moment. To celebrate I just had to paint the master of the mystic arts himself.

Painted on procreate using mixed media. Mostly oil paints and charcoal.

You hypocrite! (Stephen Strange) - (2022)I’m not giving you any context for this art as some of you

You hypocrite! (Stephen Strange) - (2022)

I’m not giving you any contextfor this art as some of you haven’t watched the movie yet…even if I’m sure that you didn’t miss this very frightening iteration of Dr. Strange that first appeared in the trailer two months ago. Enjoy ♥

Post link




okay but why were wong and strange using the word witch in a derogatory way like y’all both do magic?? y’all are the same thing??

A Sorcerer takes more of an…academic, almost scientific, view of magic. They see Magic as the ability to harness and control energies for a variety of effects utilizing their own training and Force of Will to effect change on Reality Itself.

A Witch practices a connection to Greater-ness - perhaps a deity or even Nature itself - or like in Wanda’s case, the darkhold.

My best guess is, the sorcerers don’t agree with her kind of magic? Which is rich because in at least two of the known multiverses Dr Steven strange used the darkhold himself, technically making him a wizard.

See I still kind of don’t get it because Stephen and most of the wizards get their powers from and are connected to other sources as well? Wanda might get her chaos magic from Chthon but Stephen also gets his magic from other divine beings. Wanda was just using the darkhold as a spell book like the other wizards were trying to use the book of Vishanti?

Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness: Spoiler Review and a Thor Love and Thunder Theory

Saw Dr. strange and the Multiverse of Madness. I thought it was pretty good. Maybe it was eight years of rooting for Regina on Once Upon a Time but I liked Wanda as a villain and still wanted to see her happy. It needed a few more scenes explaining how she got from Westview to being corrupted by the Darkhold, but it wasn’t jarring. And yes we got cameos from Mr. Fantastic and Captain Carter and Professor X, and Captain Marvel and that black bolt guy, (never saw that show) but they were so short that it felt like a tease. A good tease. But still a tease. But the suspense after the Illuminati got killed off was good. And I liked Dr. Strange’s character arc. He had to travel the multiverse to realize that no matter how much he loved Christine, they just weren’t meant to be. You don’t see that kind of message in movies often. Plus the overall story pacing and the payoff with zombie strange was very well done. And yes it is a very Sam Ramni movie, but it’s not super scary like they were building it up to be. Might be scary to little kids. Kinda like his Spider-Man movies. Few jump scares but mostly cheesy fun quips.

Now onto Thor 4. Matpat on Film Theory speculated that the song in the trailer “sweet child of mine” might be giving away the plot like the song in Thor Ragnorak did, but he was bringing up comic book lore. While I have to wonder. What if the big twist in Love and Thunder is that Thor and Jane have a kid? Apparently Thor does have a daughter in the comics. And Jane could have had her after they broke up and after meeting Odin probably didn’t want him involved in her child’s life. Thus she never tells Thor. But after getting diagnosed with cancer, she goes to New Asgard to find Thor only surprise! Mjolnir decides she’s worthy and she’s healed . But only in the armor. So her goal in the movie is to figure out how to make the cure permanent. And when she can’t, she introduces Thor to their kid. And now suddenly Thor has something worth fighting for against Gorr the Godbutcher. And when he has to say goodbye to Jane because of the cancer, Thor is left to raise their child. Thus officially retired from hero work. And when his kid is older, they join the Young Avengers since she’s technically a Demi god. I just think this would be a nice albeit bittersweet way to end Thor’s story. While still leaving the door open for his return in future avengers movies.

And now we return this blog to simping over Moon Knight. Cheers.

Sigh…he’s so pretty…


Shout out to that one Asian looking dude Stephen was sitting next to at Christine’s wedding, nervously smoothing back his hair as Stephen approached…

And then having to awkwardly shift over when that other doctor guy sat down…

-In Every Multiverse I Will Always Be Yours-

Request - I know this is very weird but could I request a fic where captain Carter gets sucked into a different multiverse. In her multiverse, Y/n died due to the war but in Y/n’s reality, Peggy Carter died due to old age (because Y/n is an immortal being). Y/n is like Diana, whos a god that became an avenger and after that phase in her life started freshafter bringing back her friends.

A/n - It’s my very first time writing for Captain Carter but I hope you enjoy it. If you do then please like or even better reblog (It helps a lot). Also angst so… AND PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL MOM FOR ME!! I HAVEN’T WATCHED IT YET!! DO NOT STEAL MY BOARD!! I MADE IT MYSELF SO NO STEALING!!

Tags - @dj-bynum3718​ @ginger12202@sarahp-stan@multifandomfix@hehehehannahthings@evilcr0ne@nyx-aira@satxnsupreme@peggycarter-steverogers@xxromanoffxx@billiedeanspearls

TAG LIST:Prompt List :Guidelines/Who I write for :Peggy Carter mastelist

The Year of 2016 (Civil War)

“Till death do us part, my love” You spoke, hand resting on the casket of the woman, whom you loved since childhood. It was the end of the ceremony before the burial.

You wanted a proper goodbye before she was carried away and put into the earth, on which she once walked. Tears stained the cheeks she caressed and kissed, your lips leaving a final goodbye on the wood that separated you both.

“Till death do us part” You finished, heart-shattering as you watch past shield agents carry her casket away.

Steve’s arms wrapped around you and pull you into a bear brother hug, a hug you would forever love him for. His chest swallowed your sobs as he too tried his best to hide his great sadness.


The Year Of 1945

“Y/n!” Peggy called, hoping you wouldn’t be one of the bodies found under the mess of dead soldiers. “Captain!” Bucky yelled out to her, his face saying it all.

“No, no-” An ugly sob fell from her lips, her shield falling from her grip as she shutters towards your lifeless and badly beaten body. Her tears fall like rain, her hold onto your unalive body growing with every inch of her heart.

The whole team stood around her, with their sadness being felt by every living thing there.

“AHHHHHHH!” Peggy shrieks, her screams being heard from miles away, Steve’s skinny hand resting on her shoulder.


“Carter! Come on! You’re going to miss the show” Howard hollers, throwing his goggles on with a childless grin on his face. “I’m supposed to be on patrol” The Burnett reminds the man child.

“Would you rather be ‘patrolling’ or watching the biggest breakthrough of the century?” He smiles, his grin causing Peggy to roll her eyes.

“Alright but only a tiny bit” Peggy gives in, her hands on her hips as she watches Howard click, and press the buttons.

“That’s the spirit!” He yells, trying to get the big rounded machine to work.

Howard rubs his hands together as he hovers closer to a lever, a massive animated grin dancing on his lips with a dash of crazy in his eyes. “This is going to be good!” He pulls the lever with a smile but falls disappointed when the machine stops creating noise and shuts down.

“WHAT!?” The dark-haired man shouts, his face getting redder by the second. “It’s alright. There is always next time” Peggy pats him on the shoulder.

“YOU PIECE OF JUNK!!” He kicks the large machine before storming out of his lab.

Peggy couldn’t contain her fit of laughter once she caught sight of his red baby face. “H-Ho-BAHAHA!! I-YOUR FACE!!” The full-grown woman collapsed to her knees, her face growing redder as every giggle she produced fell from her lips.

Light overshadowed her as the sound of the machine starting up again caught her attention, causing her laughter to fall silent. The English lady turned her head around as the machine created a portal behind her. Her expression showed worry.

“HOWARD!!” Peggy shouts, her feet finding a way up before feeling them elevate from the lab floor before letting out a final yelp and losing sight of the old fashion laboratory.

“BLOODY HELL!!” The British captain curses, her words echoing in an atmosphere of black with colours carrying her somewhere.

“IF I DIE HOWARD I WILL HAUNT YOU FOREVER!!” She screams, landing in a different lab. A modern lab.

Dusty and broken equipment welcomed the British supersoldier. Peggy looked around her new abanded environment while inhaling dust particles, causing her to cough.

“What the-” Her words fell short when she felt glass shatter under her foot. Backing her foot off she picked an old picture up and dusted it off before taking a good look at the familiar face.

“Y/n?” Peggy tilted her head, her eyes speaking for themselves as she takes in the people you were with. A young redhead had her arm around your waist while causing you to laugh when everyone else was standing there being serious for the team photo.

You couldn’t help but laugh at the new recruit’s dry joke so, of course, you ruined the team photo. Your smile lines showing with your loveable laughter flowing through Peggy’s mind as she remembers the times she made you laugh and holler.

She smiled and dismissed the red misty finger woman as all she saw was you in your Amazonian battle armour. Amour? What? You looked more like a god than the SSR agent she met many years before the war. This can’t be right, can it?

This is weird Peggy thought to herself. She looks at the back to read “To the girl in armour (2015) - WM”. 2015!! HOW YOU’RE DEAD!?

Peggy began to look around, rummaging through whatever her hands could find with your face on it, newspapers, old pictures, books, etc. Then she pauses. “Margaret Elizabeth Carter passed away in her sleep?” Peggy’s jaw drops.

Her eyes then come across a new article. “Is captain America really trying to look after Peggy’s girl or does he plan on stealing the poor widowed wife?” Carter read with a curious tone, her jaw clenching at the stupid words.

“Captain America? Really? Steve isn’t Captain America, he’s just Steve” She spoke to herself, scrunching and tossing the worthless piece of paper in the bin.

“Where are you, my love?”


You sat at your desk reading and indulging in ancient greek history with books scattered all over your desk with loose papers here and there. You loved how the mortals wrote the gods, especially Athena or who you really knew as Thena. She was a dear friend of yours whose actions were written perfectly but her physical features were kinda wack.

You laugh at how annoyed she was to read that her hair was brown. She was annoyed while you were amused by her reaction. The books written about you, 'the goddess created by the female deities (Including Thena)’ were written almost perfectly beside the parts where you slept with Thor.

You couldn’t stand his ego let alone his presence. Your reaction to this made you laugh and almost throw hands with Thena when she read the ancient text to you and didn’t stop teasing you about it.

“A bit of little readying are we?” Maria’s voice enters your office, her smile playing on her lips.

“Aren’t you supposed to knock before making your presence known?” You annoyingly remind the young brunette.

“Nah… Anyways what you doing?” She throws herself on top of your desk, legs crossed with her usual 'I’m bored’ smile.

“I’m not going to entertain you if that is what you are after,” You say, eyes falling back to your book. “Oh and get your behind off my papers and books, please,” You ask, eyes giving no mind to your friend who shifts a few of your things over so she could sit on your desk.

You make an annoying huffing sound before sucking on your teeth with an unamused look in your eyes. “What is it I can do for you today, Miss Hill?” You ask, placing your book down and throwing her a tight smile.

“Oh finally. I thought you were going to ignore me but anyways… Do you remember the old lab you set up once you began operating with the avengers?” Maria asks, her eyes telling you something is up.

“Yes, why do you as?”

“The system you put in place picked up human life last night and I might have taken a peek at the cameras. You wouldn’t believe what I found” Your annoying friend says, pulling out a computer from her bag and placing it in her lap so you could the camera feed.

“Hmm” You hum, moving your chair closer to the screen facing you. “Who is that?” You ask, your nose scrunching up as you look up at Maria who matches your facial expression.

“No idea but she looks almost like-”

“Peggy” You finish her sentence.

“I was gonna say a female version of Cap but hey your guess is usually better than mine” She shrugged, closing the computer causing you to blink a bit at the sudden closing of the device.

You sat there stunned and kinda scared. What if she is seen by the public? What if she gets herself hurt or even worst killed?

“She’ll come to me I know it but Peggy would need a bit of guidance” You mutter, pushing Maria off your desk and grabbing your own laptop out.

“BROOKE!” You call for your assistant. “Yes, Ms Carter?” The tall blonde rushes into your office. “Did you finish sending out the invites for the historian fundraiser?” You ask, eyes glued to your screen as you type away.

“Of course I did. I sent them out right after closing early last week. I also finished up placing orders for the food and decorations that you picked, they will be arriving tomorrow for the event” She spoke, her eyes wandering and taking in the 'organised’ mess in your office.

“Good girl. I need you to assist Miss Hill to the exit and I’ll take a long read at the 'safety guide’. Don’t forget that if she has not placed an appointment she can’t come into my office” You remind the young blonde as Maria gives you 'a look’.

“What? Did you call?”

“No… But-”

“So you now leave with a tiny reminder to call or book an appointment” You grin, waving her goodbye as she gives you 'the evils’.

“Where are you, Captain?”


Peggy was walking freely throughout New York with a few people staring at her as if they are looking at a ghost. Some people even began taking photos and videos of the lost Captain.

“Is that Peggy Carter?” One woman whispers, pointing at her.

A little girl stops Peggy in her tracks. “Are you real?” She asks, with a lolly pop in her mouth. “I’m as real as the cavities you’re going to get if you continue eating that sugar on a stick” She spoke like a true parent.

“Mmm” The little girl mumbles, throwing the candy in the bin. “At a girl” Peggy smiles, holding up a thumb with a giggle following.

“Carter! Carter! Can you tell us how you came back from the dead but most importantly when did you become the new Captain America without falcon knowing about it?” A young female reporter asks her, a mic in her face with a Camera man filming.

“Ma'am this is the British flag and I’m not American. I’m Captain Carter, not Captain America” She states, poking the mic and camera.

“Uh haha, right. Trying to give the United kingdom some credit, are we?” She forces a laugh, a fake smile plastered on her face.

“I think you mean is the symbol of new leadership for women and all women alike, while representing the crown and what it stands for,” She says, looking the woman dead in the eyes.

“Umm yes of course! But how did you crawl your way out of the grave with youth written all over you?” The redhead asks, pushing the mic closer to the poor newbie.

“I was never in the grave, to begin with?” Peggy sounded as if she was questioning more than she was saying.

The reporter began to laugh. “You Peggy Carter were never known by your humour but you are very very funny,” She said through tears.

“Umm thank you? May ask whose Falcon?”

“I am and by the way, it’s Captain America. How many people have to get that wrong?” Sam lands behind the lost and curious Captain, with a bit of sass dripping through his speech.

“OH MY GOD, IT’S THE FALCON! QUICK JHON GET A CLOSE-UP!!” The woman spoke, excitement spreading across her face.

“Come on, Peg I have someone waiting for you. She isn’t in a very patient mood” Your dear friend holds out his hand for her to take.

Peggy just stares at him. She remembers him from the photo she found but he isn’t Captain America from the newspapers. Did Steve retire? Or is he dead?

Peggy took his hand but instantly regrets it when he uses his wings to take off. “Give a lady a heads up first, CAP!” Peggy crocks, with a bit of laugh creeping through her smile.

“I thought the wings were enough of warning. Anyways I gotta get to a certain woman fast enough or she won’t be happy with me” The middle-aged man spoke with a smile.


Clearly, Sam Wilson wasn’t fast enough after all it’s the night of the event and you’re pacing back and forth in your clean modern office with guests showing up real soon. Bucky nurses his drink, watching you with Maria beside him.

“This is the very first fundraiser after bringing back the others and losing Natasha and Tony. I can’t believe that this is how it all fails” You mutter, a glass of wine in hand.

“This is going to be live and Wanda isn’t even HERE!! She hasn’t answered my calls or my letters!! Last time I heard she was in slaving a whole town? Wha-what?” You look at the stunned pair, throwing back your drink.

“I think someone needs to stop drinking” Maria comes up to you and take your glass from you.

A gentle knock at the door causes you to whip your head around so fast you swear you could hear the death violins play. “Oh that boy is going to get a good beating,” You say, your eyes glued to the door while Bucky cracks it open a bit.

“Bucky?” A familiar accent crawls from the door. You push Bucky out of the way. Your eyes widen at the woman in front of you in a British version of the Captain America suit.

You knew she wasn’t 'your’ Peggy Carter but you felt your heart swell as you gaze into the familiar pair of eyes looking right at you with the same expression.

Peggy’s mouth fell open. There you stood in a Scarlett red silk, hugging, long, and cleavage showing dress. You haven’t aged a day, your eyes sparkling with knowledge and adventure. You might have not aged or grown physically but it’s all in the eyes, the very eyes that still send butterflies in her stomach.

You’re hers even if you are a different version of the Y/n Carter she mourns for and still clings to. Sam motions Peggy inside as he gets the others out of your large office.

“Captain… You’re not in the right realty, are you?” You blurt out, eyes laying heavily on the book, dr Strange gave you so you could practise magic to pass the time.

“What?” The familiar love of your life stares at you with hurt in her eyes, catching Peggy off guard.

“Look at what you wear, Captain. My Peggy wasn’t given the serum, in fact, it was Steve Rogers or known as Captain America who was given such a gift” You spoke with memories flowing in like an unwanted river while fiddling with your ring.

Before you knew it, you were allowing gentle tiny sniffles out with a tear falling down your cheek. “Hey, don’t cry” A gentle voice spoke to you, with a warm loving hand wiping away your runaway tear.

“Don’t!” You almost shout, waving her hand away as if you need to. “Please don’t. You’re not mine… So please stop acting as if you are” You swallow thickly.

You turn your back from her to breathe and collect yourself. “I-I made a call to a friend who can return you back to your multiverse but it will take a while. He’s a bit busy at the given moment, something about snow indoors or something like that” You finish, feeling arms wrap themselves around you with a wet face meeting your once dry neck.

Peggy wept inside the crock of your neck, her grip on you growing with a need for you in her life. “Captain-”

“Stop calling me that… It’s Peggy, Peg, my love, my dear, darling, honey or if you’re mad at me it will be-”

“Margaret Elizabeth Carter” You pulled the last of her words out her mouth with a sigh. “I’m not yours and you are not mine. I bet the other version of myself is waiting for you” You blink a few tears away.

“But you’re not… you’re gone in my world” Her words caused your eyes to widen.

She continued to sob as you turn around and hold her in your arms while falling to the ground. “Shhh… It’s okay” You soothe the aching woman in your arms. You understood her pain more than anyone else.

“There, there, my dear. I’ve got you. See I’m not going anywhere not from a long shot” Your voice caressed the ears of the English flower while your touch gave her stormy heart clear skies.

For a while, all you did was hush and kiss the top of her head. You didn’t want to let her go no matter how much her world needed her or how much more yours needed 'the Amazonian Deity’.

You move a loose strain of hair behind your quiet lover’s ear and greeted her finding eyes with a gentle smile. Peggy mirrored your smile before inching closer to the lips of the woman whom she loves.

“No, Peggy. As much as I want to kiss you I can’t. I won’t be able to let you go if I do” You whisper, eyes reflecting your shattering heart.

“I love you in every universe.”

When will I find a guy to say that to me?!?!?

Wanda prints are fixed up and on my Etsy shop! She’s so shiny ✨

“Then it won’t be Wanda that comes for her, it will be the Scarlet Witch” ❤️

Her powers, background, eyes and tears will all be in red foil!

This just in, not only is the complete season of WandaVision required pre-viewing for Multiverse of Madness….

You may want to re-visit Capt. Carter from “What If” as well. Everything is on the table… the film is total Madness!!!

Honestly, what is it? The cool cloak of darkness? The cursed demoni shiva arms display? The scars? The missing cheek a-la captain Daimio?? Strange, why are you hotter dead than alive?

Why is zombie Strange the hotter Strange? WHY?



pairing: dr strange x female!reader

wc; 1.3K

warnings; angst </3

synopsis: everything he’s wanted at his fingertips…

a/n: first time writing for the doctor! so I hope it’s good <3

Masterlist|Taglist|Prompt list

Something had gone wrong.

Terribly, terribly wrong.

He wasn’t quite sure what had gone wrong, just that something had. He could sense it, traveling from his fingertips all the way to his heart. One minute he had been casting his spell, and the next, he felt a shift, and now he was here.

Stephen brushes his hand on his shirt, glancing around the busy street and trying to place a familiar sight. This was still New York, the same Empire State in the distance. But he knew better, there was a hint of something in the air, and Stephen knew to always trust his instincts. He thinks through his options and concludes that the best one is to find the sanctum. If he’s right, he assumes he was in another universe and that they probably had their own Dr. Strange. He always did want to meet another version of himself. The question was, would they be best friends or enemies?

He walks down the familiar streets, noting that the names are consistent and nothing looks out of place. Which was a little odd given he had yet to find out what made this world different from his. Yet, that idea was quickly negated when he stepped foot in front of his home.

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