#rattus rattus




I understand everyone wants to headcanon Danny as being a dog person bc Cujo,

but hear me out hear me out hear me out–

I think Danny should have a pet that’s sort of like him. So I prepose, a rat in the Fenton home accidentally gets zapped by the portal, so now the Fentons are plagued by the shenanigans of a half-dead rat.

Until Danny catches it and realizes they’re in the same prediciment. Not truly being one or the other. His parents maybe want to experiment on it, maybe his sister wants to use it to run mazes for studies.

But Danny gives it the name Rattus Rattus, and that’s his pet.

This is so infuriating. I hate rodents with the same zeal I reserve for spiders. This idea is so perfectly on-brand for Danny that it honestly just makes me madder.

…what if rattus rattus is scrat

Y’all rattus rattus is the scientific name for (most) rats.

It’s so on brand for Danny. But even better

Just be like, “Ah yes, this is my pet rat…. Oh his name?…. Uh….. raaaaaat…tus?”

“Rattus?” Wes looks at the feral, glowing, white haired, green-eyed rat. “You named that.. Rattus?”

Danny realizing what he’s done because he’s a science nerd who helped document his parents lab rats. “Yes.. Rattus rattus actually.” Whispers conspiratorially, “He says it’s German but I just don’t think he can spell.”

“The rat?”

“Yes, the rat. Rattus rattus. Never taken a vocab lesson in his life. Or death. Either really.” Danny shrugs

“It can talk?”

“No of course not, it’s a rat.” Danny says with a confused face.

“But you- I- but he-! THE RAT!” Wes screams.

Danny shrugs, walking away unconcerned as the rats fur turns black in his hand and it stops glowing.

Wes swears it smirks at him.

He loses it.




our flag means death but that rat from Horrible Histories turns up every now and then with his true/false sign for the historical facts

Screenshot from Our Flag Means Death, of Lucius and Stede Bonnet. Lucius is writing in a book, and Stede is talking at him. Subtitles read: "So... I pay my crew a salary." Rattus Rattus, a rat puppet from Horrible Histories, is superimposed on the image in the lower right corner. He is holding a sign that says "This is true".ALT

[Image above is of Stede and Lucius talking on deck, with the caption “So… I pay my crew a salary”. In the bottom right corner, Rattus Rattus, a rat puppet, is holding up a sign saying “This is true”. End ID.]

[ID: Izzy, looking distressed, hiding behind a mast as he listens to Stede try and remove the sword he stabbed Ed with. The caption reads “Blackbeard: Keep going. Keep- Yeah.” In the botom right corner, Rattus Rattus holds a sign saying “SILLY”. End ID]

[ID: Stede and Ed on the beach, looking into each others’ eyes, captioned “What makes Ed happy is… you.” Rattus Rattus in the corner holds a sign with a rainbow flag on it. End ID]



our flag means death but that rat from Horrible Histories turns up every now and then with his true/false sign for the historical facts
