
SUBMISSION FEATURE: Self-Portrait as a Castrato with Flowers from an Adoring FanHi everyone! We realSUBMISSION FEATURE: Self-Portrait as a Castrato with Flowers from an Adoring FanHi everyone! We real

SUBMISSION FEATURE: Self-Portrait as a Castrato with Flowers from an Adoring Fan

Hi everyone! We realized belatedly that we incorrectly formatted the line breaks in one of the poems featured in our June issue. Because the initial post has already been reblogged and viewed many times (thank you so much for your support!) we felt that it wouldn’t be the best idea to take all the links down and reupload, so we’re instead giving the piece its own separate post so that it might better reach all our readers on their dashboards. 

Please check out more of Leon’s work at their blog

Thank you all so much for your continued support. Please look forward to our July issue coming soon!

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