




Eliot went to pick up Quinn in Kiev, but they’re both wearing the same clothes when we get to the batcave briefing scene which is in either Boston or New York, not sure.

Regardless, it means they’ve just spent at least 12 hours straight traveling together, assuming they just left immediately after Quinn agreed to the job.

OK, so…The scene of Eliot finding Quinn in Kiev is the first in the sequence that continues with Parker finding Archie and Hardison negotiating with Chaos. The Eliot/Quinn scene is also the only one stating a location, implying that someone thought 1) it was important that we know where Eliot had to go to find Quinn and 2) it wasn’t relevant for the others.

Somebody in the writing room: “Look, there’s a lot in the episode, and the travel time really isn’t important to the plot. We can skip that.”

Somebody else in the writing room: “IT IS VITALLY IMPORTANT THAT PEOPLE KNOW ELIOT AND QUINN SPENT 12 HOURS ON A PLANE TOGETHER! LOOK!” *holds up handdrawn concept art of Eliot and Quinn watching the inflight movie together, Eliot and Quinn comparing scars in locations that are acceptable to display in public, Quinn asleep with his head on Eliot’s shoulder…)

@onyxbird Imagine the montage splitscreen of Eliot+Quinn and Hardison+Chaos on their respect planes if they had similar length flights

  • Eliot and Quinn chatting while waiting for the plane - VS - Hardison and Chaos arguing
  • Eliot and Quinn watching a movie and sharing snacks - VS - Hardison and Chaos fighting to stop the other from STEALING snacks
  • Eliot and Quinn pointing out scars and telling stories - VS - Hardison and Chaos fiercely battling it out in virtual Jeopardy or something
  • Quinn asleep on Eliot’s shoulder and Eliot looks at him and kinda smiles and lets him be - VS - Hardison and Chaos both pretending to fall asleep but not trusting the other not to mess with him so watching one another intently all the while (or maybe nudging one another every time they start to fall asleep)
  • Eliot and Quinn running to catch a connecting flight and just jogging along talking and smiling - VS - Hardison and Chaos running and Chaos trying to trip Hardison down the escalator or something



Eliot went to pick up Quinn in Kiev, but they’re both wearing the same clothes when we get to the batcave briefing scene which is in either Boston or New York, not sure.

Regardless, it means they’ve just spent at least 12 hours straight traveling together, assuming they just left immediately after Quinn agreed to the job.

Love the whole thread about what they were doing on the way back, but one other thing about this photo-set that I think might be worth noticing is that Eliot is in *entirely* the same get-up, not just the clothes, but also the knife harness, also the finger tape.

Like, my head-canon is that Eliot thinks he dressed like that in full hitter get-up, knife harness, finger tape, everything in order to intimidate all the thugs he had to get through to get to Quinn. After all, the way Eliot looks walking in in that first still? Probably a lot of folks would see that and just decide right then to tell Eliot whatever he wants to know. 

Quinn, however, would probably be like “Aw, Spencer, you didn’t have to dress up for me! Don’t you know I’ve been head-over-heels for you since we broke each other’s ribs three years ago?” And Eliot would scowl at him and him and be like, “What? This wasn’t for you!”

But staying dressed like that the whole way back to Boston/New York? That was for Quinn.

That’s… really cute. Yeah, you’reright, hedid dress the part.

Although this makes me wonder if there was an awkward scene where Eliot has to take off his knife harness for the plane, security check ins and all. Apparently if so he put it right back on after they landed, which is. Also cute, actually.


@darkfinch I thought of a happier AU for you.

Everything is canon through Big Bang Job. The team arrive in San Lorenzo ready to hunt down Moreau, and track down his location…. only to bump into Quinn walking out of there cleaning blood off his hands. “Oh, were you looking for him? Oops. Sorry, he’s unavailable now.”

It’s just a completely unrelated job to kill Moreau he just finished (hired by a competitor or another old enemy who doesn’t care about taking him down legally; a big risk job but Quinn loves those). He didn’t even know they were involved at all. Eliot wouldn’t be anywhere they think Moreau is, so either he tracks him down later that day or the rest of the team basically gather him up to discuss this. And he’s just kinda bemused and goes with it.

Either way, Eliot gets the rundown over comms so he knows that Moreau is no more and Quinn did the deed. When he shows up, he is walking straight for Quinn with a very serious face and very purposeful stride. Either Quinn legit didn’t bother to remember anyone in Leverage other than Eliot so he doesn’t realize he would be here, or he just had a brain fart moment and didn’t consider the link until now. Anyway, seeing him come in like this Quinn remembers, “ oh right, Eliot Spencer used to work with Moreau. That was in my Eliot Spencer research. Dammit, now Eliot Spencer has extra reason to want revenge on me.”

It’s really sad for him because now his hitter crush hates him and this was gonna be a really good day but now he has to defend himself from a vengeful Eliot Spencer, dammit -

He readies himself, tries to remind Eliot that, “hey, it was just business, sorry if y-” but then Eliot cuts him off by kissing him directly on the mouth.

(he swoons a little and just goes with it.)

(they still save the election or whatever as long as they’re already there, but Sophie and Nate are not the only ones who get down in San Lorenzo in this verse.)
