#lets do it

maculategiraffe:mintypineapple:asktheangels:Lately I’ve been getting most of my pep talks frommaculategiraffe:mintypineapple:asktheangels:Lately I’ve been getting most of my pep talks frommaculategiraffe:mintypineapple:asktheangels:Lately I’ve been getting most of my pep talks frommaculategiraffe:mintypineapple:asktheangels:Lately I’ve been getting most of my pep talks frommaculategiraffe:mintypineapple:asktheangels:Lately I’ve been getting most of my pep talks frommaculategiraffe:mintypineapple:asktheangels:Lately I’ve been getting most of my pep talks from




Lately I’ve been getting most of my pep talks from Mister Rogers.

Great. Now I’m disappointing Mr. Rogers.

Mr. Rogers is not disappointed in you.  He’s proud of you for listening and thinking about what he said, and he hopes it plants a seed where sometimes maybe you notice yourself making an unhealthy choice and recognize it, because that’s the first step towards growth towards your best and healthiest self, which is a journey and a process, not an ideal state of which you are falling short.

Mr. Rogers loves you for just your being you.

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Cockles in their villain arc ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️

Teach me - show me! Whatever you do - I’ll do it too! So much to learn - it’s so close a

Teach me - show me! Whatever you do - I’ll do it too! So much to learn - it’s so close and yet so far… This time I’ll just be a boy about it! 

Let’s do it!

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A- are you single?
B- birthday?
C- crush?
D- did u get ur first kiss?
E- easiest person to talk to?
F- favorite song?
G- good at?
H- hair color?
I- in love?
J- jealous of?
K- known as?
L- longest relationship?
M- middle name?
N- number?
O- one wish?
P- person last texted?
Q- question always asked?
R- reason to smile?
S- song last listened to
T- time you woke up?
U- 3 biggest wishes?
V- violent moment?
W- worst fear?
X- ex you still liked after it was ended?
Y- your last hug?
Z- zodiac sign?




So! I’ve decided to do actually 2 twitch streams for the animation! Cause animation takes time and as the vote for the day result in 50/50, i’ll do both haha

please, share if ya want to come watch me continue this little guy, chat and have fun with me ^^(i’ll post the twitch link this weekend ;)) 

oh and I’ve put all the time in CEST(Paris),hoping it’ll be okay for you to stop by :) 

SATURDAY 4th poll >> https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/LFJN5V9 <<

SUNDAY 5th poll >> https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/L3VWJBY <<

I’ve updated the links as strawpoll isn’t working anymore sooo anyone who already voted, plz do it again (so sorry for the trouble >o<)


inspired by x you can make gifset/art/graphics with it whatever

[5] favorite movies

[5] favorite tv shows

[5] favorite female characters

[5] favorite male characters

[5] favorite relationships

[5] favorite actors

[5] favorite actresses

[10] current celebrity crushes

10 days left and I thought I was ready? I have two major things to do before departure and I still haven’t even started. What am I doing? I’ve really been slacking these past few days. But let’s think about all of this for a sec. I have been in school for a good 4 years. The break is needed and the break starts now. Beyond that, I still haven’t really figured out what I will do in Taipei when I get there. For I have some spots that I will def hit up, but I need to sit down and curate a list for your girl needs to get organized. Remember that list I created? Let’s revisit it:

  • Build a computer for my mother
  • VisitArtechouse
  • Attend a Bicycle spinning class
  • Visit the Doctor
  • Visit the Dentist
  • Visit the Eye Doc
  • Obtain my Driver’s License?
  • Backup my files
  • Create Hair Product Mixture
  • Invest in Travel Credit Card??????
  • Buy a new camera???????
  • UpdateWebsite 

So as you can see, most of it is done. There’s like two with half strikethroughs for it’s in progress . There are more question marks on the two for it most likely won’t happen due to money concerns ahaha. And the spinning class is gonna happen sometime this week, I hope. My good friend of mine has also given me a blog to read about a black girl in Taipei and its quite funny, yet informative. She shares her dating advice along with tips on traveling to Taipei and other needs for black women. I’ve also been reading some other blogs of people living in Taipei like Edna who shares her experience living abroad since her college graduation along with this blog sharing her personal experience studying Chinese in Taipei. So I feel like I am mentally ready?


Okay ISU here’s my list of demandsproposals

  • No more boleros, fuck boleros
  • PCs will be awarded depending on how shinny a costume is, since we dgaf about pcs apparently
  • Extra points for being hot
  • Jumps are optional, vibes are mandatory
  • Judges will be held for 12 hours clockwork orange style until they learn what an ur is


Hey everybody. I’m -again- sorry for disappearing a bit these weeks but December proved to be a mess not unlike the rest of the year. 

I’m finishing some stuff for work, my phone is dead and I thought what a great time to ask you to send questions or share what were your silver linings of the year (can be a good story you read, giving a shoutout to a creator or blog you discovered and loved, ask a question about the blog or the fandom or even share one of your accomplishments). 

Send whatever your heart desires on anon or not and I’ll do my best to answer or share ❤️

 “People wear shorts to the Broadway theater. There should be a law against that.” _Stanley Tucci

“People wear shorts to the Broadway theater. There should be a law against that.” _Stanley Tucci

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