#queue you

stiiming:Fur is really stimmy for me Special thanks to my cat for staying still (No kink/nsfw interastiiming:Fur is really stimmy for me Special thanks to my cat for staying still (No kink/nsfw interastiiming:Fur is really stimmy for me Special thanks to my cat for staying still (No kink/nsfw interastiiming:Fur is really stimmy for me Special thanks to my cat for staying still (No kink/nsfw intera


Fur is really stimmy for me
Special thanks to my cat for staying still (No kink/nsfw interaction please!!)

Post link



[ID: Artwork of Enjolras from Les Miserables, sitting on the ground with his back to the viewer. He is a white man with shoulder-length blonde hair, wearing a white shirt, a reddish vest, brown pants, and a tricolor sash. He is holding up a tricolor cockade as five white doves fly around him, shedding a few feathers. End ID.]

indigodreams: Paintings on Apple Snail Shells by Lisa Orlans


Paintings on Apple Snail Shells by Lisa Orlans

Post link










So I was taught a lesson in how to get rid of a migraine in 30 seconds and omfg listen my migraines don’t go away ever but I was shown what part of my body to touch and like???????????????

It’s witchcraft????????? Like I would be burned at the stake if I lived in ye olde days knowing that information?????

What the fuck??????

Spill it! Lol….Hooooowwwww?? Had migraines since age 9….

Its called the T4 push, but I literally can’t find the info online????? I guess I’m not searching good enough? These medical fuckers are holdin out on us lol.

It’s best to have someone do this for you while you stand up and relax your muscles as best you can, but if you’re alone, a tennis ball and a flat surface will probably work. Alternatively you can lie on the edge of a bed at the pressure point. (But no really do try to find someone to do it for you)

Find the area in your spine between either the first, second, third, or fourth vertebrae. It should be sore and uncomfortable to press down on, so look for the one that’s most painful, and press down with as much pressure as you can on that area for 30 seconds.

Realize that 80% of your pain has magically disappeared and keep the info secret if you live in a small puritan town, lest you be tried for witchcraft.

If you don’t have to worry about being burned or hanged, then share the info with your migraine suffering friends.

As someone who wrote a 10k word paper on pressure points for a high belt ranking test in her martial arts class, I can tell you that you just found a pressure point used in acupressure and acupuncture to relieve pain, particularly that in the head. :)

Hand to god we discovered this by accident when my husband was rubbing my neck and I nearly collapsed it felt so good

This post was sent by literal angels??? I’ve had a persistent low-level headache for nearly 24hrs and now it’s gone??? In 30 seconds? What gods did you sacrifice to for this information!?!?

As a medical massage therapist, I thought I would give my two cents.

This is good for tension migranes and normal migraines, but actually pretty useless for sinus migraines. It’ll help for a hot second, but quickly come back. (These are usually the migraines behind your eyes, in your ears, and behind your forehead. Sometimes it can feel like jaw pain or TMJ) for sinus migraines, behind the ear in a divot. Press down firmly and pull towards your collarbone. That’ll drain your sinuses. Also, pressing around the eye socket on the cheekbones help. There is also a little triangle up away from the eye in the eyebrow bone. Press and hold pretty hard and that’ll relieve that behind the forehead pain. Also, ear pulling is great to help move sinuses around.

Don’t forget the temples too! Press firmly and hold. Open and close your jaw while holding your temples. It’ll feel weird, but it’ll help with jaw pain. It’ll work a similar way if you hold the jaw joint under your cheekbone.

And never underestimate the power of a foot massage!! Give minutes can be all the difference!! Our feet are our base. If they hurt even a little, somewhere else in your body will hurt. Treat your feet and sinuses kindly!

As a lifelong sufferer from frequent migraines I will reblog this everytime I see it, for myself and my fellow sufferers!!

As someone who suffers from migraines and TMJ this is actually really helpful information to know!

Thank you for this!


So if you’re not watching You Me Heryou’re missing out y’all





hello beloveds ☺️

made an alternate version for the mutuals ive never spoken to

You are appreciated


ao3 is down right now, and people are flocking to the down detector website to post about their woes and its fucking amazing.  It’s like an unhinged groupchat of the loss and despair of thousands of people who suddenly lost access to their sweet sweet 3am seratonin.

this is unironically the most entertaining thing I’ve been a part of since the area 51 raid.


Today/Tomorrow is a cyber attack event day called “Pridefall” which will be occurring on ALL social media platforms.

 People will try to send friend requests, there will be IP grabbers, hackers, and doxxers. 

During this time, do not accept any friend requests or DMs from people you don’t know. 

Please stay safe. 





Do your part - use literally anything other than Google Chrome

Reminder that switching to Firefox is incredibly easy and takes just a few minutes, you WILL be able to copy over all your cookies, browsing history, logins etc, as well as change the look/layout so it feels like what you’re used to.








The pastor: “For GOD So Loved Mankind That He Gave His His One And Only Son”

Me, 11, sitting on my hands in the back pew: Okay but like. He’s God. He could’ve made more

Me,11, pretty much certain I’m going to Heck: But how do they know the whole world flooded if they didn’t know about Canada yet. Canada could’ve been fine

Me age 11, totally lost: why didn’t god just kill Adam and Eve and start over???? Like the sims.

Also: sacrificing your son was a dick move when Abraham tried to do it, and it’s a dick move when God says he did it.

Younger Me, at Christians who say they’re god’s children despite that god only having one child: So, like, you’re all adopted? Or ignored? Or illegitimate? Is- is that how it works?

me, raised in a christian household: so, you’re God’s kid, but he’s also your husband when you’re an adult? uh,,,

That’s… that’s even worse.

So is it like being a pet? Someone mentioned that, like how we’ll call our cats our children jokingly because they’re not kids they’re pets, but they’re beloved family members and we’ll love them even though they live a fourth of our lifespans? I mean, it explains the health issues.

Also, aren’t you supposed to eat a little Jesus every day? Is that how you get Jesus inside?


Say you break your ankle. You could know everything there is to know intellectually about the injury. Even with this vast knowledge, you will still experience physical pain.

Now take this logic and apply it to thingslike ADHD, autism, clinical depression, and other less visible/divergent disabilities. You cannot think your way out of feeling.

That is to say: you are not a bad, lazy, or selfish person for struggling, even if you know why you are struggling.



Art thief Jeff Dieschburgplagiarised the work of Jingna Zhang and presented it as his own version of Turandot. Even winning prize money for it.

When confronted, he claimed he was “inspired” by her work even though it’s obviously just her work but flipped and recoloured.

In other news, Jingna is not the only artist he has chosen to steal from.

you know, there doesn’t have to be a winning trial case or anything – most humans understand what this is and if Jeff Dieschburg (or Jeff Dies Chzburger if you need a way to remember) just becomes well known in the world for doing this he won’t be able to do this anymore.

That’s why i think it’s great that, like, BoingBoing and various news outlets are picking up this story.

People being the way we are, he likely won’t even be able to sell original works of his own design if he becomes famous for this, because people will see his name and just be like “oh this is just a copy of real art made by some fuckhead” and not value it. He really should have been humble and honest, now he’s going to learn a lesson from the universe, and we’re all going to be the chalk & blackboard. 

anyway, i’m gonna tell everyone about Jeff DiesChBurg
