#ready for something new — allison ilysm this is the best



All Tomorrows Come From Yesterdays

A 5x18 Coda

As the sun goes down and twinkle lights blink to life all around Hen and Karen’s backyard, a pleasant spring chill sweeps in. Buck can feel goosebumps rising under his suit jacket, but he tips his face into the breeze anyway and it almost feels cleansing.

Across the yard he can see the brides swaying, pressed together at the center of the dance floor, looking like they’ll never let go and like they know they’ll never have to. “I will choose you over and over again. Every day. At every opportunity,” Hen had said at the altar, making everyone in earshot start to cry. No one harder than Karen who stamped her foot and said, “That’s not fair. I didn’t even have time to write down anything to say.”

“You can just say I do,” Hen suggested.

“No wait, wait, wait, I got it,” Karen said, drawing a trembling breath. “Henrietta Wilson…”

She recited word for word the vows that she’d written so many years before and Hen started crying with her as soon as she recognized them. “I can’t believe you remember that,” she said.

“I could never forget,” Karen replied. “I’ll make that promise to you every day.”

Buck wiped his eyes on his sleeve and applauded with everyone else as his friends kissed and sealed their renewed commitment to each other. And then he kept crying, maybe a little longer than appropriate, but he couldn’t help himself. The vows were a reminder, one he so desperately needed, of what was possible. Of a love that could be chosen and chosen and never be a mistake. That joy could be a habit and not just fear. And he wants it. God, how he wants it.

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