#radio listeners


(never a day goes by when I don’t hear of a radio listener being…this way)

Scenario: You are listening to the radio streaming online. Suddenly a thing pops up! You’ve won an iPad! Do you:

A) ignore the obvious scam

B ) fix your AdBlock

C) open the popup, fill out all your information, give them 5$ for “shipping,” get called by your bank who is nervous on your behalf that somehow all your money is being withdrawn into an unknown website, figure out NOW that you’ve been scammed, decide this is the radios fault, and demand an explanation

If you picked C, you’re the guy who called this morning!

“This can’t be legal!”

It’s not, sir you’re gullible and conmen love that

“So I didn’t win anything from you guys?”

No jfc that’s the oldest online scam there is right next to the Nigerian princes

“You know, people are going to get confused by this stuff!”

Literally just you

“My wife says it’s a scam and so does Amazon!”

They’re right, also how tf is she still married to you

Also what does Amazon have to do with anything why are they involved now

“Well what are you doing to fix this?”

Nothing, this is on you also I’m the rEcEpTiOnIsT

(note I did not actually say of this. While it sucks this guy got scammed and he really should have known better, I do understand that not everyone has internet literacy at their aid and also that there’s a ton of reasons why this can still happen in 2022. But at a certain point, I am still going to sigh heavily.)
