#ikesen yoshimoto


[IkeSen Scenario/Headcanon] Alignment Charts {Part 4}




I decided to use chibis I drew for alignment charts from now on!

I also decided to include my MC in these for fun!

Btw the reason why I included Kichou is because there was an extra space in the candy alignment chart.

Anyways, here’s a legend with the characters just in case you can’t tell who’s who:

I hope you like these! There are IkeVamp ones coming up too! ^^


Ikesen High School AU

(This is a joke. Dont take it seriously.)


Nobunaga would be that typical sexist rich asshole dude who calls women “females” You will be walking by and he’ll be like “AYO bitch go make me a sandwich”. He’s not a dumb jock though. He’s student body President and the administration loves him so nothing happens to him. He’s also on the debate team. He would absolutely dress like one of those daddy’s money frat boys. He, Mitsuhide, and Hideyoshi are the popular. Has a huge house so he hosts all the parties. (He will talk about it in front of you though and won’t invite you. Just ask Kennyo.). Doesn’t really trust Mitsuhide but stays friends with him because he’s entertaining and knows everything about everyone. The only other person who has their career planned out but it’s only because he can buy his way into a good school. Asks you out and gets mad when you say no. (Senior)

Hideyoshi reminds the teacher about homework 2 minutes before class is about to be dismissed. He is so whipped for nobunaga. He acts like the pick me girl who kisses up to the popular boys. He does Nobunaga’s schoolwork and he’s honored to be the scapegoat for nobunaga’s shit. He’s nobunaga’s dumb blonde sidekick. He will do whatever Nobunaga says but he’s very nice if you talk to him without Nobu and Mitsuhide around. Made out with Mitsuhide once when he was drunk. He doesn’t remember but Mitsu does. Used to get bullied in elementary school so now he’s just happy that he’s popular. (Junior)

Mitsuhide is the equivalent of Regina George. He judges you on your clothes and does that judgy up and down look and laughs and whispers to Nobunaga right in front of you. In class you had to get in groups for a project. After you tried to join Mitsuhide’s group and he looks at you and then looks at nobu and laughs and says “We already have a group”. He would then laugh at watching you walk around awkwardly trying to find a group. If you do somehow join Mitsuhide’s group they basically make you do all the work for them. Has amazing grades though and was pissed that he wasn’t Valedictorian. Secretly wants Nobunaga to get in trouble so he can take his spot as the most popular. Ends up having a huge falling out with Nobunaga at the end of the year when they’re about to graduate and Hideyoshi gets him suspended. (Junior)

Masamune is the chillest person there. He’s a skater and he’s super popular. People love him, he’s the nice popular guy. He’d give you a school tour. He would also offer you a ride home after school. He lets you sit with him at lunch since you’re new and have no friends and he’d introduce you to his friend group which is Ieyasu and Mitsunari. He brings food for everyone and shared with with the class. His grades are average but teachers love him. Masamune and ieyasu are those friends that constantly roast/bully each other but it’s cuz they’re so close. And masa gives ieyasu a ride home everyday cuz Ieyasu doesn’t have a car yet. But he hates the way masa drives like a maniac. He’s on the track team and has a school wide record for the fastest times. Always late to class but charms the teachers into not giving him a detention. Ditches class sometimes and Ieyasu scolds him when he finds out. (Junior)

Ieyasu is the mysterious guy that listens to music constantly, barely talks to people, and has amazing grades. He hates attention even though he is a part of one of the most popular friend groups. He hates everyone including himself, but will help you if you are in danger even if he doesn’t know you. He would scold you after tho. (Sasuke has a crush on him). He wants to go to Med school and is one of the few people who has their whole career planned out. Ends up getting a scholarship to an Ivy League and Masamune throws him a surprise party. (Unlike Nobunaga he actually worked for his scholarship.) Co-Valedictorian with Sasuke. (Junior)

Mitsunari partners up with you in class when everyone else already has a group and you’re awkwardly standing there hoping someone saves you after Mitsuhide humiliated you. He walks you to class and makes sure you know where you’re going. He also helps you with your homework. Used to get bullied by Ieyasu in elementary school but now they’re friends. (Ieyasu won’t admit it though). He tutors Masamume. He can get along with anyone and everyone absolutely loves him. Even Mitsuhide is nice to him. Got voted “Best Smile” in the yearbook. (Sophomore)

Shingen is the nice fuckboy that you catch feelings for only to have your heart broken. But he breaks your heart in the nicest way possible because he’s a good person. Women love him because he gets into debates about women rights, feminism etc… Shingen calls out Nobunaga for being sexist. In a group project Shingen would have a full group SO fast because he’s so popular but he would help you find a different group. Will fight Nobunaga’s group with no questions asked. Got voted Prom King, much to Nobunaga’s disappointment. Captain of the wrestling team. (Senior)

Kenshin is the “bully” that actually needs constant validation and support. He actually stands up for people who GET bullied. He talks big but he is so sweet once you get to know him. But don’t tell anyone that. He is super protective of his friends and will fight anyone, any day if they messed with his people. Somehow has amazing grades. He is also that guy in P.E. that cusses you out when you’re partnered up with him and can’t keep up. Has to take anger management therapy after he almost punched an administrator who tried to break up a fight. (Senior)

Sasuke is the guy that you get notes and homework answers from. He tells you about all the other guys when you first arrive at the school and tells you to stay away from “the plastics”. Has amazing grades and tutors people in his free time. President of the robotics club and Co-Valedictorian with Ieyasu. Always tries to partner up with Ieyasu on projects. Beat Mitsuhide in the Academic Decathlon his freshman year and everyone knows. He is on the Volleyball team. (He definitely has a crush on Ieyasu) (Junior)

Yukimuraroasts you every single day if you’re friends with him. He humbles you. And says your hair looks like a hedgehog. But he’ll fight anyone who is genuinely being rude to you. Sasuke has to hold him back. He has gotten suspended before with Kenshin for fighting Nobunaga. (Nothing happened to Nobunaga though). He’s on the soccer team and Shingen brings the whole Kasaguyama squad to every match to cheer him on. (Sophomore)

Yoshimoto is the prettiest one in the whole school. Everyone agrees he’s absolutely stunning. His clothes are always on point and he’s nice to everyone. President of the fashion club and captain of the dance team. Has amazing grades in arts related subjects but he’s average in math and science. (Sasuke tutors him). Is the type to ask the teacher if he can have extra people in his group if he sees that you can’t find one. Takes all his friends shopping and gives you the best presents. Compliments you every time he sees you and advocates for the school to provide everyone more time for self care. Graduated with honors and made cookies for his friends and everyone that tutored him at the end of the year. (Junior)

Motonari is the guy who sells drugs in the bathroom during passing period. You later find out he got expelled for setting the science building on fire when he snuck into the chemistry classroom in the middle of the night to cook up some crack. Mitsuhide is his best customer and he buys from Motonari behind Nobunaga’s back. Motonari also may or may not have stabbed someone with a pencil at some point, who knows. He’s always in detention for something and there are wild rumors about him that he never denies or confirms. (Senior)

Kennyo is the emo kid who’s been bullied by Nobunaga since middle school. He’s tried to go to the administrators multiple times with proof that should get Nobunaga suspended but it never happens. One time Nobunaga tripped him as he was walking and and he fell into a trash can. Mitsuhide took a video and it’s been circulating ever since. He ate lunch in the bathroom for a month after that. Shingen invites him over sometimes but he’s more of a loner and just wants to graduate and never see anyone again. (Senior)

Ranmaru used to be really good friends with Kennyo until he ditched him in high school for Nobunaga. He always hangs around Nobunaga’s group and they keep him around to do their errands but don’t really consider him part of the group. Worried that Mitsuhide will find out he used to be friends with Kennyo and expose him. Like Hideyoshi he just wants to be popular. He also gets along with mostly everyone. (Freshman)


The pure chaotic energy from this post is gold ✨ I especially loved reading Masamune’s, Kenshin’s, and Yoshimoto’s. I live for their wholesomeness

Hello! Apologies, if I haven’t been posting here. But, to answer this:

Yoshimoto is a unique character that in a way his struggle is finding his identity. As included in Mitsuhide’s route, he plays as dummy clan head for Imagawa.

The clan has fell into the hands of Nobunaga in a war. Yoshimoto gave his sword to Nobunag. It’s been ages since I fead his route, but Yoshimoto has given up any political interests. On one hand, Shingen often invites him to be mentored by him. On the other, Yoshimoto have been immersibg himself with art. So, hels often seen as a frivilous person.

This and meeting on MC somehow becomes the tool go actu allows him to find his main purpose with all that sleeping power in his hands.

That’s why I call Yoshimoto as MC’s OTP. I think he understands her as an artist.

things that aren’t worthy to be called wips, cause i literally only had An Idea and deadass only wrote 2 words. like i was scrolling thru my drafts and found one that just had “you woke up”. wtf is up with that. so i’m just gonna lie down the basic thought for each of these, and Hopefully that’ll get it across so you’re just gonna have to imagine the fic yourself i’m sorry :pensive:

if anyone would like to use these ideas, please feel free and you don’t need to ask.

1. taking turns - a reader x sasuke fic

this was based on an idea i put int a post a long while ao, of… if sasuke had to wait four years until mc showed up in the sengoku era, then would the same potentially happen but reversed? cause i liked the idea a lot. reader coming to honno-ji every day despite having to juggle reclaim their past life (cause, come on, absence of three months is gonna do Sumn to your daily life and things surrounding it, like your rent, job, etc.) and i like subtle angs/comfort once sasuke Does come out of the wormhole.

2. a necessity they can’t see. - a male reader x yoshimoto fic. 

this was at the time where i created my genderbent mai drawing? so i very much had the idea that male reader, who pertained the same hobbies like sewing and all, has always been ridiculed in the present for having a “girly” hobby. while i have yet to research about… gender “norms” in the sengoku period, i feel like men at that time at least have the Duty to fight in war or sumn right? some sorts like that. so my idea was that reader started doubting his abilities and his use to the people that protects him.

so while thinking Deeply on his worth and if he can do anything further, he bumps into yoshimoto while he’s browsing some pretty shit idk. yoshimoto sees the way that reader looks at the fabric with obvious expertise, although reader tries to scold himself for thinking about art in such a warring time.

talking talking stuff, which basically leads to yoshimoto saying his stance on art as an existence even in such a time. because to him, and my own personal belief, art is in a way, a necessity. perhaps you wouldn’t die without a lack of art like you would food or water, but in such a trying time, art would be invaluable because it’s an effect on the mental state/spirit than anything, and i’m sure we’ve all felt this especially during quarantine.

then reader basically goes “………….. oh. thanks yoshimoto.” and goes back to azuchi a changed perspective.

3. swap scenario - ikesen x ikevamp x ikerev crossover

honestly not a proper wip, but it just hit me like a freight train that i had this idea in the first place.  gist was, the mc’s for each game got transported to each others’ worlds, with ikevamp mc -> ikerev, ikerev mc -> ikesen, and ikesen -> ikevamp. most of the mc personalities and names are kinda my own hcs.

(also important to note that ikepri wasn’t as big as a thing back then, nor do i even know anything abt ikepri now to brainstorm ideas)

let’s start with the first one, ikevamp mc in the ikerev universe. i think this may be the most, uhh normal maybe? ikevamp mc is shown to travel around and be multilingual, so the fact that it’s set in britain wouldn’t have a language barrier issue. also i think ikevamp mc would be very interested in (i think it was) 19s britain? even if it isn’t exactly britain but, close enough.

ikesen mc in ikevamp. i believe it’s been established before at Some point that they can speak english? or at least passed,, english tests idk. i remember seeing screencaps of nobunaga being like “yo shit u can read english?” and mc is like “yeah, i passed the whatever test back in something something”. and i’m not sure the scope of everyone in the mansion’s languages are, what they can and can’t speak, but at least english is a good starting point yeah?

ikesen mc, i imagined to be wary and maybe rough around the edges at first. i mean, last time they got transported back in time they met with warlordsthat did,,, unconventional things outside of the laws of her time. so when they’re put into the mansion with seemingly dead historical men, they can’t elp but be a bit cautious due to past experiences. but comte, as he always is,welcomes them as gently as he can, knowing that the whole situation is,,, disorienting, to put it in a word. he invites them to tea, talk over stuff and explain things to them as clear as he can, and slowly, realizing that these people don’t rlly bite (well. metaphoricallythey don’t. hopefully), mc starts warming up to them. also i like the idea of mc being superinterested in the way of fashion and textiles back in 19th century france and just seeing the light in their eyes spark up so wildly now that they can see it up close.

finally, ikerev mc in ikesen. whoo boy. so to start things off, i think the main idea i had would be to try and bridge ikerev mc’s very clear disparity in the language barrier. iiii don’t recall if mc knew any other languages, but i’d assume 16th century japanese isn’t one of them,, or maybe even japanese at all. idk how language education was for 19th~ century britain. but yeah, the first hurdle to overcome is the fact that they don’t rlly speak the same language, especially when the warlords are confused that this person just showed up out of nowhere and might be more. rough around the edges. wary

even so, i think, while i consider ikerev mc to be more gentle and softer than the other two mc’s, they’re still very strong in their own way as well, in that they care a lot for the people around them and are very determined. so even while struggling with learning a language that has a whole new writing system, they would try to be compassionate to everyone around them, especially now with what war and all. kindness may not be able to solve the raging fires of battle, but at least it can soothe the wounded souls that come out of it. also i think it’d be super cute that, even though mc isn’t really articulating their thoughts that well with the language barrier, but still tries to do little things to show they Care like baking sweets in the kitchen and all that. it’d be v pleasant.

came across a post… along,longwhile ago about a god of death type reader and got super interested, since of all the cyikemen games, ikesen is the one most surrounded by death on a larger scale (cause, war and stuff), so i wrote this at… 2020? almost one year before, at 21th of july. i had more of it written, but i really didn’t like it cause it felt too “quirky wattpad reader” and plus me just copying from the original prlogue without adding anything, so… yeah. enjoy!

(also, very important that anyone who wants to do whatever with this idea, feel free, no need to ask me)

You didn’t like your existence

To call it “your life” would be simply wrong; you don’t breathe, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep. All you are is a walking, talking existence that has a job to do until you fade away. You didn’t even like your job.

To lead a soul from their death to the Land of the Dead was a grim job. You learnt their regrets, their anger, their sadness, all which you knew was personal. But you had to be there. You had to ensure that their soul is at peace, so when the time comes to cross to the afterlife, they don’t get reincarnated as a ghost, stuck forever with their past emotions.

Shinigami, was your kinds’ name. God of Death.

You were a part of the blanket term ‘yokai’, or as some would call in other names such as ‘ayakashi’. Those who fall under the category were spirits, demons, animal-like creatures, or, similar to you, gods. For as long as you’ve known, supernatural creatures didn’t mesh with humans well most of the time.

Fear of unknown from both parties led to anger, rashness, and cut communication and involvement altogether for perhaps half your life.

You’ve existed for long; you stopped remembering the exact number after 1.000 years. All you did now was remember the year you came to the world, and do the math. But that doesn’t matter much, does it? The only thing you concerned yourself with is when you’ll fade away.

However, for your own sake, you do take a break. Such a job is heavy for the heart, and a walk doesn’t help as much, but it’s a nice thing nonetheless.

Kyoto. You were just done leading a soul that got caught in a traffic accident. You never traveled outside of the country, but would it really matter if you did? You still appreciated everything as it were; there has to be some light in a life to look forward to.

This particular city was rich in human history, you knew that. Maybe it’d be a fun thing to do, even if you didn’t have much an interest in it.

“All your famous warlord knowledge, packed in a mag! Come get one now!” A boy’s shouts filled the nearby streets, attracting attention from the occasional passerby’s. Including you. A Quick Guide To Your Warlords, the magazine read on the cover. Sounds interesting, and you were bored, so you took one and stuffed it in your pocket.

With a blank mind, you were brought forth to a temple by your wandering legs. Honno-ji. A small, quiet, quaint place. The setting sky burned up above as the small cries of the crickets sounded all around.

You’ve heard some stories of the small memorial in front of you. One of the unifiers of Japan died here—betrayed, as you remembered. But you can’t draw an exact name.

While drowning in your thoughts, the approaching presence coming to you was acknowledged but not paid mind to further. Until you shift your eyes to the side as said figure was in your peripheral vision—a man dressed in a lab coat. The two of you said no words, only continuing to gaze at the stone in front of you.

You only started to react when the sky above you turned darker and darker—not by the setting sun, but by the awfully black and almost purple clouds gathering up above you. That’s unusual, you’ve never seen anything like that in your life.

The once bright and bold sky now rained down drops of water on your face. You didn’t even notice you shifted to your human form—and a look at your hands covered in specks of droplets confirmed that.

“What poor timing.” The man next to you said, causing your eyes to glance at him. He looked solemnly to the monument, then to you, “Are you alright? Do you have an umbrella?”

“No, unfortunately. I didn’t expect it to rain…” your eyes linger to above his head, where a set of numbers and a small text was visible to you only. The death profile, as the others call. A set of information that shinigamis can see in most creatures, usually entailing their names, time of death, and cause of it.

It’s a cursing bit of information; always reminding you of what you are.

Out of nowhere, a thunder ripped through the clouds and hit directly on the small monument—a loud crackle following along. Your arm flew up to protect the man next to you by reflex, as your body stood there in momentary shock. You’ve seen death by  lightning, but that was unlikely to happen now.

You whipped your head towards the human next to you, who seems the slightest bit appalled, but stood his ground. A strange thing catches your attention…

His death date. It’s flickering—changing.

From a century where he was supposed to die…to the 15-16thcentury.

A date of death changing has been a rare thing that happens, however unlikely, but—it’s never jumped that far before! To the past, too?

Utter shock froze you in place as the numbers flicker back and forth, leading your attention away from everything else—him asking you if you were okay, and most importantly—

—the black ball that formed where the stone was.

“Watch ou—“ before you can warn the man, the image of him next to you twisted and distorted, slowly getting sucked in whatever it was.

And so were you.

Wait! He isn’t supposed to die yet—!

The world faded to black.





Ugh. . .my head…

Your vision fades in and out, clear then blurry, until you’re finally wide awake. The scenery around you changed drastically, what was first a small place in the city of Kyoto is now…a dark forest. You’ve seen this kind of environment before in your memories—you just don’t know how you got here.

The lab coat guy—!

You immediately stood up from the dirt beneath you, looking around and trying to sense his soul around you. Nothing. Pursing your lips in slight unease, you started making your way through the criminally underlighted woods.

You’ve roamed around in the forest before. Most of your time on this world, you didn’t settle in a house or anything, you preferred to just wander around like a lost ghost. You didn’t have a need for one—you don’t need shelter, not food, not clothes, nor drinks. You were a lost ghost.

The branches and rocks and whatever else you tripped on didn’t bother you. All you were focusing on is now just…walking. Without even a set destination. The only guidance you had was the occasional moonlight that peeked through the trees up above.

As minutes pass by, you start feeling a faint presence of human souls.

It’s distant, and not much from how weak it is, but I should go and see.

All other senses were rendered useless for now as you focused on the source of the souls, and slowly marched your way to it. It grew closer and closer, until you saw a faint light coming in the middle of the forest.

Two people, you now concluded. Your footsteps remained silent and your presence unknown as you creep near the light.

A fire was set in a small clearing, and you can now see the two people. A man with dark hair, dressed in monk’s clothes and a scar marking his face, with another feminime-looking boy, purple-haired in armor.

“Are you ready for this, Ranmaru?” The monk spoke in a low voice. “You’re about to kill the demon. Bring him down for good.”

Kill, huh. An assassination was about to commence.

“…Yes, Master Kennyo.” The boy—Ranmaru—spoke, wavering in unease but still tried to be certain.

‘Master Kennyo’ smiled; a bitter, unresting one, “Good. They’ve light the fire at Honno-ji, arrive there and kill him. I will follow shortly once the fire has spread,”


Clutching his sword until it shook in his hand, Ranmaru turned around and walked off from the clearing.

You overheard the conversation and calmly watched his figure fade away. It isn’t your place to intervene—not if this is fate, but even so—you’ll follow him. At least you can rest the soul of the victim.

In silent steps trailing him, you heard a last piece from Kennyo. “Finally, we’ll have our revenge…”




You took your time in following Ranmaru’s path. If whoever’s assassinated dies, it’s soul will still remain until they can go to the afterlife. Time stops for them as long as it takes to get their soul guided away from the living land. Is it immoral in a way? Perhaps.

Unless…you can stop them from getting killed. But often when you try to intervene, the death happens either way.

So what’s the point?

Nihilistic thoughts aside, you sensed more human souls coming your way; five, from what you can tell. But you paid no mind to that. Until it got nearer, and nearer, and nearer, and—

“Oof.” In your blank stated mind, you bumped into someone, causing them to huff in surprise. You yourself paused and looked—a brown haired man wearing red armor, “Hey, watch where you’re going—!”

His complaints died on his tongue as soon as he finally saw who he bumped into. His expression, from a slightly irritated frown, turned more into one of confusion, “Huh? Hey, what’s someone like you doing here in the woods? Nighttime, also? Such weird clothing, too…”

His spoken words made you raise an eyebrow, “Ignoring all that, I’m sorry for bumping into you. I just had some business is all.”

“In the dead of night? What are you, an…enchantress? Those stories of w-witches in the forest?” The man’s voice wavered more with each passing word. The quirk in your eyebrow deepens.

“I assure you, I’m not—“

“Yuki~! We leave you for a few seconds and you’ve already found yourself a partner?” A velvet and rich voice arose from behind the dark bushes and trees, all of them being pushed aside to reveal an auburn haired man, this one more built in his body.

The one you’ve been talking to—Yuki—blushed and shook his head vehemently, “Ugh, no! I’m not like you; we just bumped into each other is all. And I think it’s some kind of witch, too—”

The redhead man tutted at Yuki in a disapproving manner, “Now, now, Yuki. Have I not taught you how to talk properly in front of such a beauty all this time?” His attention turns to you, and in a second, his eyes lit in passion, “Forgive me for his prudeness, my goddess, dear Yuki needs a lot more lessons than I thought. However…if you want to be with a real man, I’m always up for service.”

“Will you stop flirting with everything you meet. It’s disgusting.”

Three more people emerge from the shadows, the small bits of moonlight pouring to their features. The one who spoke was a blond one, cladded in blue armor and with eyes that said he wanted to have nothing to do with any of this.

“But Kenshin, you can’t just turn away at such a beauty laid in front of your eyes.” The flirt replied to the cold comment with a smirk.

“Stop. Or I’ll kill you.”

The bickering of the two were left unnoticed as another man with dark blue hair stepped up, far closer than what you were expecting. His hand reaches and caresses lightly on your clothes, “I have never seen such a design or material like this before. How fascinating. Would you like to switch with one of my kimonos?”

“Yoshimoto, I’ve already claimed them! Don’t steal them right under my nose.” Flirt Man threw a light complaint, turning away from Kenshin for a moment.

“Art is to be appreciated by everyone, Shingen.” Yoshimoto simply responds, now tugging lightly at the sleeves of your shirt.

Okay, you’ll admit it. You’re slightly overwhelmed.

So far, you haven’t said anything, mainly because you don’t want to. It feels like anything you say won’t make the situation better anyway. But still…even in your long life, this is quite bizzare.

You observed each of them one by one. Then your eyes landed to the last one, the same brown haired man you saw earlier. Now, in…some sort of ninja attire. While you tilted your head in slight curiosity, you’re at least satisfied to see he was safe.

And his death date has changed, too…

Speaking of death, you’re finally reminded of following. . .who was it, Ranmaru? to an assassination.

Gently freeing yourself from Yoshimoto’s admiring touches to your clothes, you bowed slightly in front of them, “I appreciate meeting all of you, but I have to go.”

You don’t see Sasuke opening his mouth to say something, and neither do the others, as you walked off to the darkness.




You thought by losing your way from your unofficial guide, you wouldn’t find the destination. But luckily, even going in the same direction as he did led you to it. Honno-ji. This time, it’s in the midst of drowning in fire. You made your way through the front door and entered where the fire wouldn’t reach you—but it wouldn’t make a difference anyway.

And in the middle of the room not yet entirely covered in flames, was who you assume the victim, sleeping. The cause of death, “died in an assassination while the building was set on fire”, said as much. Dressed in black armor, you could tell he was important, somehow. Not everyone can casually wear one, despite the past few people you’ve met been donning it.

The text displayed above the man’s head displayed the same old. Nobunaga Oda.

On the other side, you see a silhouette approaching steadily, sword in hand. Ranmaru, you guessed. You double checked yourself to make sure you weren’t visible to the human’s eye, and you were just fine with watching another death as you have—

Until, for the second time today, the death date for Nobunaga Oda flickered.

You froze as what was 21st of July, 1582, blinked into a later date. Much later.

What. . .?! That was the second time today—what am I supposed to—

Your chest felt heavy, and your hands trembled in uncertainty of what you should do. Do you save him? Watch him die? Would he even die at this moment? Or would it be later? You’ve never been in this position—the answer was always clear. And now you’re terrified.

Your body swayed back and forth violently, as two sides fought in your head of what to do. But time was running out—he’d be assassinated if you didn’t take this chance. And he’d die. That’s the same as you killing him, you thought, and you’ve sworn to never do such a thing.

From your disarrayed thoughts, your legs moved on their own and walked to him. You’re saving him, then.

So about Yoshimoto’s route…

So, I’m doing things a bit different with this long review (Nvm this became a rant) and I’ll write the short (summarized version later on.) Mild spoilers ahead.

Let me just start off this review/thoughts with my admission that I had a hard time gauging whether Yoshimoto’s route was good or not. I can say that they really refreshed the route given they can only repeat the same storyline of (we noticed Kichou was trying to get us to fight each other and we have to overcome our dislike to fight the common enemy) so much. There’s nothing quite like Yoshimoto’s route but it’s not necessarily a happy thing. There’s a more somber tone throughout the route and it’s even reflected with the way MC thinks of herself and her love of Yoshimoto. I feel that characterization wise, everything seemed to make sense and more importantly the story along with the characters flowed and had proper build on the events that were happening.

However my main qualm with his route comes down to not having enough romance. There is a distance between MC and Yoshimoto that gets close but never close enough due to (spoiler reasons). I feel like this is the first time where MC seemed to have an unrequited love for her love interest. Or I should say second time haha I forgot about Motonari. This is not to say that Yoshimoto is cold, I feel like the writers did a good job of not having a LI that is too distant and absent from his own route. They gave us just enough crumbs that Yoshimoto did like her back but since he constantly put up his walls around him and kept telling MC that she wasn’t allowed to love him, it just gave me an unsatisfying feeling of I know I love you but I’m not going to do anything (ala Skip Beat). I felt like he acted as the authentic sacrificial lamb given that he actually went as far as to (betray MC and his friends) and swore to end his whole ordeal with Yoshiaki by going down in flames.

As a side note, I feel that the love rival in his route (Ranmaru) is the strongest love rival in all the routes thus far due to the proximity that he had with MC throughout the whole thing. It was good that the writers balanced Yoshimoto’s absences with MC constantly chasing after him because otherwise Ranmaru would of had more screen time than the main love interest. He really was supportive of MC throughout the whole ordeal despite knowing that MC was never going to look at him the same way she looked at Yoshimoto. Ranmaru just felt content being by MC’s side and I felt that that’s just what Yoshimoto needed in his character. The “want” or “need” to stay by MC’s side despite the risks he was taking. In a way Mitsuhide already did his “sacrifical lamb” character but better; knowing they were going down as the villain for a better cause but still longing to be close to MC despite of it.

(Just to be clear, yes they did confess their feelings later on in the route but he kept being stubborn about going through his original plan anyway.)

In addition to this there were several details in the story that just seemed odd or annoyingly repetitive. The whole route seemed to focus on what is Yoshimoto thinking? Like no one could figure this out not even our genius foxy Mitsuhide and it was pretty annoying as a reader cause I could tell from the onset what sort of plan he was going for. Even more frustrating was MC’s resolution to support the decision Yoshimoto was making because that is the only way she felt she could support him. I felt that in a way that Yoshimoto’s MC was pretty meek and powerless because she could not make him realize he was doing wrong in the way he chose to “protect” what he cares for the most. It was only towards the end when things did not go as planned, that he took risks and finally broke through his “cage.” (Which just goes to show that his original plan was never going to work anyway.)

I think this is actually the second route (after Motonari) that I don’t like in the Ikemen Sengoku series. Yoshimoto wasn’t thrash like Motonari, but he just lacked in the romance department. I wished they would of played more with his seductive persona like in his sub stories so I could really justify MC’s adorations. It really is a disappointment given that they really seemed like soulmates with their love of art/ dislike of violence/ loss of a home in common. Overall, his route is a nope from me.

Yoshimoto Route (Spoilers)


“I…I didn’t wish to see MC again.”



(Why are you being like this?)

His cold words seem to pierce my heart.

Instead of blood spilling out of my chest, I gave him a piece of my mind.

“Yoshimoto-san, you are a bad liar!”




"You said at the time that you would be happy if we could meet again.”




(Even if what he said at the time was a lie)

“I…I was so happy to see you again…!”

“I wanted to see you again…I wanted to see you again…I wanted to see you again…”



Yoshimoto grabbed me and held me in his arms.

I could smell the clear and strong incense wrapped around his whole body.




“Your words are poison to my ears.”

“Because you make me remember all that I forfeited.”


(He gave up on everything)

“Yoshimoto-san, in reality…you want to be free”




“If you didn’t want to see me again why would you hug me.”


“…I told you, be quiet”


“But, Ah…Aaah..”

His mouth covered my own and the heat from his breath seem to melt my words.

Kiss…He is kissing me?

My heart did a hard thump and the blood in my veins seem to boil.

I couldn’t think anymore about my plan to run away, I couldn’t think about anything. Time has seemed to stop around me.

Only the sound of our lips could be heard in the emptiness of the room and eventually I started to lose all the strength in my body.





The strength of which he holds me becomes stronger.

The afternoon sun burns our touching skin.


Eventually, I was released from his arms and his warmth left me.

“Forgive me”




“You were talking too much. I needed to shut you up.”


My god Yoshimoto, out of all characters I didn’t expect this from you XD I read the last sentence and I was like “Huh? Excuse me, sir” Tsundere right here.

Ikesen Yoshimoto Route-Random babble

I’m about halfway through Yoshimoto’s route and I have to say his route is a stark contrast to every MS we’ve seen thus far. The overall tone is dark and I can’t help but describe it as depressive and defeatist. Of course, we all knew this from the peek that we got of him in Mitsuhide’s route, but I didn’t think it was going to be to this extent. (There are lighter moments not to worry) Coming from Keiji’s MS, Yoshimoto and Keiji are really night and day in terms of personality even with Keiji’s cynical attitude. This is my initial impression and I’m looking forward to seeing what the endings have to offer.

Yoshimoto Route

Lmao…I find it hilarious that there’s routes where the whole plot point is falling in love with the LI under a mystery identity and then later having a huge revelation where it’s like “oh no I’ve fallen in love with my enemy” and Yoshimoto just straight up says “Yeah, so this is Yukimura and he’s a subordinate of Shingen on a secret mission to infiltrate Azuchi along with Kenshin’s ninja, Sasuke. Oh, also I’m Yoshimoto former head of a dead clan” to the MC whom he’s known for maybe like five minutes.

Watch “【本編ダイジェストPV】今川義元(CV:八代拓) イケメン戦国◆時をかける恋” on YouTube

Yeeees, my beautiful melancholic boy will be released in 2 weeks

Yukimura & Yoshimoto


Yoshimoto finally has his route pre-release page up in the app! That CG preview….hair down?!


 Ikémen Sengoku – Imagawa Yoshimoto continuing the tradition of drawing my birthday twin for the sec

Ikémen Sengoku Imagawa Yoshimoto

continuing the tradition of drawing my birthday twin for the second year in a row!!
happy birthday, dear Yoshimoto, i hope your route comes to us soon~  ヽ(´ ヮ`)ノ

if you wanna see a short timelapse of this piece, check out my twitter @/aaviavv!

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ciressgames: Found a Yoshimoto sketch to finish~  uwu


Found a Yoshimoto sketch to finish~  uwu

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