#ready to leave


10 days left and I thought I was ready? I have two major things to do before departure and I still haven’t even started. What am I doing? I’ve really been slacking these past few days. But let’s think about all of this for a sec. I have been in school for a good 4 years. The break is needed and the break starts now. Beyond that, I still haven’t really figured out what I will do in Taipei when I get there. For I have some spots that I will def hit up, but I need to sit down and curate a list for your girl needs to get organized. Remember that list I created? Let’s revisit it:

  • Build a computer for my mother
  • VisitArtechouse
  • Attend a Bicycle spinning class
  • Visit the Doctor
  • Visit the Dentist
  • Visit the Eye Doc
  • Obtain my Driver’s License?
  • Backup my files
  • Create Hair Product Mixture
  • Invest in Travel Credit Card??????
  • Buy a new camera???????
  • UpdateWebsite 

So as you can see, most of it is done. There’s like two with half strikethroughs for it’s in progress . There are more question marks on the two for it most likely won’t happen due to money concerns ahaha. And the spinning class is gonna happen sometime this week, I hope. My good friend of mine has also given me a blog to read about a black girl in Taipei and its quite funny, yet informative. She shares her dating advice along with tips on traveling to Taipei and other needs for black women. I’ve also been reading some other blogs of people living in Taipei like Edna who shares her experience living abroad since her college graduation along with this blog sharing her personal experience studying Chinese in Taipei. So I feel like I am mentally ready?
