


Just got cheated on. I’m out of this place the bet doesn’t stand anymore. Might be back when I’m feeling better.

This makes me so mad! Being in the bimbo community as long as I have, unfortunately I have seen this too much and it pisses Me off every time.

It is so hard for anyone who is into this bimbo thing, to find a partner who is into it too, or who is willing to explore it with them. The fact that someone who had gotten so lucky could be so dismissive of that good fortune and to treat them so shamefully is positively infuriating.

@want-to-be-a-bimbo is not a bimbo (yet) but she was an incredibly good sport, and was really holding up her end of the bargain. If her boyfriend could have held it together, behaved like a real Man and a grown up, or even just had any smattering of understanding as to how lucky He was, then @want-to-be-a-bimbo ’s story could have been one that inspired the bimbo community for years to come.

@want-to-be-a-bimbo, wherever you are I hope that you are doing okay, that you feel better soon, and that you come back to us soon. All the best.
