#random babble


Ikesen Yoshimoto Route-Random babble

I’m about halfway through Yoshimoto’s route and I have to say his route is a stark contrast to every MS we’ve seen thus far. The overall tone is dark and I can’t help but describe it as depressive and defeatist. Of course, we all knew this from the peek that we got of him in Mitsuhide’s route, but I didn’t think it was going to be to this extent. (There are lighter moments not to worry) Coming from Keiji’s MS, Yoshimoto and Keiji are really night and day in terms of personality even with Keiji’s cynical attitude. This is my initial impression and I’m looking forward to seeing what the endings have to offer.

How are you all liking Keiji’s MS?

I’m not going to lie, I like rereading the story but I’m not sure if it’s the translation or the fact that I reread his story so many times in the JP version that I don’t feel as passionate about it as the first time I’ve read it.

(I have been been waiting for Yoshimoto’s route to open up but for whatever reason it hasn’t and Kanetsugu page for his route is open)

Still, I pretty much spent all my free tickets and I’m already more than halfway through the story Hope you all are enjoying his route.

Thinking about a new commission format with just monochrome lineart inks that could cover some headshots, possibly a fullbody of 1 character for those that don’t want full rendered pieces


My ad profiling must be that of a cis man in his 50s because all my Tumblr ads are about viagra pills

Tumblr Ads: You haven’t seen your wife in 3 years, I diagnose you with erectile dysfunction !

My ad profiling must be that of a cis man in his 50s because all my Tumblr ads are about viagra pills

Im still thinking about that one fucker (lovingly) who tagged the Sjur Eido painting I did with “Queres ¿ Sjur Eido ” .

I want you to know I randomly think about that and start laughing out loud

i love this hellsite so much, i love plinko horse, i love blorbo from the shadows, i love that y'all are obsessed with a cartoon cat that goes “A!”

Referring my last post, you know what’s the one other series that makes me feel like that? Bakegyamon. I would do anything to get to experience first watching it again. While I only found the anime in 2019, the way it made me feel alive really stuck with me. It’s literaly the silliest most obscure series to obsess over but for me it’s one of the holy two. The series I always can safely buy endless merch for because I never stop loving it. The series I always am as glad to talk about to my friends. The one.

I recently replayed Battle Network 6 and now Battle Network 3 and now I’m arranging my saved fanart folders and,, yeah oh my gosh the love I have for Exe is gushing back in. I literaly can’t get out, I always come back to this series and my love for Enzans character. It goes dormant then suddenly I’m reminded of all the wonderful feelings this series gives me all over again. Yes this has been a loop for six years now.
