#reader masc




[Jung Jaehyun]

pt.1 = prank

pt.2 = all your fault

***Again. Go away if you can’t appreciate gay romance, I’M GAY AND I WROTE THIS!!***

Genre: unpure angst[BIRTHDAY SPECIAL!]

Pairings:Jung Jaehyun x male!OC (his name is Kang Seo Min!)

WARNINGS: heavy cursing, anxiety, breakup & makeup, two very deep friendships almost end, prank gone VERY wrong, mentions of severe depression, in person ghosting, mentions of sex but no sex (WRITER IS A MINOR)

summary:Mark & Seomin pull a prank on Seomin’s unsuspecting boyfriend, Jaehyun. A harmless prank. Harmless.…Right?But the two boys don’t get the reaction they were hoping for– Jaehyun would laugh it off, knowing it was a prank. Or that’s what they hoped for…

DISCLAIMERS:All headers, story plot, story titles, dividers & everything else are MINE and COPYRIGHTED unless I EXPLICITLY state otherwise! 


Before Min knew it, a sob of agony & suppressed rage ripped free of his chest. He slid down the wall & fell onto his knees, then his side, curling into fetal position & sobbing.

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The next three weeks went by without a word, even a look, from Jaehyun. Min tried and tried and tried to get his attention, but he couldn’t. No matter what he did, Jaehyun was confident in his pursuition of rejection towards Min.

It broke Mark’s heart.

There was this little voice that resided nowadays in the back of Mark’s mind, constantly whispering self-insulting, degrading things to him. Some of these things were absurd, Mark knew those weren’t true, but some of them were starting to bug him.

It’s all your fault, Mark… they’re gonna break up now… it’s your fault! Mark screamed, dropping the empty pan he was holding — which fell to the counter & bounded onto the floor with two progressively louder crashes, prompting alarmed yells from what Taeil in the next room & what sounded like five or six of the other boys from other parts of the house — & sliding down the island wall onto the floor & sobbing into his knees, pulling himself closer to his chest.

Nevertheless, the voice in his head wouldn’t let up. 

Seven years between Min & Jaehyun… seven years of unbroken, passionately requited love. And you ruined it. You ruined their whole lives.

This is your fault.

“Th-this- this- this isn’t m-my f-fault.. IT ISN’T MY FAULT!!” cried Mark. Doyoung ran into the room, Johnny & three others hot on his tail.

“Mark!” yelled Johnny, “What’s — what happened?? Are you okay?” The last five words were said in unison, & raised panicking voices, by Haechan & Johnny. Mark shook his head best he could: his whole body was shaking with the racking sobs he’d been letting out for the past almost five minutes.

“T-The prank… It– it was my-my idea…” muttered Mark through sobs & whimpers, “A-And now — and now J-Jaehyun & Min are gonna- b-break up–”

To Mark’s added dismay, Jaehyun walked in right as he said it. 

“No, Mark– No… You can’t blame yourself for this, you– wait…”

Jaehyun stopped, his brow furrowing.

“…the prank… was… your idea…??”

Mark nodded, heavily throwing his head back into his arms & groaning. Another sob fell from his chapped lips.

“So then… then… it wasn’t… his–fault…”

Mark hesitated before shaking his head. Jaehyun’s head fell toward his chest. He shook his head heavily before getting up & walking out of the kitchen.

He didn’t return to that room for weeks. Neither did Mark; he stayed in his & Yuta’s room, spending half the time crying into his friend’s chest. The other members of the other two groups Mark was in started getting closer in Mark’s absence, trying to make up for the emptiness that was whenever Mark wasn’t in the room to cheer them up. Taemin gradually began to hang out with the older Neo boys; Kai & Lucas got closer as well. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jaehyun sobbed into the pillow he was hiding in; this was the beginning of the fifth week that he & Seomin had fallen apart. He was constantly in tears now, they both were, debating whether they should apologize while hoping against hope’s rivals that the other would come up first. But to the dismay of both boys, neither did. 

Min stopped sleeping regularly, resorting instead to wine stolen from Taeil’s dorm to knock him out. That almost never worked though, and he was eventually dealing with fatigue & exhaustion on top of the stress, pain & loneliness. Min’s dancing skills slowly stopped showing; three weeks into the breakup he stopped coming in to practice at all.

The other boys couldn’t persuade nay of the three of them to come out of their rooms; Mark only came out once every few days and only when Yuta was with him. Jaehyun never left his room at all, & Seomin…

No one knew where Seomin was most of the time.

No one except Taeil… who wouldn’t tell anyone of the boy’s whereabouts.

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Jaehyun curled into a ball under the blankets, whimpering & running his hand roughly & slowly down his face. He groaned & abruptly sat up in bed, grabbing the pillow from behind him & setting it in his lap, but not letting go. Instead, his grip on it became tighter, & he bit his lip violently, before initiating a kind of aggrivated slamming of his head into the pillow in an effort to make the memory of that mark on his lover’s chest go away.

But no matter how hard he tried, the effort came out flowing with vain.

He knew he would eventually have to stop being angry at Min; it wasn’t his fault after all. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t bring himself to walk onto the stage of forgiveness. Min hadn’t cheated though, it had all been a prank.

But Jaehyun was still hurt.

Min & Mark had pulled a trick on Jae that would never be forgiven, one that couldn’t be forgiven.

But he had to try.


TAGS:@hwarora@kittensyoonie@umbralhelwolf@armysantiny@hello-yav@tbzvity@aluxuriousjourney@woo-minhee02@miroticized@linoragi@eat-th3-rich@multifandomclown@freezedsoul@queenmedi@wooyoungsbae@vampireyeosang@yungisstar1117-writes@babyboobean@yunkiwii@hijirikaww@jihyoscrown@yunhoflrtz@blxckswxnxge@blxckswxnxge@multifanbisexual@seokwoosmole@hello-yav@drunk-on-yuta@dianas-starry-night@multifanbisexual@enhafika@drunk-on-yuta@srslyac3@simp-for-sunghoons-hair-tied-up@wooyoungsbae@multifanbisexual@wonjaems@soobin-chois​ @hohohugs


© 2021–2022 chai saetang.

Roan@taeyongslilkitty just posted a Jaehyun fic



[Jung Jaehyun]

pt.1 - prank

***Go away if you can’t appreciate gay romance, I’M GAY AND I WROTE THIS!!***

Genre: unpure angst[BIRTHDAY SPECIAL!]

Pairings:Jung Jaehyun x male!OC (his name is Kang Seo Min!)

WARNINGS: heavy cursing, anxiety, breakup & makeup, two very deep friendships almost end, prank gone VERY wrong, mentions of severe depression, in person ghosting, mentions of sex but no sex (WRITER IS A MINOR)

summary:Mark & Seomin pull a prank on Seomin’s unsuspecting boyfriend, Jaehyun. A harmless prank. Harmless. …Right? But the two boys don’t get the reaction they were hoping for– Jaehyun would laugh it off, knowing it was a prank. Or that’s what they hoped for… 

DISCLAIMERS: ~~All headers, story plot, story titles, dividers & everything else are MINE and COPYRIGHTED unless I EXPLICITLY state otherwise! ~~I got the idea for this fic from a Taeyong x male reader fic that was thrown my way a few days ago where Haechan & reader pranked Taeyong with makeup-hickeys, but I can’t remember who wrote it, so if you, the author of that fic, are reading this, thank you for the inspiration! That story was amazing— …up until the unsuspecting smut that my half awake ass skipped past–

A/N: I’m sorry this was so depressing… Anyone who reads this, I hope you like it; it was difficult to write and made me cry like fifty fucking times… ***I TWEAKED A LINE OF HARRY POTTER & THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN THO!!! Try & find it~~

Turn the page & start the story~~


Jaehyun’s eyes went wide at the sight before him before settling on a dark, piercing glare. The mark on Min’s chest was visible enough that even Johnny, who was ten feet behind Jaehyun, stopped to look at it when Jaehyun was no longer paying attention to the game.

“…Is that a hickey? Did you make that?” said Johnny, walking up next to his best friend. 

“No, I did not.” Jaehyun’s voice was laced & dripping with anger, confusion, suspicion, venom & a well-hidden hurt that still didn’t go unnoticed by Johnny.

Johnny took hold of Jaehyun’s shoulder, a soft massaging motion coming from his hand in an attempt to keep Jaehyun calm. After a while, Jaehyun broke out of his trance & took a deep breath before walking over to Seomin. Min had his phone in his hand; he was scrolling half-attentively through twitter, & Jaehyun took another deep breath before grabbing Min’s wrist, pulling the phone out of his view.

This motion broke Seomin, too, out of a trance, & he looked up at Jaehyun, blinking with an obvious confusion in his eyes. The glare that met his ice-blue irises, the venomous earth-brown daggers he’d seen given to others time and time again before, was piercing into his soul; Seomin melted under its power. He’d never felt so scared, so worried he’d done something wrong.

After all…

Kang Seomin had never pissed Jaehyun off before.

“Wh–What’s wrong, babe?” Min hadn’t meant it to come out shaky, Jaehyun knew he hadn’t– Min was the softest, sweetest of beans. But it did, and in any other situation Jaehyun would’ve crumbled under the haphazardly hidden terror in his eyes. 

It took Jaehyun a minute to get his shit together enough to answer, but when he did…

The venom in his tone was unknown to the most deadly of creatures on the earth.

“What the fuck is that on your chest?”

When you didn’t answer, Jaehyun turned away briefly, trying to hide the twitching & convulsing of the muscles above the right side of his mouth & underneath his right eye.

When he turned back around to face his boyfriend, Min was gone. Jaehyun had a brief glimpse of Min’s form tearing towards the beach house as if he were being chased by a demon before his feet were taking him on a chase after his lover… as if he was the demon Min was running from.

A/N: Please read further at your own discretion: the fight that is about to happen made even me cry.

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“That hickey isn’t mine, I know it’s not! WE HAVEN’T FUCKED IN WEEKS!!”

“Jae, please, l-let me explain–”

“NO, I don’t need to hear your explanation to know where that mark came from! Who gave it to you??”

Min’s eyes went wider than they already had been; his breath hitched in his chest & his heart began to pound in his throat.

“…M-Mark…” he whimpered, covering his face with his hands & turning away to hide the tears running down his face.

Jaehyun had been trying to control himself, he really had, but as soon as the name came out of the other man’s mouth, Jaehyun’s vision went red. Before he’d registered that his body was moving, he found himself with his palms flat against the wall of the beach house, his shaking boyfriend pinned to the wall with no escape if Jaehyun lost control.

“…Mark…”Jaehyun scoffed & tutted. “Are you cheating on me? Are you fucking my friend?” When Seomin bit his lip & squeezed his biceps with trembling hands instead of answering, Jaehyun grabbed his chin. Not in the good way either, not in that soft yet firm fashion he always did when they made love. No, this was different. There was a fire in Jaehyun’s eyes that burned tauntingly at Seomin, as if daring him to fight back.

But Min couldn’t do it.

All he could do was close his eyes tight, his heart sinking into his stomach, too weak to dare looking at his boyfriend.

“Answer me, Min. Are you cheating on me? With my best friend?” 

“N-no, Jaehyun, please I swear that’s not what happened, I–”

Seomin wanted to throw himself into the other man’s chest, throw his arms around Jaehyun & cry into his chest; he knew that Jaehyun would always comfort him when he cried, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to move, not even a muscle. Under Jung Jaehyun’s terror-inducing, stabbing gaze… who would?

Jaehyun only just realized he was shaking madly, akin to a rabid dog ready to pounce. He took in multiple almost uncomfortably deep breaths, trying to calm himself before he said something to his boyfriend that he couldn’t fix. But a reckless rage had come over Jaehyun, something he couldn’t fight back. He aggressively pushed himself away from the wall, away from Min, & backed away.

“Tsh… I see how it is.”

And Jaehyun turned on his heel & swept up the stairs in a storm of rage, slamming his bedroom door shut so hard that a flock of birds could be heard fleeing, & the wall was still quivering seconds after it’d been closed.


TAGS: @hwarora@kittensyoonie @umbralhelwolf @armysantiny@hello-yav @tbzvity@aluxuriousjourney@woo-minhee02@miroticized@linoragi@eat-th3-rich@multifandomclown@freezedsoul@queenmedi@wooyoungsbae@vampireyeosang@yungisstar1117-writes@babyboobean@yunkiwii@hijirikaww@jihyoscrown@yunhoflrtz@blxckswxnxge@blxckswxnxge@multifanbisexual@seokwoosmole@hello-yav@drunk-on-yuta@dianas-starry-night@multifanbisexual@enhafika@drunk-on-yuta@srslyac3@simp-for-sunghoons-hair-tied-up@wooyoungsbae@multifanbisexual @wonjaems@soobin-chois@got7noona07@hohohugs

NETWORKS: @storytellers-net@superm-net@//bbh-net 

Roan@taeyongslilkitty just posted a Jaehyun fic
