#read between the lines


If you know anything about me, you know I ignore my messages. But new tumblr is a new era, and I feel like I should try to connect with you guys a little more… since there aren’t many of us left lol. Feel free to say hi. I’ll try to be better about saying hi back. Unless you’re rude. Then I’ll block you. ☺️

Anon is on, and I’m going to start queueing some answers. ‍♀️

Does this need a caption?

Does this need a caption?

Post link


So I was speaking with some fandom folk on Discord about Anne Rice and the Vampire Chronicles, and shared some of the e-mails we sent back and forth over the years. People seemed to enjoy it, so I’m going to share some in a series of posts.

Please note that I often disagreed with Anne on stuff, and we went back and forth, but I am leaving her virtuoso performances unedited so that you don’t interrogate the text from the wrong perspective.

On whether Louis or Lestat is lying, and what truly happened between them in Paris and when Louis stated he saw Lestat for the last time at the turn of the 20th century:
