

Blue Wreck by UbootMan©️

Ever wondered what the story behind all the pictures of this lady is? I sure did, and I am happy I got the opportunity to have a short interview with her husband recently. The article is now available on my website.

Don’t worry, other types of content are also in the making.

The best way to clear my mind and recharge: put on some rainwear and boots and walk through nature with the drops rolling of my gear.

Switched my gear back to 66N, the differences with the heavier Guy Cotten are huge. Much cooler, much lighter, but also harder to put on and off and much less of that beautiful sound of the heavy nylpeche material moving around. My recommendation: buy a range of gear and switch it up to maximize the experience.

A small compilation of some rainwear footage. A walk through the forest with wet grass, puddles, and heavier mud. All while dressed in raingear of course.

Dark green 66North rainsuit. This suit has not seen that much action, so the shine of brand-new PVC is still there. Add a bit of sunlight and it quickly becomes hypnotizing.

A passion runs so deep, you can maybe postpone it but not stop it. So I finally bit the bullet and b

A passion runs so deep, you can maybe postpone it but not stop it. So I finally bit the bullet and bought some new gear. Can’t wait to put it to the test.

Post link

Are you ready for 2022?

New article just got posted on rainwearpassion dot com. Its quite a different type of writing but I thought it was necessary. Enjoy the holidays.

Trying out some video. Getting inspired is easy, creating a script also, even post production isn’t difficult… but getting some decent shots is just too hard.

So ein entspannter Gülle Tauchgang im Neo ist einfach herrlich.
