#readriordan should take notes from you




5 Reasons Percy Should Have Dated Rachel Elizabeth Dare


1. They comfort each other

Percy didn’t want to be a half-blood in the first place, and then he met with Rachel who can take him to a ‘normal’ life seemed like what he needed. Rachel, who has clear sight, always wondering why she could see things that others don’t, finally met Percy who can explain to her what was happening, and prove that she’s not crazy, but gifted. They are not “using each other” but bring comfort and relief to each other. Percy also said “she was so much easier to be around than some other girls I knew”, that showed how comfortable Percy was with Rachel than other girls.

2. Open Communication

In TLO Percy said “Rachel didn’t hide much. She let you know how she felt” clearly he liked that trait of her : straightforward. And we know Percy was not too sensitive to girls’ hints, and he was so confused at some point trying to deal with a girl before. So what could be more compatible for him than a straightforward girl? Being with Rachel, he stated “I didn’t have to work hard or rack my brain trying to figure out what she was thinking.” Like, good for him. 

3. Rachel can make the first move

Percy might not be the sharpest when it comes to romance and he needs a little push. But boys don’t always have to be the first who make a move and there is no prohibition that a girl cannot do it. Rachel did that a few times. She wrote her phone number on Percy’s hand, even though that time wasn’t for flirting purposes, but still, Percy ended up memorizing it. She asked Percy if he felt like hanging out with a mortal, he can call her. The most famous of them all is when they were on the beach in the beginning of TLO, she hinted Percy to kiss her. If it weren’t for the pegasus interruption, Percy would’ve kissed her first. Just sayin’.

4. They can be best friends

Outside of romantic relationships, we all can agree they can be besties, with sarcastic humor, they were like on the same ‘tone’! They were the kind of people who say “babe” but like platonically while saying “dude” romantically. They could just chill and have fun, or maybe doing shenanigans.

5. They ‘bravely’ care for each other

Rachel got sliced by Percy in their first encounter, but minutes later she helped him from the skeleton army. She helped him again with the empousas, the labyrinth, hit the Titan’s Lord with a blue plastic hairbrush, and made a sh!tty deal so she can go to the warzone and help Percy. “In her own way, Rachel was brave.” When Percy felt like Rachel was going to be the Oracle, he said “it filled me with dread” and angrily tried to stop it from happening ‘cause he was afraid she could end up tragically.. Or was it? Wasn’t he also didn’t want her to be off-limits???

I stand by this ship and I think Percy should’ve dated Rachel :)


Anyway, to make me feel better after that ****** article by riordan staff, I made one myself. Ofcourse it’s not perfectly describe Perachel, they were so much more than words and sometimes we just have to.. feelthem♡
