#ransom drysdale au




Pairing: Mob!Ransom Drysdale x reader
Word count:4,839
Author’s note: I have tagged people who would hopefully enjoy this; I’d like to thank my beta and muse @mug-nificent for helping me with this fic and for being encouraging and supportive as always :)
This is a Knives Out AU where the Thrombey family is in the mafia world. 

Keep reading

One year ago I posted this chapter and it’s been such a rollercoaster of a ride yet it’s the merit of every like andreblog,every comment - whether public or private, that has kept me scribing this captivating tale.

I hope you appreciate it as much as I do. There’s much left to tell of this story! I’m beyond thrilled to keep writing it and seeing where it takes us all.

I couldn’t have done this all without the ever so gracious @the-librarians, who has been with me every step of the way, listen to my ideas (both insane and plausible), and been a constant source of amazingness. You deserve the world!


il nemico dentro

Pairing: Mob!Ransom Drysdale x fem reader
Warnings: smut, shower sex, mention of a hand job, fingering, unprotected sex, cussing, car sex, cockwarming, family drama
Author’s note: thank you to the amazing @the-librarians
Rating:18+/Mature(by reading this work, you’re acknowledging you’re 18 and older & are consenting to read “adult only” content)
This is a Knives Out AU where the Thrombey family is in the mafia world.
Campo di Battaglia - Chps: 1/2/3/4/5/6/78/9
I don’t give permission for my work to be posted on another site with the exception of tumblr and AO3 (where I post the stories myself). If you find it elsewhere then it has been stolen.

You slip quietly out of the bed the following morning not wanting to wake Ransom, who was tossing and turning almost all night. You knew he was full of rage and anger, ready to create a tsunami of pain and destruction. You had coaxed him to sleep with your feather-light touches and soft kisses. He had promised you he’d return the favor in the morning. You had laughed lightly and told him to close his eyes, seconds later Ransom was a cuddly man sleeping soundlessly in your arms.

You turn on the shower water and discard your pajamas before stepping under the hot spray. Your mind mulling over trying to remember you should call Nora and tell her you’re leaving that evening and you need to give her back the envelope. She would keep it safe like she’s been doing since you told her to hang onto it. She had been reluctant to take it but she kept it tucked away at work in her locker.

You begin washing your hair as you also realize you need to inform Ben you’ve told Ransom he knows the voice belongs to Linda and there’s going to be hell to pay the next couple of days. You know Ransom can skirt around the law, Harlan had always informed you of hush-hush deals and the power of bribery and blackmail.

You rinse your hair and wash your body then feel a set of strong hands on your back. You can’t help but smile as Ransom growls before nipping at your shoulders, “You should be sleeping.”

“No,” Ransom playfully remarks as he wraps his hands around you and squeezes your breasts. “I’m getting my fill of you and then some because I don’t know how long my plan will take.” He lets go of one breast and runs a hand down over your stomach and palms your core. He grins as you suck in a breath. “Besides, I promised I’d repay you for last night.”

You moan as Ransom slips a finger in-between your folds and feel his semi-hard cock against the crack of your ass. Your head lolls to the side as he slips in another one and his thumb finds your clit. “Ransom!” you cry out as you squeeze your legs together while he thrusts his fingers in and out in a slow, steady rhythm. When he moves them in, you feel his thick digits curve up and stroke your sweet spot.

“Keep those legs open, Y/N,” Ransom commands. He smiles against your neck as you obey him. He feels you reach back with an arm and run your hand against his hair. He feels your walls tightening around his fingers and begins to move his thumb quickly against your clit. He also uses his fingers on your breast to squeeze it then glide them over your nipple.

Your body is ablaze from Ransom’s touches. Your toes curl as your body tenses against him, feel your orgasm on the brink. “Ransom!” you whimper as he sends your body into a tailspin. White heat erupts from your core as you shudder within Ransom’s arms and pull on his hair. “Ransom,” you pant out, “Ransom…”

Ransom moans, “Mmhmm. That’s right.” Ransom’s teeth nip at your flesh. “I’m ruining you. No one else. Me.”

“Ransom,” you lowly moan as his fingers massage your folds gently. “I want more.

Ransom chuckles as he squeezes your breast, nips at your pulse point, and flicks your clit simultaneously. “Don’t worry. I’ll give you what you want, my queen.” Ransom repeats the triple actions a few times more, earning him a choral medley of moans and hitched breathes from your agape mouth. He smirks, knowing he has you right where he wants you. He moves his strong hands gingerly over your body and places them on your hips. “Look at me.”

You spin in Ransom’s arms. You take in his cocky smirk and piercing blue eyes. You place your hands on his pecs then move them down slowly over his torso. You keep your eyes locked onto his as you wrap one hand around his hardening cock; you feel it twitch as you begin to stroke it. “Maybe I should keep going? Hmmm?” You twist and turn your hand around Ransom’s cock, pumping him teasingly.

Ransom sucks in a sharp breath, already feeling his balls tightening. He remembers how teasingly you stroked him last night, helping him calm down, helping him regain a quiet mind. He was never one for hand jobs, except the ones he gave himself. But last night was something he’d never forget - your mouth on his while your hand was on his cock, you commanded him to keep his hands on you, and when he came and watched you clean him up he thought he’d won the jackpot. He was never letting you go. Even though he had known that since he walked into your life. Mine. All. Mine.

Ransom growls as he sees your eyes glaze over with lust. He captures your mouth hungrily as moves his hands over your ass and hoists you up. He turns around and pins you against the tile wall of the shower. He feels your hand guide his cock between your slick folds.

You pull faintly away and whisper huskily, “Fuck me.

Without hesitation, Ransom thrusts swiftly into you. He then takes your hands and pins them against the wall. His fingers interlock with yours as his pace increases as he ruts into your pussy. His hips slamming into yours causing your body to move gradually against the walls of the shower. The steady stream of water beats down on Ransom’s back. He begins to feel it cool, and he doesn’t mind. His feverish body is on fire from the ecstasy and pleasure he is experiencing as he gives you what you want.

“Ran–Ran–Ransom,” you heatedly rasp as you feel Ransom’s fingers tighten against yours. His thrusts are hitting your spot just right. Your climax builds rampantly as he pounds his cock in and out, in and out, in a steady, rough rhythm. 

Feel so good,” Ransom moans, “so tight.Fuck! Oh, fuck yes.” His orgasm brews deep in the pit of his stomach. He continues pounding into your slick channel. “Mine,” he growls possessively, “you’re fucking mine!

 “Yes! Ohmy–yes! Yours,” you gasp out as your core begins to constrict around Ransom’s cock. “Keep going!” you cry out. “Ransom. Rannnnsooommm,” you mewl as your hit with a tidal wave of endorphins, which flood your body as your orgasm unravels you, making your body quiver against the shower wall. 

Ransom feels your pussy pulse around his cock. For a moment, he feels as though he’s in heaven. His angel showing him he can be saved from the depths of hell as she pulls him from the fire. He feels the jets of his cum shooting up his cock, so he thrusts harshly into you, bottoming out, which causes you to scream out his name in return. He smiles as he empties his seed into your welcoming pussy. A split thought of raising a family with you and seeing your belly swollen flashes through his mind though he doesn’t want to share you with a child, not just yet. He wants to be selfish have you to himself for however long that might be. He growls, “Y/N!”

Your whole body is in seventh heaven. Electricity and gratification pulsating through your veins as Ransom fucked you into oblivion. You squeeze his hands then feel them slowly moving down your arms and across your shoulders. You place your hands on his face and kiss him deeply. You know Ransom Drysdale is a drug; you know you are addicted, know you’re afraid if you withdrawal from him for an extended amount of time you’ll be forever lost, and you know, you already know, you’re overdosing on him which makes you delirious but you don’t mind. You moan against his lips as you loop your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your body, his fingers skimming over your flesh. No, you think as you feel like you’re floating on air, I don’t mind at all.


Close to noontime, you’re finishing packing a suitcase when Ransom walks into the bedroom. He sits down and looks at you, “I want you to know I have invited the entire family over for dinner at the manor. These family dinners are always a disaster but I’m hoping I can use that to my advantage this time. My family tends to always bring out the worst in each other when we are all in the same room, so my hope is Linda might let something slip if she gets pissed off enough. If it’s one thing I can count on my family for: it’s to piss each other off.”

“You sure about this Ransom?” you inquire, knowing he’s already made his mind up. Ransom pulls you into his lap from his seat on the bed. He doesn’t answer right away, he just studies your features with soft eyes. You search his face as though to try and read his mind, but you would never know what he’s thinking. 

“Yes. I will be fine. During dinner I hope to possibly mention the Boston PD has a suspect in mind for the arson which occurred at West Bank Bookshop and gauge how everyone reacts to the news. I have an army of my men who will be at the house if anything gets out of hand.” He pauses, remembering how his mother wanted to help her son in obtaining security detail. He’s fucking glad he had his own men and never took Linda up on her offer. He decides to inform you: “I’ve been working with the detective you dumped.”

You freeze and look at Ransom. You swallow. “What?” You stand from your place on Ransom’s lap. The anxiety of the situation suddenly starts to take over your body’s movements causing you to pace. Your mind starts to race, “Are you paying him? Bribing him?”

Ransom comes to you, holding you in place. His hands rub your arms soothingly, “No. Nothing like that. He said he wanted to help. He’s a good cop. Willing to help you, so I figured who better to work with than him. He’s one of the few not on the Thrombey payroll. I wanted the fucking truth about who was causing you harm. I wasn’t going to trust someone who’s in our back pocket. And I am thankful now because if Linda has any, I am sure she would steer them in the wrong direction.”

You nod your head as you breathe a sigh of relief.

“He called and said he’s gotten some new evidence and wants to share it with me. I told him I could meet him at the manor.”

“Why there? Wouldn’t it be safer here?”

“I don’t want him knowing about this place. He and I are discussing business and I want to do it on my turf. At the manor. I want you there.” Ransom sees the concern in your eyes. “You’ll be okay seeing him?”

“Yes,” you smile weakly in return. Ransom had no idea you went to Ben for help as well.

Ransom gives you a soundly kiss and smiles. “Good. Be ready to go in fifteen.”

You nod your head as Ransom leaves the bedroom. You hastily reach for your phone and send Ben a text – Ransom informed of the voice. Also, please do NOT tell him we met to discuss matters.

You finish packing and close your suitcase when your phone dings.

Ben: Noted. You have nothing to worry about.


Ben is escorted into the library after his coat is taken and put away. His eyes take in Ransom and Y/N, standing in the middle of the room. He knows Ransom belongs in this house, yet she doesn’t but seeing her next to Ransom she looks as though she does. One would think they’re a normal couple, but he knows they’re far from it. Ben clears his throat, “You two make quite the couple.”

Ransom turns to face him, a huge smile displayed on his face. He wraps an arm around you, grounding himself and projecting to the other male, you belong to him now. “She’s an amazing woman. Glad she knew who the right choice was.”

“Ransom!” you ground out with a hiss.

He looks at you and winks. He then looks back at Ben, “You said you had some break in the case?”

Ben had been looking at you, noticed your flushed skin and disapproving look in your eyes. He chuckles before averting his eyes from you. He now looks at Ransom, “Yes. An anonymous source told me to check into some city coroners. I talked with a few today and one was able to give me an extremely detailed account about how Linda blackmailed him into giving her supplies.”

“Anonymous source?” Ransom inquires with a cocked brow.

Ben nods his head, “Yes.” Ben tries to come up with a good excuse. “Someone sent us pictures of Linda meeting with a coroner. I checked into it.”

Ransom withdraws his hand from your body and takes a few steps forward, trying to fathom who would be helping him take down his mother. His father? Ransom shakes his head at the mere thought of his dad. Richard would never try to help his son. Richard was too invested in making sure he remained married to Linda because he couldn’t afford to pay up if they ever divorced. “What did you find out?”

Ben looks between you and Ransom. “A coroner at Newton’s M.E.’s office confessed Linda Thrombey-Drysdale blackmailed him with gambling debts and an affair in exchange for medical supplies and drugs. Syringes, chloroform, cyanide, arsenic…”

“Some of those drugs were on the report from the lab work done at the hospital,” you inform the men. “She knew what to use?!”

Ben sighs, “The coroner told her which chemicals to use in order to sedate, which ones to use and how much to use for a lethal dose.” 

You begin to pace; your mind wonders to your dream with Harlan. “What was the official cause of death for Harlan?”

“Why?” Ransom questions.

“I need to know. Please tell me.” you beg him.

“Heart attack,” Ransom responds. He walks over to you and places his hands on your shoulders. “He had a heart attack.”

You don’t believe that. “There is no way he died of a heart attack. He had his medical problems, yet he never had anything wrong with his heart.”

“Y/N,” Ransom whispers as he wraps his arms around you.

“That’s not true Ransom,” you murmur as you try to keep your tears at bay. “I know it. You know it.” You pause. “I have a feeling someone was behind his death.” You look into the ocean blue eyes you’ve dived deep into. “I had a dream last night. Harlan mentioned ‘she’ when referring to his death. What if it’s Linda?

Ransom recalls the day he had been informed of Harlan’s death. He had gotten a call from his mother who was sobbing the entire time she was informing him Harlan had passed. Why would she want to get rid of Harlan? Especially if the throne was promised to him, her son.

“I can look into it,” Ben remarks. “Double check the autopsy and see who the coroner was.” Ben would do it for you.

You look at Ben. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Ben states. He sees you return your gaze to Ransom, knows it’s time for him to leave.  “Anything else I need to know if I’m going to help?”

“I fired Julian Grey last night. He was my business partner at Elysium.” Ransom replies as he moves his blue eyes from your face to Ben’s.

You look at Ransom. He had not divulged that particular detail to you. You wonder if it’s because of the scuffle which had happened the previous day inside of the office at the club.

He pulls you up against him as he keeps his focus on Ben. “He made unwanted advances towards Y/N multiple times and upon further investigation, I discovered he was stealing from the club as well.” He squeezes your side, reaffirming himself you are safe and protected.

“I’m guessing his dead body will turn up eventually?” Ben questions, knowing he shouldn’t even ask it. He already knows the answer.

“He’s not dead. Yet.” Ransom informs the detective.

“Ransom!” you scold him before turning your attention to Ben, “Will you excuse us for just a moment please?”

Ben nods and leaves the library, shutting the door behind him. Once he is out of ear shot you turn your attention back to Ransom, “What was that?! You can’t just admit your intentions to kill someone in front of a cop even if he is helping us.”

“Oh, he’s not going to do anything!” he retorts sharply. Ransom looks at the stern but concerned look on your face and sighs, “Look, I am sorry.” He sits down on the arm of the nearest chair, “It’s just, whenever I think about Julian and the situation he put us in, I get upset. He took from our business, the one we started together and then to top it all off, he makes his moves on you. I thought I could trust him! He stole from me! He touched you! He hurt you!”

You see Ransom unraveling, so you step between his legs and pull his head into the crook of your neck and shoulder. Ransom breathes in your scent, letting it lull him into a state of peace. After a moment he lifts his gaze to yours. Your thumb traces soft lines across his jaw and bottom lip, “Hugh, listen to me and listen good: I am fine because of you. I am safe because of you. I know this whole situation is something we never saw ourselves in but it happened and letting it completely consume you to the point where you’re not thinking clearly does not benefit either of us in the end. I know everything Julian did was a complete and utter betrayal, I get that, however, he is not our main focus right now. He is an insignificance in the grand scheme of things. Okay?”

“Okay.” Ransom’s voice is soft. He is utterly in awe of you. “How did you get so wise?” 

You couldn’t help but chuckle, “Years of dealing with Harlan, I suppose.” You press a soft kiss to his lips but are interrupted by a knock on the door from Ben who pokes his head into the room.

Ben sees the feelings you and Ransom have for one another as he watches the two of you. He had never seen a deep connection between two people who only met weeks ago; knew he’d never have a chance with you ever again because you’re with Ransom Drysdale and he wasn’t going to risk his life to pull you away from, what it looked like to him, the man you loved. All Ben could do and be now, was help you and Ransom, and be a friend to the two of you.

Ben clears his throat, “If there isn’t anything else…”

Ransom looks at Ben, “Actually, there is,” he looks at you, “I need to talk to Ben, alone.”

You raise a brow and look quizzically at Ransom. “Why?”

Ransom stands and kisses your cheek, “Don’t worry, he’s safe with me I promise. I just need to discuss something, man to man, if that’s alright?”

You look between Ransom and Ben, who shrugs and nods in return, then back at Ransom. You nod your head as you kiss Ransom quickly then depart the room.

Ransom watches you leave and walk up the stairs. He turns back around and faces Ben. He walks over to the detective, “I need you to do me a favor.”

Ben raises a brow, “What?”

“Well, first…Y/N is going down to NYC to stay with some friends of mine. The Ferrettis’. She leaves tonight.” He pauses momentarily, his heart sinking in his chest at you leaving Boston, yet he knows it’s for the best, and to keep you safe. “If anything happens to me, you’ll be the one to tell her.”

Ben sighs, remembering Y/N had mentioned Ransom was sending her down to the Big Apple but he didn’t know it was going to be with one of the city’s most infamous mafia families. Yet…Ben isn’t totally shocked. He looks at Ransom, who looks distraught, “You’re Ransom Drysdale. I don’t think anything will happen to you. And I’m sure she’ll be in good hands. They’ll no doubt protect her while you handle matters up here. I think it’s a wise idea. The longer she stays here, the worse her outcome will be if Linda accomplishes her goal.” Ben reaches out and touches Ransom in a kind gesture, “You’re doing what you can, for her.” He withdraws his hand and offers a weak smile. “To the best of your ability. You two will make it through.” 

“Well, something happened to Harlan. So, if Linda really wants to take over and be in charge, killing her only child is right within her wheelhouse. If it’s one thing that being a Thrombey has taught me, it’s that nothing will stop us from getting what we want. That’s both our blessing and our curse.”

“I am beginning to understand that. I am assuming if Linda is backed into a corner, things won’t end well.”

“It is safe to assume that which is why I am also getting a few things in order so if something does happen to me, Y/N will be set for the rest of her life.” He was planning to meet with his personal lawyer along with all his men.

“You care about her?”

“I do. I love her. When I am with her, when she is by my side, I am standing with the only army I’ll ever need. I know there are plenty of others, but they work for me. I am their livelihood and she…she is my livelihood. I live for her.” He pauses briefly. “Ever since I walked into her life, my existence has been consumed with her.” Ransom swallows. “She’s my weakness, and my strength. I cannotandwill not lose her.” he murmurs, reaffirming himself he’s doing right by sending the love of his life away. 

“One piece of advice then. Don’t die. Because from what I know of her and hearing what you’ve just told me and witnessing the two of you together just now, you’ll break her heart.”

Ransom sighs, “I’ll try my best not to die, and break her heart. Though hopefully not at the same time. Or ever.”


You stand in the attic study, your eyes flooding with tears. Your fingers are running over the spines of books you had given Harlan over the years. All the ones you’ve talked about, the ones that made you question certain things, the ones that made you think, the ones that made you cry. Plenty of time had been spent in this room and in the library downstairs. This place almost felt like a second home. It had been a second home to you.

“You should be here,” you whisper when you walk to his desk and see the computer along with various post-it notes. You pull out the chair, hesitant to sit on it but you do so. Your fingers travel over the cool plastic keyboard. “I need your advice on so many things, Harlan.”

You move your finger against the desk. The wood is cool to the touch and your fingers clear paths in the light layer of dust which has fallen onto the piece of furniture. You raise a brow thinking neither Ransom nor Fran have been inside of this room since Harlan passed. It held too many memories for them as well.

You gnaw on your bottom lip, trying to decide and justify a reason to explore the desk’s drawers. Deciding it would be the best to gain knowledge for what is occurring in your life, you begin to open some of them and investigate what’s inside of them - office supplies, pieces of candy, business cards, pads of blank paper, and a manuscript.

You knew Harlan had once joked several times about writing a memoir or even a fictional account of his life.

“I’d changed the names. Of everyone.” He had informed you one warm Summer afternoon. “You could read it! Let me know if you think I could be referring to the Thrombey family!”

You had laughed, “Well, you’d have to publish it under a pseudonym because your family would have a hissy fit whereas I’m sure you’d have a field day if you published something like that under your real name.”

Harlan had rolled his eyes and scoffed, “They aren’t readers! They aren’t into the written word like you and me. They would never know.”

Harlan’s chuckle echoes in your mind as you run a hand over the paper. Fatal Inheritance by Hercule Westing. You recognize the pseudonym instantly - Hercule from the plethora of Agatha Christie novels involving the one and only detective Hercule Poirot, and Westing from the children’s book The Westing Game. You turn the page. For my favorite bibliophile, may you find what you need in these words, as I found liberation in writing them. You are my true family.

You’re lost in a daze of overwhelming emotions as you realize Harlan dedicated this book to you. Harlan had always called you a bibliophile because of the love you had for books and the written word, along with pursuing your dream of opening a bookshop. He had always given you the moniker of ‘my child’ simply because he pictured you as the daughter he always wanted but never had in Linda, and now being called his true family made your heart sink inside of your chest.

You wipe away a few stray tears and sniffle. You were wishing with all your might he was alive and not dead. He would know how to take down Linda and make sure she never harmed you or her son ever again. You push everything aside as you stand, make your way over to the bench and sit. You turn the dedication page of the manuscript; your eyes sweeping over the words of the first chapter and getting hooked on the first sentence: The will reading took place on a thunderous, stormy day and was being held in the grandeur library inside the home of Henry Cassetti.


Ransom makes his way upstairs, moseying through the rooms trying to find you. He stops by the stairs leading to Harlan’s room and the attic study beyond it. He knows you’re there and that is where he finds you a few minutes later. Through the door he sees you lounging on the bench his grandfather would sit on to read. Harlan’s voice echoes in his head as he crosses the threshold: “What have I said about leaving me in peace?” 

Ransom shakes his head at those words and replies silently: Why aren’t you alive to see what’s going on? He sighs heavily, with a wishful thought of hoping to speak to his grandfather once more and ask him detailed questions about so many things. Yet he knows he cannot, that time has passed.

“You belong here,” Ransom quickly clears his throat, “there. I mean, well, I mean this room suits you or shall I say you bring life into this room.”

Your head pops up from what you’ve been reading. You smile, “I’ve spent plenty of time in this room over the past five years. It’s homely, warm, welcoming. I can’t believe you didn’t change it.” You had noticed the other rooms had been changed when making your way through the house and finally ventured up to the attic study.

Ransom can’t help but think of you as homely, warm, and welcoming in return. It’s why he said you brought life into his grandfather’s favorite room inside of Thrombey manor. He shrugs nonchalantly, “I couldn’t bear to change it. I’ve been up here once, no, twice since he died.” He pauses as he spins around the room slowly, traces some book spines with his fingers. “I thought he had left a ledger up here and instead I found books with your bookshop’s logo stamped in them.” He looks at you, grins. “The best thing I have ever discovered in this room over the course of my years of spending time with Harlan up here.” He walks over to you, leans down, and kisses you softly. “You’re welcome to come here anytime. Though I’d hope you’d be here around the clock. Eventually.” 

“Ransom…,” you begin as you cup his cheeks, “planning to lock me away?” You giggle as you see his blue eyes gleam wickedly. You then become serious, “We’ve only been official for…what?” You shrug as you pause, uncertain of how long you and he have been official. You continue, “I mean, you pursued me for close to a month before we went on an actual, real date.”

“You heard me when I told your father you’d be the only woman for me. You have been the only woman since you smacked me. There’s no one else for me; there will be no one else for me. Only you.”

You swallow. “Sounds like you’re proposing.”

Ransom gets down on one knee.

“Ohmygod, Ransom!” you exclaim as you pull him up by his sweater. “No!”

Ransom chuckles then frowns. He does want to marry you, make you his wife. But knows he’d want to go the traditional route and ask your father. He realizes though, Harry would never give his blessing. He takes a seat beside you on the bench. “What’s the matter?”

“Did you just not hear me?” you inquire as you look at him.

“I heard you.” He pulls you up against him. “But did you hear me?”

“Yes. And I also heard ‘eventually’ too.” You reach over and glide your fingers against his clean-shaven cheek. “If you wanna talk about marriage, grow a beard.”

Ransom cocks a brow, “Why a beard?” he asks with a chuckle.

You can’t help but look over his facial features, mapping every curve and sharp line of his face, “I think you’d look very distinguished, and very sexy, almost irresistible. So much so I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you.” Your fingers ghost against his jaw line imagining the stubble growing thicker.

“Consider this my last day shaving then.” His hand catches yours on his face as he pulls you in for a deep kiss. Moments later when you pull apart, breathless, he nods towards the manuscript in your hands. “What’s that?”

You look down at the words you had been reading. The story was good, no, it was fantastic. You could already tell who everyone within the story was. You swallow, “Something your grandfather was working on. A book. He wanted to try his hand at writing.” You look at Ransom. “May I keep it? Take it with me?”

Ransom nods, “Yes.” He feels your lips against his cheek, a silent thank you. He reaches up, wanting to touch your face and continue his kiss, silently hoping the two of you can have one last time before he must take you to the airport. However, the chime from grandfather clock begins to emanate from the foyer. He knows it’s five o’clock and you have to be on the plane by five-thirty because the family will be here at six for dinner.

You stir in the silence, hoping to have Ransom before he drove you to the airport and you two said your goodbyes, for the time being. You then think of an idea when you hear the clock resound throughout the house. You stand up, “I’ll meet you downstairs so you can take me to the airport.”

Ransom stands, watching you walk away from him with the manuscript in your hands. Yet he can’t help but smile as he saw a wicked gleam in your eyes before leaving him alone. He wonders what you could be up to as he makes his way downstairs to the foyer and patiently waits for you. 


After Ransom tells his men he’ll drive you to the airport in the Beamer, because he knows you’re up to something and he wants no other witnesses to it, he puts your suitcase into the trunk then helps you into the passenger seat. He then walks over to the driver’s side and gets in. “Nico’ll meet us at the airport.” He reaches for your hand and squeezes. “We’ll be fine.”

You know Ransom can hold his own. You did see him in action at Elysium the previous day. You wait till he passes the security shed on the mile long driveway to make your move. You casually run a hand up Ransom’s leg. “So, how many girls have you done it with, in this car?”

Ransom glances at you and smirks, “None.” He sees you raise a brow and chuckles. “I’m serious.”

You move your hand to his inner thigh, inching closer towards his groin. “You should pullover.”

“You’ll be late. I’ll be late.”

You lean over and huskily whisper, “Hugh.” You then kiss just below his ear and down the line of his jaw. “Please.”

Ransom swallows. He can’t deny you, and this is the last chance he’ll have you for who knows how long. He pulls the car off to the side of the road and places the Beamer into park. Once he does, you’re straddling his lap and he fuses his mouth to yours. He runs his hands down your back and over your ass, pulling you up against him. He feels your hands travel from his shoulders down his front. He hears you undoing his jeans, feels you pushing them down along with his briefs. He growls against your lips as you wrap your hand around his hard cock.

“Touch me,” you plead as you look into his blue eyes. You feel his hands travel over your bare skin under your dress.

“No underwear?”

You give a sly smile, “I’m glad you decided to drive the Beamer. I figure I should make it easy.” You press a kiss against his plush lips. “I did leave the underwear back at the manor. In your bedroom. A memento.”

Ransom chuckles, “Maybe I should give you something?”

You raise your hips and slowly sink onto his cock. You moan, “You already are.”

“Fuck!” Ransom hisses as he feels your slick channel wrapping around him. His fingers dig into your hips. His blue eyes look at you. “Don’t move.” He lets out a heavy breath. “I wanna feel you wrapped around me.”

You raise a brow then smile, “Way to make us more late. But you are the boss.”

Ransom cups your cheek, “Damn right.” He sucks in a breath when he feels your walls tighten around him. “You are…god…fucking beautiful.”

Your cheeks feel hot, just like your entire body is. You roll your hips gently.

Ransom moans. “What did I say?”

You cheekily smile, “I know what you said. I wanna see how much I’m willing to get away with. Hugh.”

Ransom glides a thumb across your lips, “You’ll get away with plenty of things, gorgeous. You’re already my weakness, my downfall. And yet, you are my salvation.” He pauses. “And I know I am doing the right thing by sending you away.”

You place your hand atop of his own. “You are,” you reassure him sternly. “And I will be waiting for you. No matter how long it takes.” You kiss him softly and smile against his lips. “Now, let me have what’s mine.”

Ransom thrusts his hips, causing you to moan. He grins as you begin to roll your hips. He feels your fingers digging into his shoulders as you mewl and moan endlessly. The sounds filling the small confines of the Beamer along with heat radiating from what is occurring between him and you. He moves his lips along part of your jawline then down your neck. His teeth nip at your pulse point and he inhales your lavender and lily perfume. His fingers dig into your flesh as he feels you tighten around his cock. He moans deeply as he makes sure his thrusts meet the grinding of your hips. “Come for me,” he whispers as he glides his mouth against your neck and dips a finger in between your folds and finds your sensitive bundle of nerves.

“Ransom!” you gasp out as his finger grazes your clit. “Yesyesyes! Don’t stop!”

Never. Ransom doesn’t stop with the thrust of his hips or circling your clit. He keeps going in a steady rhythm. He feels your body tense then relax as your body quivers atop of his. A chorus of his name mixed with yeses is music to his ears as he thrusts up, making sure he’s buried deep before he grunts as he empties his spend inside of you.

You ride out your orgasm as you find Ransom’s plush lips. He withdraws his hand from your pussy and wraps it around you as the two of you meet in a frenzied rush of tongues and teeth clinking together. Your hands run against his nape then your fingers card through his soft brown hair.

When you pull away from one another, both of you are gasping for air. Both of your chests heaving as you smile at each other. You didn’t want to leave him but know you must. You swipe a thumb over his swollen lips and smile, “You are mine, Hugh Ransom Drysdale.”

“Yours,” Ransom whispers, knowing his heart belongs to you and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s enthralled by you, lost in you. He’s gone off the deep end drowning, there was no way he was coming up for air, no way he was going to be found. He was stuck forever, and he didn’t mind. Nothing would ever come between him and his queen; and he was going to make damn sure it would remain that way for the rest of life, once Linda and the family was shown he’s in charge, he’s the boss, he’s the king.


Ten minutes later, Ransom speedily drives over to the waiting private plane on the tarmac. He parks the Beamer, climbs out then jogs over to the passenger door. He helps you out then moves to the trunk to get your suitcase.

“You’re late,” Nico remarks as he steps forward.

Ransom hands Nico the suitcase, “I know. Take it up with the boss.” He nods in your direction causing you to smother the chuckle that was threatening to escape your lips.

Nico looks between the two of you and shakes his head. “Yes, sir.” he replies with a smile as he takes the suitcase then walks towards the plane and waits.

Ransom smirks, “Good.” He walks back to you, seeing the afterglow of the impromptu car sex making you beam brightly, and embraces you in a tight, warm enveloping hug. “I will come and get you once I’ve taken care of her.” He feels you nod in response as your arms wrap tightly around him. He savors this caring moment between the two of you. He pulls faintly away and looks at you, looks into your eyes. “I love you, Y/N.”

Your heart flutters. Not sure if it’s because of your growing feelings or the thought of being miles away from him. After all, doesn’t absence make the heart grow fonder? You cup his cheek, stroke his skin with your thumb. A lone tear runs down yours. “Take care of my Hugh.”

He wipes at your tear. “I will.” He sweeps your mouth in a fleeting kiss but feels the tug of your hands on his jacket lapels which brings his mouth back onto yours.

Minutes later you are walking up the stairs and boarding the plane. You don’t glance back at the man you’re slowly falling in love with because if you do, you will want to stay. And if you stay, you know you will not be walking the earth for long because of the enemy within Ransom’s own family.


Ransom looks around the table as the family begins passing plates of food to one another. He never thought any of them would go after what’s rightfully his, he never thought any of them would have the spine, honestly. That’s why he was always the natural choice to take over once Harlan passed. However, someone has been trying to usurp him and it turns out to be his own mother, of all people. 

He wonders if any of them know of her plans, knows she wants the throne for herself. He thinks for a moment that maybe they are helping each other to overthrow him but then he realizes this is his family he is talking about and they are all too self-absorbed to unite for any common cause. So, his suspicions lay solely on his mother. Ransom sighs heavily as he takes a sip of alcohol. He needs to get every single person talking instead of silently gazing at one another. Ransom clears his throat, “Someone please talk. I can’t bear this silence.”

“Talk about what?” Joni inquires.

“Anything,” Ransom sighs. “I know we haven’t gotten together in a few weeks,” he shrugs, “but business does take precedence.”

The table collectively rolls their eyes causing Walt to remark, “Why would you even care, Ransom? It’s not like you enjoy us being here. You’re only doing these dinners to keep dad’s memory alive.”

“We are family, Walt,” Linda defensively states as she looks at her younger brother. “Give him somecredit.”

Walt scoffs, “He’s been preoccupied these last weeks doing god knows what! And you know it. Every time I call, he says he’s too busy or tells me to handle it on my own!”

“Because you’re a grown ass man!” Linda exclaims. “You shouldn’t need a babysitter. It’s not our fault you run with the wrong crowd!”

“A babysitter?! Well, I am so sorry we can’t all be perfect like you Linda! You always prided yourself in being dad’s favorite, don’t deny it! That’s why your son became the head of this family and not me!” Walt shouts.

“Walt!” Donna hisses as she glances at him. “That’s enough.”

“For once, I agree with Donna. You know as well as we all do you were never considered to take over Walt. You lack what is affectionately called, a spine.” Joni retorts.

The table collectively smothers a chuckle while Ransom takes a healthy drink of his wine.

“You want a spine? I will show you a spine!” Walt roars as he goes to stand from his chair waving his cane in his hand.

Ransom slams his fist onto the table causing all the dishware to clatter and clink, “Enough. Walt, sit the hell down. I won’t tell you again.” His voice is stern and cold.

Once Walt clears his throat and sits down, Richard looks to his son, “Why don’t you tell us what you’ve been up to son? I mean, we are family, as your mother said. You should shed some light on the family business.”

Ransom shrugs, “Everything’s fine. There’s been a few,” Ransom pauses trying to find the best way to put things in perspective without giving too much away, “bumps in the road. Nothing I can’t handle.”

“Care to let us in? Maybe we can help.” Richard offers before he takes a bite of food.

“If it pertains to family, we have a right to know,” Linda irritatingly remarks. She needs him to confess, to reveal to the family he’s with someone so she can get them all on her side. If the family thinks some harlot gold digger is going to compromise their cushy lifestyles, then they can all unite over a common cause for once in their miserable lives. “I mean, it’s the ‘family business’ after all, you shouldn’t leave us in the dark, like dad did. I’m sure talking about it would help. Dad never liked talking about it, and I am sure all the stress that comes with those secrets contributed to his heart attack. Please, my son, let us help you.” Linda tries to play the caring and concerned mother. Her tone may be gentle and give off a genuine vibe, but there’s one thing Linda isn’t aware of, Ransom knows she is absolutely full of shit.

Ransom stands from his place at the head of the table and goes to the wet bar off to the side to pour a healthy glass of whiskey. He needs something stronger to wash down the bile rising in his throat. His mother’s warmhearted words are spoken by a forked tongue and it’s making him sick. He briefly wonders if his mother has been like this his entire life or just recently since he came into power, but being the smart man he is, he knows the latter is the real answer. He turns his attention back to the table where his family’s looking at him, eager to know what’s going on.

Reclaiming his rightful seat at the head of the table, he sips his whiskey and begins, “There was a fire at one of our businesses in Weston. An intentionally set fire, which the fire department has ruled as arson.” His eyes land on Linda for a few seconds. “I’ve been informed the Boston PD have a suspect in mind.” Ransom continues moving his eyes around the table, absorbing everyone’s blank reactions.

Linda sips her wine as if nothing is wrong but the grip on her wine glass is firm and tight. Should she grip it any tighter, it would easily shatter in her hand. “Is that right?” she asks completely emotionless, using all the will power she has in her not to give anything away. There was no way the Boston PD had a suspect. No fucking way. She made sure her hands were clean of everything before she walked into West Bank Bookshop, drugged that whore, and set the place on fire. “If they have a suspect, why not arrest them?” she questions before taking a bite of food to settle her nerves. She shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions; she knows the cops in her back pocket would never lay a finger on her.

Ransom notes she doesn’t ask about which business. He cocks a brow, “They want to make sure all the boxes are checked before they make their move.”

“How much money are we losing?” Walt asks.

“That’s your first question?” Ransom retorts. “Someone lost their livelihood in our town. In our town, which has been quiet for years! And all you are concerned about is how much money we are losing?” He pauses. “You don’t even care about the human element of it all. This is a person whose business, their pride and joy, went up in smoke and your first thought is about money. Christ, it’s no wonder I was the only choice to take over. I mean look at yourselves, each and every one of you is more selfish than the next. I know none of you want me here…” His finger circles the table, calling all of those who sat at it, out. 

Everyone starts talking at once. “That’s not true!” “I never said anything like that.” “Nonsense.” “You deserve it, son!” “I’m glad you’re in charge.” “Harlan wanted you!” “I trust you.”

Ransom sighs, “And you are all full of shit.”

“Ransom!” Linda exclaims. “I know we are family, and we have our issues, but Harlan wanted you to take over! He told me himself.”

“Son, your mother’s right–”

“God, father! Please stop calling me by that. Everyone in a fucking hundred-mile radius knows I am your son!” Ransom yells angrily. 

Richard cowers in his chair and takes a drink of wine. He knows when he’s been silenced and shall remain silent.

Walt chuckles, “Dad never said anything to me! You know him and I were close, but I apparently could never be as cherished as the only daughter and firstborn of Harlan Thrombey like you Linda!”

Linda rolls her eyes, “Oh please Walt, you were only close because you were begging him for money every other week.” She nods her head towards Donna. “And I’m sure your wife wasn’t going to give you any of her money. Me being the favorite had nothing to do with it.”

Walt sneers at his sister. “Aha! So, you admit it then. You are the favorite. Of course, always in dad’s ear. No doubt about convincing him Ransom needs to be in the seat of power once he retired! But then he up and had a heart attack, so yet again Linda comes out on top!”

“Well,my son earned it! Him and Harlan were close, closer than he and that Nazi brat of yours ever was!” Linda argues. “There was no way in hell I was going to let the inferiorrule our kingdom!”

“Seriously you two? Will you ever stop? This is getting to be pathetic,” Joni remarks loudly. “Bicker after dinner. This is to be family time, not fighting time.”

Walt sneers as he takes a drink of wine. Linda sighs heavily and straightens her glasses. Everyone isn’t in utter shock; they know how these dinners can pan out when people get into a sparring match with one another. There was never a dull moment with the members of the Thrombey family when they got under one roof.

Minutes pass by in silence as people eat at their food, drink at their alcoholic beverage or water. Ransom feels the tension in the room, knows there is only one person out to get him though she tries to have his back the best she can. 

“This silence is a little too much,” Donna remarks on Ransom’s previous call for conversation earlier. “I know we all have businesses and jobs, some of us do. How are they thriving? How is work?”

Linda gloats. “Real estate business is booming. As always.”

Donna smiles, “That’s great!” She looks around the table. “Joni? Meg? Ransom, how are your other business ventures?”

“I’m in need of a new co-manager for Elysium.” Ransom replies without thinking, before taking a bite of food.

“What? Why?” Linda questions too quickly and sharply. She takes a drink of wine, trying to hide her impatience.

Ransom pops his head up as he grins, “I fired Julian. He disrespected me, he was embezzling club funds into his own accounts, as well as having his fingers in god knows what else-” 

At this news, Linda chokes on her wine which makes Meg snort and cough, trying not to spit out the water she had drank prior to Ransom’s information. She sets the glass down and glances between Ransom and Linda. This is going to be interesting.

Ransom cocks a brow, “What’s so funny Meg?”

She shakes her head, “Nothing. Sorry.” She dabs her mouth with the napkin in her lap.

“You obviouslyknow something,” Ransom remarks as he temples his fingers. “Why don’t you share?” He sees Meg shy away and smiles. 

Meg clears her throat, “It’s just, I, uh, I—” She eyes Linda expectantly trying to decide if she should reveal what she knew or not. Whose wrath would be worse to endure? Linda’s or Ransom’s?

“Spit it out girl!” Linda yells.

“Linda!” Joni retorts. “No need to yell at my daughter!”

Linda takes another sip of wine, trying to calm her nerves. “Either she has something to say or she doesn’t. So out with it, we don’t have all night!”

Joni’s glare at Linda is red hot, everyone can tell the widowed woman is annoyed by her sister-in-law. Joni pulls her daughter close and rubs Meg’s arm, “Ignore her sweetie, it’s okay. Go on, say what you want to say.”

Meg smiles weakly at her mother then looks down the table at Ransom. She holds her chin high, “Linda and Julian are having an affair.”

“Excuse me? What kind of stunt are you trying to pull? You have no proof—” Linda hisses.

“I do too!” Meg shouts, looking at Linda. “I work at Rare Steakhouse down at Encore Boston Harbor. I’ve seen you and Julian having dinner there a few times. You and he all dressed up, acting like horny teenagers. Frankly it’s disgusting to see up close.” Meg grimaces at having seen the couple sneak off one night after dinner only to find them fucking in the coat room.

Linda immediately stands and points an accusatory finger at Meg, “How dare you!” Linda straightens her clothes. “I mean, you don’t even know who Julian is!”

Meg scoffs, “He’s hit on some of the waitresses, given them his business card. Including me, even though I never had your table! I always asked another person to take yours and his table.”

Walt claps his hands together, delighted at this revelation, “Oh how the mighty have fallen! We all knew Richard couldn’t keep it in his pants, Linda. Come on!” He chuckles, “And with your son’s best friend and business partner! You should be ashamed.”

Linda rolls her eyes, “Shut up Walt!”

Ransom bores his eyes into Meg as he leans forward. He had no clue his mother and Julian were even acquaintances; had no idea they had ever met because he never perceived either of them would like the other. “How often is ‘a few times’?”

Meg looks at Ransom and shrugs, “Uh, maybe…I don’t know a handful or two since I started work there a year ago. I only work a couple of nights a week because of school.”

Ransom looks at his mother. “Tell me the truth, mother. Are you seeing Julian?”

Linda’s heart pounds wildly inside of her chest. She can’t hide away from this, can’t hide away from her son’s angry stare. She grabs her glass of wine and takes a drink. “Yes,” she chokes out, “Julian and I…are…we are seeing one another.”

Ransom leans back in his chair as his fist comes to cover his mouth.  Julian was going to be a wealth of information when he confronted the battered and bruised man once more. After the events at Elysium, he made sure Julian was kept someplace locked away where only Ransom had the key to, in an abandoned warehouse, restrained and gagged.

The silence and tension in the room was palpable. Everyone glances at one another as well as looking between Ransom and Linda, who are in a staring contest. People are afraid to move, to speak. Because they know if they do, Ransom Drysdale might erupt and the outcome would be devastating, even if the fallout wasn’t harsh as everyone thinks it will be.

“What the fuckiswrong with you?” Ransom questions angrily as he stares down the long table at his mother. He raises a hand to stop her from letting a word out of her agape mouth, “You know what? I don’t wanna fucking hear it.” Ransom pushes back his chair, causing it to scrape against the hardwood floor. “Julian was my friend! My business partner! You had to fuck it up! Like you’ve been fucking everything up since the day I slid out of you.” he accuses harshly, eager to see if she reacts.

“Ransom! I am your mother, you do not speak to me that way!” she tries to assert her dominance over her son, standing square straight.

Ransom can’t help but let out a scoff, “You are no mother of mine, you just happened to be the woman that carried me for nine months. Frankly, that is the only good thing you have done with your life: gave birth to me. Now-” He points towards the front of the house. “get the fuck out of my house!”

Everyone’s in a state of shock as they stare at Linda. She’s defeated, but only this once. She will make sure of it. No one embarrasses Linda Thrombey like that and gets away with it, not even her own son, the ungrateful bastard that he is. She pushes her glasses up then straightens her clothes as she walks away from the table.

Linda Thrombey-Drysdale marches out into the evening Spring air. The slight chill causes her to shiver as she walks to her car. “I am a Thrombey, goddamn it!” she utters with anger as she climbs into her Patagonia Red metallic colored Mercedes Benz E-Class Coupe. She taps the Bluetooth button as she begins to drive. Julian doesn’t answer, which causes her to end the call. She screams into the silence then declares: “That little prick thinks he can treat me this way? After everything I have done for him, all the sacrifices I have made? I don’t care if I have to kill him myself, he’s not getting away with this. I will get what I am owed, that throne is mine.


il nemico dentro - the enemy within


Pairing:Ransom Drysdale x fem!reader (Ready or NotAU)
Warnings:cussing, implied smut, violence, blood, dark magic, spoilers for Ready or Not
Word Count:9k
Author’s note: this is for @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​‘s Spooky Scary Stories

Missus Drysdale. Missus Hugh Ransom Drysdale to be exact. You stand on the small balcony outside of the grandeur mansion belonging to Harlan Thrombey, Ransom’s grandfather. You needed a breath of fresh air, needed a moment alone to take everything in. The whole day had been a whirlwind – spending the day getting dressed and taking pictures, the sunset wedding, and evening reception. Soon enough your wedding night with your husband would occur, but first you had to get through a family ritual of doing game night.

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Still love this story! And the movie it’s based off is fantastic! A must watch!
