

Requested by: Anon,  Forever tag:@missmelodramatic,@theletterhart,@alex–awesome–22,@elllie-does-the-posts,@floatlosers,@merlieve,@queen-of-books,@glimmering-darling-dolly,@denkisclown,@automaticbakeryfreakshoe,@meyocoko,@bubblybrianna,@october-leaves

Two windows got slide open from the middle, an eager Steve smiling. – “Welcome to Scoops ahoy!” – called he out. You tapped the little bell on the counter to back him up with a giddy smile. Steve jumped on top of the counter, swaying his legs through the opening. – “You know there is a door, right?” – stated you, pointing with your ice-scoop at the door. Steve eyed the door, shrugging his shoulders. He landed on his feet with a loud thud. Steve came standing beside you, looking over the many flavors of ice cream. There were little customers, giving the two of you some time to chat away. Steve exhaled deep, turning his back towards the counter, leaning against it. 

Peeking at him, smiled you. – “Getting old Harrington?” – teased you, cleaning the counter. He laughed breathlessly, batting his eyes to the ceiling. He was about to say a remark when some giggling ladies caught his attention. Over his shoulder, saw he them laugh girlishly, enjoying their ice cream. Steve threw them a kind smile that set them off laughing louder. Sighing loud, turned Steve his attention back to the open windows. – “It’s the hat.” – mumbled he to himself. – “Oh it is definitely the hat.” – joked you out, poking him in the side. Steve curled up a smile, turning side-ways to you, his elbow leaning on the counter. – “It looks great on you.”

His compliment made your toes curl. Pressing your lips together, suppressed you a girl squeak. – “It does not.” – added you to not make him feel bad, giving him a soft push against his shoulder. – “No, I mean it Y/n. This whole sailor thing is working for you.” – you couldn’t control the heat coming to your cheeks, hoping it wouldn’t show too much. – “It does so for you.” – eyeing him turned Steve a full circle for you with a loud hum. Laughing loud, like you how easily Steve could make you smile. – “Only the hat is indeed a buzz kill.” – you snatched the hat from his head, holding it behind your back. – “Your hair is way to great to be hidden like that.” – Steve couldn’t agree more. 

“I know right.” – exclaimed he. – “Hey!” – both of you turned your heads to the window. Robin had placed a white board on the counter. She sneered, drawing a line underneath the text ‘you suck’. With a witty glance, exaggerated she, her statement. Steve was used to it, waving his hand up for her to disappear. Robin took the white board down, sliding the two windows shut again. Steve felt a bit naked, something missing. He batted his eyes up. – “Where is my hat?” – questioned he.

You tried to hold back your laugh, waving the hat behind your back. He suddenly remembered what happened to it, grinning at you. His hand made a motion towards you. You took a step back, keeping him out of reach. – “Y/n?” – said he, quirking his eyebrow up. You kept smiling at him, seeing him attempt another time to get his hat. You swayed your body to the left, avoiding his grippy fingers. Steve narrowed his eyes playfully at you, ready to take on the challenge. He moved his hand towards your back, trying to get it. You turned to the right as he took the opportunity to snatch it from you. 

He had a grip on his hat as you squealed loud. Moving your back quickly, wanted you him to let go. Steve clenched his jaw, focusing more on taking it from you. He started to get closer, overruling any rules. He moved both his hands around you, leaning in close. He smirked, his face inches away from yours. Gulping felt you flustered in his presence. He had a hold of his hat, calling loud ‘aha!’. He pulled at it, freeing it from your grip. Waving it victorious high above you, cheered he loud. You tried to take it from him, but it was no use. Surrendering, allowed you Steve to put his hat back on.

He let his hip bump against yours, giving you a little tease. You collected your ice scoop again when Steve was leaning against his hand, his elbow resting on the counter, staring at you. He heard some familiar voices, making him take a sneak of it. He immediately straightened his back. – “This one is yours!” – called he out, motioning with his head to the upcoming customers. You sighed with a soft roll of your eyes. – “Good luck.” – whispered Steve at you, his hand resting on your shoulder. He then hurried to the back, leaving you with the wrath of the next customer. – “Sister!” – said you with a plastered smile. 

“Y/n!” – replied Erica, glaring a bit at you. Two of her friends standing behind her. You loved her but when it came to visiting your workplace, she could boil your blood. – “I’d like to try that taste.” – She pointed at a blue flavored ice cream. A smile plastered on her face that you knew had a hidden meaning. Sighing told you her. – “You already know what that tastes like.” – Erica released an ungrateful breath. – “I want to taste it!” – spoke she between a clenched jaw. You twirled your ice scoop in front of her. – “I can’t keep giving you free samples, dear sister.” – Erica pushed your ice scoop down that was circling in front of her face.

“We want free samples!” – called she out, not wanting to look uncool in front of her friends. – “And I can’t give you it.” – answered you, leaning over the counter to her. Erica stomped her foot against the ground, fists pounding down. – “Give me free ice cream or I’ll tell that nerd you like him!” – threatened she. You laughed, not fully understanding the meaning of her lousy threat. – “What nerd?” – laughed you out till it suddenly hit you. Erica quirked her eyebrows up till you got it. – “You wouldn’t!” – hissed you at her, keeping your voice low. Erica was gleaming with self-pride. – “Oh, I would.” – she readied her hand against his mouth to call out loud. 

“Don’t!” – called you out, grabbing her by the wrist. – “I’ll give you all the ice cream you need.” – whispered you out. – “Just don’t tell Steve.” – Erica practically rubbed her hands together at her victory. She looked over her shoulder to her friends, ready to take in their appreciation. – “What flavors do you want.” – asked you on a dull tone, knowing you had been defeated by your own sister. She started listing flavors as you had no other choice but to give her what she demanded. Erica was gleaming at the ice cream in her hand. – “Don’t come complaining to me when you have a stomachache!” – shouted you at her. Erica shot you a soft glare, sitting down with her friends.

Robin came from out of the back, seeing you take a deep sigh. She glanced over to the table Erica had come sitting at. – “That rough?” – asked she, giving you another metal container of ice cream. – “You have no idea.” – answered you, trading her full container with an almost empty one. It looked more presentable to see the containers full of ice cream then almost eaten out. Robin stared at you for a moment as you opened your wallet, throwing some money in the cashier to repay the ice cream Erica had taken. – “You know, she should be paying for it.” – you turned to her, leaning against the wall.  – “I know…” – sighed you out, rubbing your forehead from exhaustion. 

Erica could be so tiring in this phase of her life. Robin returned to the back, showing the white board to Steve again. – “What did I do this time?” – questioned Steve, seeing her widen her eyes at him. She drew a line under ‘you suck’ again. – “That’s five Harrington!” – commented she. Steve shook his head confused, moving his hand when Robin stored the board away again. – “That one was for leaving Y/n to deal with Erica alone.” – was the only thing she said, moving to some boxes to cut open. Steve bit his underlip, slowly nodding. It was truly a dick move to leave you to your sisters scheming.

He pushed the swaying door open, standing still for a moment to observe you. You were helping a customer. It made him smile, giving recognition to his feelings for a brief moment. With a clearance of his throat, got he in motion again. He came standing beside you, nodding at the customer as a polite greeting. – “Sorry.” – confessed he after the customer had left. You hummed confused, quirking your eyebrow up. – “I should’ve handled Erica.” – mumbled he out, feeling a bit ashamed of himself. You laughed loud. – “That’s alright, my sister, my responsibility.” – joked you out, glancing brief over at her. She got up as you widened your eyes with a soft gasp. She left, leaving at least half of her requested ice cream. 

It made you curl your fingers into your palm, pressing them tightly. Stomping furiously over to her table, were you left to clean up her mess. She had even managed to spill on the table, leaving sticky stains on it. Sighing deep, returned you to the back with the half glass of ice cream. You presented it to Robin, hearing her scoff unbelievable. You went back with a wet cloth, cleaning the table. Steve was managing the counter, shaking his head at another upcoming crowd. – “No!” – said he, swaying his finger in front of him. – “You don’t even know what we are going to ask.” – answered Mike, pulling his shoulders up.

Steve tilted his head to the side, not buying it. – “Again?” – stated he, disappointed. Mike smiled sheepishly, Eleven hanging on his arm. – “Not this time! I’m not letting you through.” – made Steve clear, crossing his arms. – “Come on Steve! It’s the last time.” – begged Mike. – “It is always the last time with you guys.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Do your thing Lucas!”

Mike slapped Lucas against his chest. Lucas cleared his throat taking a step closer to the counter. Steve was leaning down on it, interested into what kind of stupid reaction they would come up with to make him bend the knee. – “Give us save passage.” – started Lucas, motioning to all his friends. Max nodded once, making Steve scrunch his nose at her attitude. – “Or I’ll simply tell my sister about your little crush on her.” – Steve gulped, quickly trying to hide it. He laughed loud to hide the fact he truly did liked you. – “I don’t like your sister.” – answered he, still laughing. Lucas looked at Mike and Will. 

Mike nodded while Will copied Mike after a second. – “Then you don’t mind me calling her over.” – Steve stopped laughing, seeing Lucas turn towards you, moving his hand to his mouth. – “Oh…” – started he, almost saying your name, only the begin letter escaping his mouth before his hand got yanked down. – “Alright! Just keep quiet.” – bit Steve at them. Lucas winked at Max. – “Works like a charm.” – teased Mike out. Steve sighed deep, allowing them to move through the back door. You returned to the counter where Steve was. – “Was that my brother?” – asked you. Steve nodded.

“Wrapped around their finger.” – said you, twirling your finger. – “Yeah.” – breathed Steve guiltily out. You laughed soft. It was truly astonishing how your siblings had such a grip on both of you. Steve pulled your swaying finger down, not needing to see the metaphor be visualized that he was under Lucas’s thumb. It caught you off guard, making you swallow nervously. Steve still had a hold of your finger, gazing intensely at you. Both of you leaned a bit closer, lost in each other’s eyes. 

For a moment thought you Steve was going to kiss you, but he didn’t. He cleared his throat, pulling himself back. Letting go of your hand, looked the both of you giddy and flustered away. – “I…I have to…” – stuttered you out, showing him the wet cloth. Steve hummed loud, looking around at anywhere but your beautiful eyes that made him swoon. – “I should…” – backing up, were you lost on words. – “You… you should.” – mumbled Steve back. – “I’ll stay… here…” – added he, placing both his hands on the counter. You nodded, almost bumping against the wall. With a sheepish grin, hurried you to the back. Waving yourself some cool, you thought you would faint there and then. What a grip he had on you.


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