#rapunzel x flynn


What would be in to romeo and juliet AU?

I’m not sure if you’re asking me whether or not I would be into a Romeo & Juliet AU or asking me what might be featured in such an AU. The answer to the first question is a maybe. @chiscribbs​ has an Enemy Kingdoms AU which isn’t exactly Romeo and Juliet but it is very similar in some ways and I am really like it. To the second question, I imagine it probably would feature a lot of the same things as that AU. 

☀️♥️Tangled - You were my new dream scene (with Saint Seiya/ Shingo Araki style)

Well, another fanart of my favorite Disney movie again! And this time it’s one of my favorite Tangled/ Disney movie scenes and the ones that impacted me since I was 6-7 years old. Because to be honest, I’m really really attached to this movie and these two, who are pretty much my favorite Disney couple since my childhood ❤️
