#rating ma




Mercury - Travelers and Tricksters
Pluto - Wealth and the Underworld
Mars - God of War
Neptune - God of the Sea
Jupiter - God of the Sky and Storms
Venus - Goddess of Love, Beauty and Prosperity
Saturn - God of Renewal and Liberation
Happy GingerRose week!

Words: 6727, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English




“Enter the forest where the trees throw the deepest shadows, far out behind the hills.
The path will lead you where you have to go.“

“And then?“ Rose asked.

“Thenthey will find you.“ Martha‘s pale blue eyes darted around nervously, anxious someone might catch them talking about the Bright Ones.

“And you sure hope it is one of the kinder ones and not him.“

Only a foolish girl would go into the Dark Forest.

Only a very foolish girl would make a bargain with its Lord.

But Rose has no choice.
Not if she wants to save her sister from a cruel fate.

And if she has to deal with a cunning little fox to do so, she will.

This peasant girl will not go down without a fight and the notorious Fox Lord might have finally met his match.

My Gingerrose Week 2022 contribution!

Words: 2905, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English




Modern day AU – Rose ran away from home after learning that she was pregnant because the baby’s father said he didn’t see a future with her and that he didn’t want children but is that really true?

This is a love letter to Harlequin romance novels where everyone is rich especially the Hero and bad decisions are not only delicious but a requirement to function in this Romancelandia. Tropes in this story include: childhood friends to lovers, secret baby, and misunderstandings. Full disclosure, secret baby is one of my guilty pleasure tropes.

For dedicated harlequin romance fans, apologies in advanced. The hero is not Greek, he doesn’t own a private island but maybe he has a yacht.

Words: 8178, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English




After overhauling the Stormtrooper and First Order breeding program, Armitage Hux has decided it is time to lead by example and find himself a suitable mate. Only the most valuable Omegas befitting a man of his status will do.

Upon request that cannot be refused, high-born Ladies from all across Order-controlled space are commanded to be in attendance for viewing. Surely among them, he can find a demure, well-bred debutant that will fit the role he’s dreamed up for them.

Rose Tico, daughter Otomok’s ruling family, has to make an appearance; for her people’s sake, and for her family’s survival. Too bad her plan of shocking the General into immediate dislike backfires in only the most spectacular way possible.

Words: 6185, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English




He doesn’t text her again until Friday, at nearly ten p.m. She hadn’t stayed over at his apartment. Had left right after he peeled the condom off, actually, had gathered up her purse and put back on her bra and hadn’t even done that thing where she pretends to forget something underneath his sofa so he’ll have to contact her again to give it back. She drank a glass of water that he offered her, cold and filtered from the fancy dispenser built into his fridge, because it was the polite thing to do, and he’d had both his slacks and his button-down shirt back on, sleeves rolled down, sans tie. It was the most professional she’d ever felt post orgasm (two).

“Thanks,” she had said after finishing off the glass. “See you around, I guess.”

He nodded, and he didn’t quite smile but his mouth sort of turned up at the edges maybe, and he said, “Sure,” and it was all fine. She left. It didn’t even feel weird.

Words: 9425, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 2 of really in a state tonight
