#raised eyebrow

The hawk (Rango, 2011)(via GIPHY)

The hawk (Rango, 2011)


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“I know exactly what you never said. You refrained from saying it very loudly.” Vetinari raised an eyebrow. “I am extremely angry, Mr. Lipwig.”

“But I’ve been dropped right in it!”

“Not by me,” said Vetinari. “I can assure you that if I had, as your ill-assumed street patois has it, ‘dropped you in it,’ you would fully understand all meanings of ‘drop’ and have an unenviable knowledge of ‘it.’”

“You know what I mean!”

“Dear me, is this the real Moist von Lipwig speaking, or is it just the man looking forward to his very nearly gold chain? Topsy Lavish knew she was going and simply changed her will. I salute her for it. The staff will accept you more easily, too. And she’s done you a great favor.”

“Favor? I was shot at!”

“That was just the Assassins’ Guild dropping you a note to say they are watching you.”

“There were two shots!”

“Possibly for emphasis?” said Vetinari, sitting down on a velvet-covered chair.

-Making Money, Terry Pratchett

Fred Colon managed to get a foothold on the greasy wood. It was, in theory, quite a heroic enterprise. He and Nobby Nobbs, the bold warriors, were venturing forth in hostile territory. Unfortunately, he knew they were doing it because Lord Vetinari was sitting in the Boat and would raise his eyebrows in no uncertain manner if they refused.

-Jingo, Terry Pratchett
