#quistis trepe

ethernalium: Don’t fuck with Quistis.ethernalium: Don’t fuck with Quistis.ethernalium: Don’t fuck with Quistis.ethernalium: Don’t fuck with Quistis.


Don’t fuck with Quistis.

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Can’t wait for this chapter to be released in the Global ver. few months from now. I don’t know what’s happening here but the banner art for this chapter is amazing. Look at how Quistis is in Seifer’s team!

Quistis’ LD in Opera Omnia

Quistis’ LD and rework has finally arrived in the Global ver. of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time. Months actually. Especially after Seifer’s LD release in July. Sadly, I was not as lucky in pulling Quistis’ LD weapon as I was with Seifer’s. I had to pity for her weapon which luckily I had most of the gems saved up.

Here’s Quistis’ banner:

So happy that her event overlaps with Ace’s. Though I was also not lucky and had to pity Ace’s LD weapon. But I did get his BT weapon in one of my pulls, so that’s all good. I actually love putting Ace or Nine with Seifer and Quistis sometimes. Just to give off that family of blondes dynamics.

Quistis’ LD ability is called Ray Whip while her passive ability that comes along with her weapon is called High-Output Light. Ray Whip also delays the enemies multiple turns just like Seifer’s LD ability, Purge. Since of course Quistis is the original delay queen, after her rework, her ability Laser Whip also now delays the enemies by one turn and deals splash damage instead of one target only. Degenerator Whip still delays the enemies multiple turns as usual, but with increased damage. There was no change to her EX ability, Homing Whip.

Let’s recall that when Seifer’s LD passive is active, after using his LD ability, all his other abilities like No Mercy, Bloodfest and his EX ability, Demon Slice X can also delay the enemies’ turns by one. It’s just super cute how Seifer and Quistis’ abilities are pretty in sync with each other now. No Mercy has always dealt splash damage but now Laser Whip also deals splash damage after Quistis’ rework. They had zero to none similarities for their abilities but after their reworks, their abilities are more in sync with each other. Seifer did not have any delay abilities before this. They are now definitely the delay couple in the FF8 roster for Opera Omnia. I would also like to say that my headcanon in which they’re training and spending a lot of time together is definitely legit

Here’s how both Quistis and Seifer’s LD abilities look like:

Quistis’ Ray Whip

Seifer’s Purge

Honestly even their LD animations are pretty in sync with each other as well with all those swiping motions they do and that upward force in the end. Just adorable really

Here’s another Seifer and Quistis vs. the Daily Hunt Cactuar battle like I did with Seifer’s LD release, but this time with Quistis’ LD ability included (and yes I purposely made them have matching golden tinged weapons together):

P.S I’m also happy I managed to beat the Lufenia stage of this event with Quistis (Seifer as her call), Ace and Aranea

Seifer and Quistis in Kurasame’s Lost Chapter

Seifer is featured as a boosted character for Kurasame’s Lost Chapter and we get his LD from this event too. Here’s the event banner:

Since Kurasame is an instructor and Commander for Class Zero himself, Quistis appeared in one of the cutscenes in Kurasame’s Lost Chapter. She appeared with Serah and Shantotto. What they all have in common are that they’re all teachers.

The scene started with Kurasame asking questions to Nine and reprimanding Jack like the instructor he is while Quistis, Serah and Shantotto were observing. And then they started talking about difficult students.

Quistis shrugged and then Kurasame appeared saying:

Then, Serah said:

Quistis agreeing that sometimes the difficult students are more interesting is my fave part in this scene. We all know her most difficult student was Seifer. And this just shows that she does find Seifer interesting. But I guess that was already mostly implied in scenes whenever she talked about him.

I also like how Seifer is chosen as a boosted character for Kurasame’s event. Usually boosted characters for lost chapters and story quests are characters who have something in common with the main character of the event or has a relation with them. But Seifer is neither a Type-0 character nor is he an instructor. I guess Seifer represents the difficult student or shows how he is a leadership figure. I just generally love interactions between ff8 characters and ff type-0 characters (mostly because they’re two of my fave ff games and I just love the characters a lot. I would always have a soft spot for Class Zero, they deserve all the happiness in the world). Their interactions are so wholesome in this game.

Since we know Seifer’s LD ability and debuff delays the enemies’ turns, I like how this bonds Seifer with Quistis and how it connects them together, even though Quistis isn’t his instructor anymore. It’s great that originally, it was just Quistis who has the delaying skill, but now only the two of them have this skill among the ff8 cast. Quistis’ other students do not get this skill, only Seifer does and I think that’s beautiful and he absolutely deserves it

In conclusion, I think Seifer as a boosted character for Kurasame’s Lost Chapter, Quistis appearing in one of the scenes and talking about him implicitly and Seifer getting delaying skills just like Quistis and being the only 2 characters that can delay among the ff8 cast are all correlated. The connection between them in this game is just nice to see and I’d like to think that it’s deliberate. They could have given Seifer any other skills but chose to give him delay skills that Quistis is famous for instead and I think that’s wonderful. We can see their bond here.

P.s I managed to beat the lufenia stage for Kurasame’s Lost Chapter with Seifer, Kurasame and Sephiroth. This lufenia specifically needed someone who can delay and I’m so proud that Seifer can fill in that spot now and that he can handle lufenia stages now. It’s just amazing and I’m truly enjoying playing as him. Can’t wait for Quistis’ LD and rework later this year (watched on youtube and her LD and rework seems to have some similarities and parallels with Seifer hehe )

Seifer and Quistis in Act 2: Chapter 3

Seifer and Quistis appeared together in one of the scenarios in Act 2. The scene only featured Zidane, Quistis and Balthier at first, with Zidane looking for Vivi. But then Seifer appeared too.

I did not expect Seifer to appear at all when I played this but when he appeared, I screamed!! I was like Quistis and Seifer in one scene???? This is just too good to be true.

So anyways, Seifer appeared when Zidane asked him if he’s seen Vivi.

I absolutely love how he casually walks into the scene and settles next to Quistis. It just seems so natural. After that Mog came, saying that he senses a friend close by and that they should go check. Then, Quistis and Balthier said this:

Seifer, wanting to seem tough (or maybe trying to impress someone?? ;)) called Balthier a chicken-wuss for saying that it would be unfortunate to meet enemies so soon.

Then, Balthier said that Seifer’s being impertinent as usual and said this:

Of course, after hearing that, Seifer’s about to throw hands but then, Quistis stopped him.

And he really did stop. I’m just really amazed at how well Seifer listened to her here. Usually whenever anyone in this game just scolds him he would usually lash out or resist. But he was being obedient. He even stopped being angry. Although, there were other pressing matters at hand, we all know that would not actually stop Seifer. It’s so nice to see his growth here. This scene might not actually be a big interaction between them, but I feel like any interactions we get from them just lets us assume a lot about their relationship dynamics.

Also, considering how comfortable Seifer and Quistis seem to be in this game, I’d like to say that they definitely spend a lot of time together. I assume this because they don’t express any displeasure being around each other and they aren’t wary with each other either, even from the start in scenes where they’re together. The others in the ff8 cast (other than Fujin and Raijin ofc) always seem to be a bit uncomfortable or wary whenever Seifer’s around. But that does not happen much anymore in the recent arcs. I’m sure they accept him as he is by now

Here’s the full scene:

P.s look at how they walk out from the scene together like that, it’s just cute

Quistis’ Lost Chapter (Balamb Whiplash)

Quistis appeared in the Opera Omnia world in a place that was similar to the SeeD Prereqs, The Fire Cavern to be exact. She then got lost in thought and was reminded of the SeeD exam. Naturally, her thoughts immediately went to Seifer, Squall and Zell. After chastising herself for getting lost in her thoughts, she met with the others from different worlds shortly after that.

I love how even though she remembers what Seifer did, he’s never really far from her mind. It was like this in FF8 too. He’s just constantly in her mind. For example, if we talked to her when we didn’t know what happened to Seifer yet, she would always be wondering about what’s gonna happen to him. Even after we found out that they grew up together in the infamous orphanage flashback scene, despite Seifer not being there, she spoke up on behalf of him too and understood him well. It’s safe to say Quistis is definitely one of the few people that understands him well. (I definitely would wanna recap some of the Seiftis scenes in FF8 on another day)

In a separate occasion, in her Lost Chapter, Quistis, Zell, Irvine, Yuna, Vaan and Hope discussed about Seifer. Zell was being his usual self saying that he wished Seifer would grow up. Vaan mentioned how Seifer, Fujin and Raijin kept picking fights with them everytime they met (at this time, Seifer still hasn’t joined the party yet). Yuna however said that they know Seifer isn’t a bad guy. Irvine then said how Seifer always takes the heavy handed approach. Then, Quistis said this:

But, we all know that’s Quistis being her Instructor self. What comes next, is the best part. Irvine said it’s really something how Seifer, Fujin and Raijin carry on doing whatever they’re doing despite not knowing what’s going on. Quistis said:

And then Zell was like huh that’s one way to put it, are you trying to defend his actions? Then, Quistis was like:

I remember that I pretty much screamed at how adorable this is. That it’s canon how Quistis has absolute faith in Seifer and wants the best for him. Despite everyone else having doubts about him, she believes in him and would take his side anytime. And how she’s not afraid or embarassed to defend him. I truly believe that Quistis has a soft side for Seifer, always. And Seifer too, even though he would likely never show it in an obvious way, has a soft spot for her too. I hope Seifer knows how much faith and affection Quistis has for him. My headcanon for Opera Omnia says he definitely knows and is doing his absolute best to keep her faith in him.

I LOVE HOW OPERA OMNIA IS SETTING SEIFER UP ON A PATH TO REDEMPTION. There are several more scenes that I find endearing featuring Seifer and Quistis. I’ve only been telling and fangirling about these Seiftis moments in Opera Omnia to my friend over the years I’ve played this game. After Seifer’s LD was released, I just thought that I’ve got to share these moments with the Seiftis community. This is currently the best we can get for canon post game content.

Seifer’s LD in Opera Omnia

I’ve been waiting for Seifer’s LD to arrive in the Global ver. of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia for a really long time and now it’s finally here. I was lucky enough to receive it in my free first multi-draw too.

Seifer’s LD ability is called Purge while his passive ability that came along with the weapon is called Romantic Dream. What’s really interesting is that Purge delays the enemies multiple turns just like Quistis’ ability called Degenerator Whip. After his rework, all of his other abilities delay the enemies’ turns by 1 too. For everyone’s information, Quistis was known as the og delay queen in this game.

My Seiftis heart is just screaming in delight knowing that Seifer can now delay the enemies’ turns as well. Not only that, but Seifer and Quistis are the only characters in the FF8 roster that are delayers now. Now we wait for Quistis’ Rework and LD weapon which will be out in October (spoiler alert: watched some clips on youtube and I say her LD animation is pretty in sync with Seifer)

Just makes you wonder did they spend a lot of time together? Did they train together? Will Quistis be a part of his path to redemption in this game? (I think yes!!) So many possibilities that we can assume!! There are also many cutscenes that include them both that I wanna talk about but I will talk about those scenes in later posts. This game is a gem, I love how we can see the characters post-game.

If you wanna see the full battle of Seifer and Quistis vs the Daily Hunt Cactuar, watch here:

skribleskrable: skribleskrable: Ho ho ho! Laguna bought everyone some nice christmas presents, eve



Ho ho ho! Laguna bought everyone some nice christmas presents, even Seifer! Then he made them all try them on:p Right click and open in new tab/window to see a bigger version. I’ll upload an even bigger one to my deviantart.

Also, a bit early, but Happy Holidays to all of you!

Happy holidays!

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skribleskrable:Here’s some younger SeeD cadets, inspired by @klepto-maniac0 (who has lots of cute sk


Here’s some younger SeeD cadets, inspired by @klepto-maniac0 (who has lots of cute sketches of the FF8 characters at younger ages, check it out!). I wanted to try to, not sure how well I succeeded haha, but this was so much fun to draw anyway. The practice was great!

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“Don’t take this the wrong way, Trepe… But you are a verybeautiful woman.”

AU plot bunny of the day because of a dream I had. Seifer and Quistis, but the movie “The Proposal.” Enemies to lovers indeed.

Finally this bitch posted a new chapter of F is for Friends.

It me. I am this bitch.


Thank you so much to the wonderful @wombywoo for this amazing commission of Seifer and Quistis. They

Thank you so much to the wonderful @wombywoo for this amazing commission of Seifer and Quistis. They look so sexy together <3

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