#quick caption

“No, my titties totally need to be in the picture. Maddie needs to see how big they are!” Jana pushe

“No, my titties totally need to be in the picture. Maddie needs to see how big they are!” Jana pushed her tits together and giggled. They had grown so much in the last day; she knew she had to show them off.

“Nuh uh! She totes needs to, like, see how blonde I am! Wait… what was I saying?” Ali saw herself on the camera, “Wow! I’m, like, soooo pretty now! It’s the bestest!” Her brain had been completely fried but she didn’t care about that. She was pretty. 

“Sorry, but I gotta be in the front, babes. Think she’ll like it if I flash my pussy?” Erika said, biting her lip as she thought about being used as her friend’s personal whore.

“Ugh, you’re such a slut, Rika! It’s my phone so I get to show off my boobies!” the busty brunette put her foot down.

“But, that’s like, super not fair,” Ali whined. 

Jana and Erika slid in front of Ali and posed. The dumb blonde behind them blinked in surprise before accepting her fate. She twirled one of her long, golden locks around her finger and giggled. 

“Say cheese!” Lana cheered.


Madelyn checked her phone to find a selfie from her friends. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the picture. She stared at her phone, trying to understand what had happened to her friends. They looked like complete sluts. The thought sent a jolt of pleasure between her legs. The way in looked in those outfits. They were all so… hot. She could barely take her eyes from Lana’s boobs. Madelyn giggled as her hand slid down into her panties. She decided to send her own sexy selfie. 

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