#quinn is watching this just charmed




Eliot went to pick up Quinn in Kiev, but they’re both wearing the same clothes when we get to the batcave briefing scene which is in either Boston or New York, not sure.

Regardless, it means they’ve just spent at least 12 hours straight traveling together, assuming they just left immediately after Quinn agreed to the job.

Love the whole thread about what they were doing on the way back, but one other thing about this photo-set that I think might be worth noticing is that Eliot is in *entirely* the same get-up, not just the clothes, but also the knife harness, also the finger tape.

Like, my head-canon is that Eliot thinks he dressed like that in full hitter get-up, knife harness, finger tape, everything in order to intimidate all the thugs he had to get through to get to Quinn. After all, the way Eliot looks walking in in that first still? Probably a lot of folks would see that and just decide right then to tell Eliot whatever he wants to know. 

Quinn, however, would probably be like “Aw, Spencer, you didn’t have to dress up for me! Don’t you know I’ve been head-over-heels for you since we broke each other’s ribs three years ago?” And Eliot would scowl at him and him and be like, “What? This wasn’t for you!”

But staying dressed like that the whole way back to Boston/New York? That was for Quinn.

That’s… really cute. Yeah, you’reright, hedid dress the part.

Although this makes me wonder if there was an awkward scene where Eliot has to take off his knife harness for the plane, security check ins and all. Apparently if so he put it right back on after they landed, which is. Also cute, actually.
