#queue the last goodbye



so guess who keeps forgetting she has a tumblr blog


(you can find me @missgamgee on goodreads,instagram&twitterthese days)

silmarien:            W O L V E S silmarien:            W O L V E S


            W O L V E S

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nightlock:Yo ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars; never shall wenightlock:Yo ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars; never shall wenightlock:Yo ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars; never shall we


Yo ho, haul together, hoist the colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars; never shall we die.

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ithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Selivithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Selivithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Selivithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Selivithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Selivithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Selivithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Selivithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Selivithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Selivithelpstodream: ‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Seliv


‘Little Kids and Their Big Dogs’ is a heartwarming photography project by Andy Seliverstoff that focuses on the unbreakable bond between little children and their supersized dogs.


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rellygc: “I don’t care if he’s a bastard; Ned Stark’s blood runs through his veins. He’s my king,


“I don’t care if he’s a bastard; Ned Stark’s blood runs through his veins. He’s my king, from this day until his last day.“

The King in the North - Illustration by Relly Coquia

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Anyone who believes “Animals tell no lies,” has not lived with a cat who wants to convince you that he hasn’t already eaten dinner.


person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-”

