#reality morphing


>Professor Tumblorina? 


“Yes…Ben, right? How can I help you?“ 

 >I just had some questions about this project I’ve been working on. See, I built this reality engine based on the holographic universe hypothesis…

 "I think you may have me confused with one of the science and engineering faculty. I teach your moral philosophy course.”

>But my questions are about the moral implications of the engine, Dr. Tumblorina!

“Oh! Oh, well in that case, I suppose I am the right professor! What does this engine thingie do?”

>Here, I’ll just show you.


“What just happened…”

>I used my reality engine to rewrite your biography and biology as that of a nymphomaniac who became a college professor primarily because it thrills you to seduce your students.

“Oh, you pretty young man! Your engin didn’t do that! I’ve been sleeping with my students for years!”

>And you enjoy that lifestyle?

“Oh god yes! I love to screw and I live to screw!”

>And if my engine made you this way, just for the sake of argument, would you loving it make it a moral act?

“"Huh…well, I suppose it is! I mean, me being like this brings me pleasure and brings pleasure to sooo many others, so how could it not be moral?”

>Good point, Dr. T!

“"Please, call me Talia!  We should be friends, get to know eachother now that I’ve answered your little question…”

>Actually, I have a follow up question.  What is I used my engine to do this.


"Do what?”

>Turn you into a gullible bimbo who works as an escort and exotic dancer.

"Like, what does gullible mean?”

>It means really pretty, Talia.

“OMG! Really? I don’t think anyone ever called me gullible before! You’re so sweet!”

>You’re so gullible, I paid the agency twice your normal fee and I’m going to give you the biggest tip you ever got at the end of our date!

“OMG! Really? This is the best date ever!  Oh!  I’m suposta tell you that you’re only paying for companionship and if I, like, blow you, that’s just something I chose to do….But I’m totally gonna choose to do that! (Giggle)”

>Lucky me! But before that, I wanted to ask you something.  If you used to be really smart and well-respected and then I used a machine to make you dumb and easy but really happy with no memory of who you used to be, would that be wrong?

“"Oh god!  I didn’t know there was going to be a test!  Um… Oh god, I suck at tests…is it, um… The first one?”

>Huh…. I think I’ll need the professor back for my last question.  But you’ll be back.


"Back from where?

>Oh, I was just saying I like to see you from the back, Dr. T!

“I bet you do, Ben!  Everyone does! But I told you, call me Talia!”

> I will, Professor! I will!  Just one last moral question.

“(Sigh) Fine.  What?”

>would it be moral for me to use my reality engine to see your nipples?

“"What!?! Oh god no!  How can you even ask something like that! You monster! Get out of my office right now!”

>Yeah, I was afraid of that.  Thanks anyway Dr. Tumblorina.

Carlos is taking a principaled position.Carlos is taking a principaled position.Carlos is taking a principaled position.Carlos is taking a principaled position.Carlos is taking a principaled position.Carlos is taking a principaled position.Carlos is taking a principaled position.

Carlos is taking a principaled position.

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Wishing won’t always make it so. But it’s worth a shot.Wishing won’t always make it so. But it’s worth a shot.

Wishing won’t always make it so. But it’s worth a shot.

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Room Service by The Sympathetic Devil

Elise scowled.  Hers was not the sort of hotel to which one brought a prostitute. At least not so obvious a prostitute as the half-naked Asian woman with fake tits that had just come in on the arm of an unassuming young man who didn’t look like he could afford a room at The Tamarind.  Whatever lottery he had won his money in, he was about to learn it couldn’t buy EVERYTHING.

The hotel manager intercepted the pair before they could get to the registration desk.

“Hello!” she greeted them with crisp professionalism. “I’m Elise Wall, manager of The Tamarind.  What name is your reservation under?”

“I’m afraid we don’t have a reservation” the young man said. “We were just passing by and YumYum here suggested we should stay for a bit.”

The busty Asian prostitute giggled and waved at Elise and said “Me YumYum! YumYum Fukadonki!”

Elise kept her professional composure. It was an effort, but she did it.

“I’m so sorry she said but we don’t have any vacancies this evening. Really we don’t have any vacancies left this week. Most of our guest book several months in advance. I would be glad to recommend a fine motel in the city…”

“Oh that’s alright, Elise,” the young man said with a friendly grin. “We’ll just take the penthouse on the 21st floor”

“I’m afraid The Tamarind has no 21st floor 21st floor,” Ellie’s said a bit more firmly. “And again, you do need a reservation.”

“Oh, very well then” The young man said. “You’ll find the reservation for the 21st floor penthouse under the name James Green.”

“OK, I’ve been patient, but this is absurd“ Elise said.  “There is no 21st floor penthouse.  The Tamarind only has 18 floors.”

“Actually, Miss Wall, we do have a reservation for James Green for the 21st floor penthouse,” volunteered Chester at the front desk.

Elise glared at her underling and he wilted, then pointed deflected blame at the computer screen. Elise stalked toward the front desk and Chester and his fellow desk clerk, Molly, backed away.    

Elise turned Chester’s screen toward her, intent on finding his mistake and then writing him up for it.

The reservation was there. James Green.  21st floor penthouse.  

“This is absurd!” Elise declared, finally losing her cool and glaring up hostilely at the would-be guests.  “You hacked our computers? This isn’t a joke, young man!  It’s a crime!”

“Of course it isn’t a joke!” the young man exclaimed.  “We know jokes!  YumYum, tell that joke you know!”

The busty woman grinned ridiculously.  

“Oh!  Yes!  How many flies take screw in lightbulb?” she asked earnestly.

Elise gave her most withering glare.  The prostitute pressed on, undaunted.

“Give up?  Answer is two! Two flies screw in lightbulb!”

Then the woman called YumYum peeled with laughter at her own joke, sending tremors through her fake bosom, as her companion chuckled riley.  Elise scowled.  And then Molly and Chester burst into laughter behind her.  Elise looked sharply at her underlings, and they blushed and looked ashamed but continued to laugh.

What was going on!  That wasn’t funny.  It wasn’t even a joke, was it?  Did Elise not get it?  Was she not smart enough to understand why everyone was laughing?

Were they laughing at her?  Hot blood rushed into her face.

Suddenly, with vivid detail, Elise imagined herself as a fly.  Well, as a tiny, dark woman with fly eyes and fly wings and a human figure that would put a barbie doll to shame.  She was surrounded by clear glass with a blinding light above her.

But she wasn’t alone.  There was a fly-man as well, just as over-built as she was, his rampant member proportionally huge on his minuscule body.  And she wanted that cock inside her!  She needed it!  She needed it so badly!

And then he was on top of her pressing her back against the curving glass.  Her fragile wings were crushed, but she didn’t care!  She needed him inside her more than she needed anything else!

“Screw me!” she cried in her tiny, high-pitched fly voice.  “Screw me hard!  Screw me hard!”

And then she was coming more forcefully than she would have ever dreamt possible. And then she realized she was standing in front of two hotel guests and two employees, having a bizarre sexual fantasy that had actually brought her to orgasm.  She blushed incandescently and tittered nervously.

“I get it,” she said.

“Everyone does eventually,” the young man said with a conspiratorial wink.  “YumYum’s sense of humor can be subtle.”

So saying, he goosed the busty asian woman and she squealed and giggled, sending seismic tremors through her barely-contained bosom.

“I…I guess… Um… Welcome to the Tamarind?” Elise said, falling back on her default-mode of welcoming guests.  She had no idea where they were going to stay, but maybe if she sent them up to see there was no 21st floor, she could regain her composure enough to know what to do.

“Thank you, Miss Wall!” the young man exclaimed.  “We have luggage.”

There were four suitcases at the guests’ feet.  Those hadn’t been there before…had they?

“I’ll… I’ll call a bellhop,” Elise said.

“Aren’t you a bellhop?” he asked.

Elise looked down at her outfit. It consisted of a vest made of burgundy velvet and gold brocade, with two big brass buttons straining to contain a huge pair of tits Elise didn’t remember owning.  Below the waist was a skin-tight pair of hotpants and knee-high gold boots.  Atop her head, she felt a round cap.

“I…I guess I am,” Elise conceded, and scurried over to pickup all four bags with her white gloves.  She was always very aware of the tentative hold her vest had on her titties and the straining seams of her shorts when she bent over to get luggage, but the guests did so enjoy watching her do it and tended to reward her with big tips.  Elise would do anything for a big tip.  And these guests seemed recklessly generous!

Elise snapped to attention with spectacular effect and gave the guests a huge customer-service smile.

“The 21st floor, wasn’t it, Mr. Green?” she asked.

“Right you are, Elise!” the young man said.  “Lead the way!”

So he was an ass man!  Elise could work with that!  She strode forward, conscious of how her tight, little booty undulated with every step, feeling the guests’ eyes locked upon it, drawn after it.  They were going to tip the hell out of her!

“Can I get that for you?” the young man asked when they got to the elevator.

“Oh no, no, no, Mr. Green!” Elise insisted, bending over to put down the luggage, snapping back upright, pushing the button, then bending and lifting again.  Any excuse to bend over was one she would take!  “You’re our guests!  You don’t have to lift a finger while you’re here!  I have 10, and they’re all for your service and comfort!”

“Elise-chan has very strong fingers, yes Mr. Jimmy-sama?” the female guest exclaimed with delight.

“Indeed!  She’s able to carry all four of your bags at once, YumYum!” the young man said.  “Maybe you can find out what else she can do with them once we get settled in.”

The guest called YumYum giggled naughtily.  Elise did her best to imitate her response.  Anything for a tip!

In the elevator, Elise once again bent to put down the luggage, stood up to push “21”, the big button at the top above 18, then bent again to retrieve the luggage.  With the tight quarters, she had no choice but to rub her ass against the young man in the process.  It really couldn’t be helped.

“So these are all yours, Ma’am?” Elise asked YumYum.  “Do I need to go back for your bags, Sir?”

YumYum giggled and nodded.  Mr. Green shrugged.  

“YumYum’s individual outfits don’t take up much space, but she does end up changing them frequently,” he explained.  “My tastes are more simple, so I just create a new outfit whenever I feel like it.  I’m omnipotent, so it’s really not a bother.”

“Oh!” Elise exclaimed.  “I don’t think we’ve ever had an omnipotent guest before!”

“It seems unlikely,” Mr. Green agreed.

Elise had never taken a guest up to the 21st floor before, so she didn’t know what to expect. The elevator opened up onto a small antechamber with a big, ornate door just a few steps from the elevator.  Not a lot of room to show off her ass, but Elise would make due!  

She scurried out of the elevator to place the bags to the left of the suite door, bending low and wiggling as she did so.  Then she snapped back up with tittie-jiggling precission and held out her hand to Mr. Green.

“Your key card, Sir?” she requested.

The guest wiggled his fingers and a golden card appeared out of nowhere.  Elise swiped it and opened the door wide, then stepped to the side and bowed low, head high, for her most cleavage-presenting pose as she beckoned them to enter.

Elise followed them in with the bag and was amazed.  The Tamarind was nice, but this room was regal!  Pure ostentatiousness!  Whatever being omnipotent meant, if must pay very, very well!

But she couldn’t let herself be awe struck.  She had to earn that tip!

She placed the luggage on the luggage rack and then held her arms wide to display her own rack while she spun slowly, presenting the suite,

“Welcome to your home for as long as you’re with us!” she said.  “Please allow me to show you the amenities!”

“Why thank you, Elise!” Mr. Green said.

“This is the living room!  It’s spacious enough to invite anyone you care to invite if you decide to have a room party,” she said, with a little shrugg that let them know she would not say no to an invitation.  “Over here in this side table drawer beside the couch you’ll find the TV remote and a card with the WiFi password.  It’s eliseiseasy, all one word, which should be easy to remember!  Though not as easy as, well…obviously!”

The guests giggled and nodded and Elise preened, delighted they had understood.

“The TV is very special,” she said, retrieving the remote.  “We have all the the normal channels, of course, and all the porn is complementary, not pay per view, but, exclusive to the Executive Penthouse is Voyerism Mode!”

She clicked a button and there was Chester, looking very, very happy, and the back of Molly’s head bobbing along about waist level.  Elise was nonplussed.  She didn’t even know they were an item. But she kept her composure and continued her presentation.

“In Voyerism Mode, you have access to all our security cameras, including the secret ones in the other guests rooms!” she explained.

She clicked a button and Chester and Molly were replaced by an old retired couple, the Pattersons, who had asked for twin beds and appeared to be about to go to sleep for the night, each in flannel pajamas.

“Oh, that’s very fun!” James Green exclaimed.  “We can have lots of fun with this, right YumYum?”

“Super Happy Fun Times!” YumYum agreed.

Mr. Green pointed at the TV screen and suddenly Mrs. Patterson was a 20-something blonde with huge, fake tits wearing nothing but acrylic heels and her wedding ring.  Mr. Patterson gapped at his wife.  The sound was muted, but whatever the suddenly young woman said to her husband, it was apparently convincing enough that he seemed to lose his concern about the change at about the same time he lost his pajamas.  Elise had not expected him to be hung like that, but she now understood what his young wife saw in him.

“Let’s see who else is staying here!” Mr. Green prompted, and Elise realized she had become distracted by the Patterson’s and forgot she was holding the remote in the hand that hadn’t found it’s way to her crotch.  She shook it off and reluctantly flipped the channel.

The next couple already had an age disparity, the man greying in his 50s, the buxom woman a redhead in her 20s, but they had a queen sized bed and were clearly intent on using it as they frantically worked to disrobe each other

“ Isn’t that your mayor?” Mr. Green asked.

“Yes he’s a regular guest here,” Elise said.

“I don’t think that’s the mayor’s wife,” he speculated about the redhead.

“Well, we pride ourselves on discretion at The Tamarind, “ Elise  said noncommittally.

“They must have forgotten to invite her!” Mr. Green exclaimed. “I can fix that!”

The omnipotent guest pointed finger at the television and a middle-aged woman in a conservative dress suddenly appeared in the amorous couples room.

The mayor’s wife clearly took being left off the guest list personally and, although the TV was muted, the volume of her objection was quite obvious. The boxer-clad mayor looked pathetic as he plead for mercy.

But mercy was not forthcoming as the mayor’s wife ripped off her dress to reveal a black leather corset, black leather boots, and an unusually large strap-on dildo of the same color.

The mayor’s eyes went wide. The mayor’s wife pointed at his paramore and demanded that she come towards her. Trembling, the naked redhead approached and the mayor’s wife grabbed her around the waist and kissed her deeply, possessively. When she finally released her, the younger woman was clearly smitten.

The mayor gawked has his wife pressed his Lover’s naked shoulder and she knelt before the leather-clad woman and began to fellate her phony phallus.

Her strap-on moistened with the younger woman’s spit, she pushed her gently away and pointed much gently at her husband.  The mayor’s lower lip trembled, but he obeyed and bent over the bed.

The older woman proceeded to peg him as the young redhead applauded, staring in devoted administration at her new love and role model.

“Well that is definitely something to explore more further later,”  said Mr. Green, taking the remote from Elise and setting it down on the side table. “But we shouldn’t interrupt your tour of the suite. You’re such a remarkable tour guide, Elise.”

“Elise  blushed at her lapse of attention and the position of her hand. She stuck out her chest to distract from her inattention, a technique she had perfected over the years, and gestured with her hand that had been liberated of the remote as she discreetly liberated the other one from her labia.

“Over here on ice we have a bottomless bottle of complementary champagne,” Elise said.

“YumYum like be bottomless!” Miss Fukadonki announced, pulling up her short skirt to waist level and revealing her lack of panties. The Asian woman turnaround to show her ethnically-unlikely rounded posterior.

“How am I just now realizing that I’m bi?” Elise muttered to herself as she admired the well-rounded ass.

“So it’s complimentary?” Mr. Green asked, going for the champagne and casually spanking his companion in route.

“Yes sir!”  Elise confirmed, trying to focus again on her duty as an employee of The Tamarind.

He handed her the bottle and she worked to remove the cork as he admired her strong hands firmly but delicately working at the neck of the bottle. She licked the lips and worked the bottle with all the meaning she could put into it. When it popped and sprayed a bit on her face, Mr. Green smiled like sunrise and his companion screamed out and surprise and then giggled and jiggled.

Mr. Green held out three of the glass flutes that have accompanied the bottle and Elise filled two of them.

“It’s for our guests,” she explained when she left the third empty. “And I shouldn’t drink when I’m working anyway.”

“But I thought you said it was complimentary,” Mr. Green said.

“Yes, of course, for you and Miss Fukadonki, there is not extra charge to the room,” she explained.  “Drink as much as you want and we will replace the bottle whenever it’s empty.  Complementary.”

“Complimentary means that every time you get a compliment, you have to drink,” Mr. Green explained.

“Of course!” Elise agreed as the guest took the bottle, handed her a flute and filled it.

“I knew you’d catch on Elise!” The omnipotent guest said. “You are very clever!”

“Why thank you,” Elise exclaimed and drank deeply from her flute.

“Isn’t she clever, YumYum?” Mr. Green asked his companion as he topped-off Elise’s glass.

“Elise super clever and have super nice boobies!” Miss Fuukadonki said.

Elise was not sure if that was one compliment, 2 or 3. Did each boobie count separately? She figured she had better count them separately rather than risk offending the guest. She took three drinks in quick succession, leaving the flute drained, at least until Mr. Green was able to fill it again.

“You have super nice boobies too, Ma’am, if you don’t mind my noticing!” Elise exclaimed as blood rushed to her face.

“Thank you!” the guest exclaimed, jutting out the complemented body parts in pride.  “YumYum DRINK!”

The buxom guest drained her flute in one go.  Her omnipotent companion pointed at the empty glass and it filled back up.

“YumYum is a bit of a lush,” Mr. Green confided.  “But we are on vacation, so there’s no reason she should hold back!  And besides, she’s so cute when she’s drunk.”

“Thank you Mr. Jimmy-san!” the woman exclaimed.  “YumYum drink!”

She downed her second glass.

“YumYum cute when drinky-drinky!” the guest agreed with her companion.  “YumYum bet Elise cute when drinky-drinky too! Such pretty-pretty!”

“Thank you, Ma’am,” Elise said and drank from her flute.  Compared to YumYum, downing just a third of a glass seemed tame.

“I can’t drink it all at once like you can, Ma’am,” Elise said.  “You’ve got an amazing talent!”

“YumYum drink!” she replied and downed another, either because Elise had complimented her or to show off, or maybe just because she was thirsty.  Elise wasn’t sure she understood the rules.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get better with practice, Elise,” Mr. Green said.  “You’re such a quick study!”

And how could she not try after such a compliment?  She drained the last 2/3rds, and only coughed a little as she watched the flute magically refill.

Several compliments later, the room was gently spinning and Elise was sharing a colorful anecdote she had just remembered about the time she was putting herself through bellhop school as an exotic dancer.

“If you bellhop, why you not hop more?” Miss Fukadonki asked.

“I never thought ‘bout it!” Elise confessed.

She hopped and her titties jiggled. She hiccuped and giggled and swayed. Miss Fukadonki and Mr. Green applauded and Elise blushed then repeated her performance, to repeated applause.

“YumYum hop too!” Miss Fukadonki announced before hopping herself to spectacularly kinetic effect.

“Wow!” Elise said, her eyes locked on the Asian woman’s spectacular chest as it continued to jostle and jump much longer than physics would dictate. “You could be a professional!”

“Compliment!” she exclaimed.  YumYum drink!”

And she did, then giggled and hiccups adorably, making Else’s mouth water.

“Teach YumYum be bellhop!” The guest insisted and began stripping off her clothes.

Elise blushed furiously. She wasn’t about to tell the guest not to, both because it wasn’t her place and because she really wanted to see her naked, but she really didn’t understand what was happening.

But the naked woman scurried over to her luggage and pulled out a uniform that matches Elise’s own. Well, except for the pants.  It soon became apparent that YumYum intended to remain bottomless, even when her top consisted of a vest that came nowhere near her nethers. Elise was not about to complain.  Her mouth watered.

The bottomless guest produced a small brass bell as well and handed it to the omnipotent guest.

“Mr. Jimmy-san ring bell, Miss Elise-chan hop with YumYum!” she proposed.

“You have the best ideas, YumYum!” Mr. Green said, taking the bell.

“YumYum drink!” she exclaimed and downed another flute of champagne that had suddenly reappeared in her in her hand.

The omnipotent guest rang the bell and Elise hopped.  She was drunker than she’d ever been, so drunk she could barely stand, but she was a professional, damn it!  She had trained her whole life for this moment.  She was a bellhop and when a bell rang, she would hop!

The two brass buttons that secured the top of her uniform strained as her bosoms boggled. She swayed.  She hiccuped.  But she stuck the landing.

“Now you,” she instructed her new protege.  

Mr. Green rang the bell and Miss Fukadonki cheerfully hopped.  What she lacked in form she more than made up for in titiliciousness.

Elise couldn’t resist.  She reached out and cupped the outside of each tit as they continued to bound about long after the hop was done.  The vibrations traveled up her arms, down her spine and settled in her crotch where her clit sang and made an audible twanging sound.  Elise’s eyes bulged and the room spun.

She regained her composure and realised she was still holding YumYum’s numnuMiss She blushed and release them.

“ that was beautiful!” Ellise praised and her trainee retrieved a champagne flute from under her hat and downed it. Elise’ mind boggled and how she had kept it full up there while hopping but she shook it off.

“Now let me show you how to do it on one foot,” she said.

She looked expectantly at Mr. Green and he rang the bell. Ellise raised her right leg knee high, swiveled about precariously on her left foot and then fearlessly hopped.

As she stuck the landing, the tremendous vibration of her titties caused her to swivel about on her left foot like a Music Box Dancer making a complete 360 degree turn. The guests applauded uproariously.

“You’ll have a hard time topping that one YumYum,” Mr. Green observed.

Elise was proud but she didn’t want her new trainee to be upstaged.  She had an idea.

“ please ring it again for both of us Mr. Green sir,”  Elise requested.

The guest complied, ringing his Bell with enthusiasm. Elise took YumYum’s hands and the bellhop in training grinned adoringly at her sensei has Elise director directed her with champagne blurred eyes to follow her lead.

Elise hopped on two feet. YumYum hopped on two feet. Elise hopped on her left foot. YumYum hopped on her left foot. Elise hooked on her right foot and kicked her left foot out to tap YumYum on the hip. YumYum did the same.

As they hopped and hopped, one  after the other, their four titties jiggled spectacularly between them as they held hands and Mr. Green rang.

They were bounding and bouncing towards the grand finale. Elise hopped high into the air doing the splits. YumYum then hopped higher, her legs spread wide, the weight of her slim frame supported by her palms resting on those of her sensei. The Asian woman propelled her ass upward and her spread legs became like the rotors of a helicopter as Elise and hopped and hopped, spinning about as Mr. Green rang and rang.

Elise’ head was spinning, literally and figuratively, aware that she and YumYum we’re reaching the pinnacle of the craft she had devoted her life to. In the history of bellhopping no two bellhops had ever pulled off a stunt like this. But could they stick the landing?

There was just one way to find out.

Squatting low, Elise hopped with all her might, propelling YumYum towards the ceiling. Her beautiful Apprentice spun so her head was now above her beautiful bottom and she descended, her legs coming forward her hands going up to land securely on elise’s shoulders, her naked crotch in Elise’ face as her strong thighs clutched at Elise’ head.

She was vaguely aware that Mr. Green was applauding. The approval of guests had been all the reward she ever wanted for her bellhopping. But in the face of what was in her face, the approval of guests seemed like nothing. She would do anything for this!

She grabbed hold of YumYum’s ass with both hands and began licking with devotion.

YumYum seem to very much approve of this way of celebrating their achievement and she ground her delicious pussy into a Elise’ face and rode her to a spectacular orgasm.As her apprentice scrambled down her body and gave her a grateful kiss on her quim- smeared cheek. Elise wobbled and reveled in new found love.

“That was no doubt the best bellhopping ever,” Mr. Green said, handing her a champagne flute.

“Damn straight!” Elise agreed and downed her drink.

“You should probably show us the bathroom now,” the guest prompted.

“Huh?” she asked, confused why she would be showing someone the bathroom and then remembering her job was not to get YumYum off, as much as she would like that to be her job. “Oh yes yes sir sorry sir I got …distracted.”

She led Mr. Green and her new love to the spacious penthouse bathroom. A huge heart-shaped bathtub was already filled with pink bubbles and rose petals and Elise had a vision of she and YumYum soaping each other’s titties and splashing between kisses

“The tub is always full with warm soapy water, ready for your pleasure, ” Elise told the guests, though she made it clear YumYum was her main focus for pleasuring

“Two potties?” the bottomless goddess asked, pointing to the gold trim toilet and matching bidet.

Elise blushed at her new love’s mistake. She was so adorable!

"The bidet is for cleaning up after,” Elise explained.

“You show YumYum, ” YumYum insisted.

Elise blushed furiously but it was a guest request to be shown the function of the room. She would never be able to deny such a request of anyone, and anything YumYum asked her was a command from the goddess.

“Of course,” she said, suddenly realizing how very full her bladder was from the all the champagne.

“Of course, Miss Fukadonki, ” she said reverting from trainer to servant.

She pried off the skin tight shorts, rolling them down to her ankles and then perched upon the toilet with all the grace she could. As she relaxed in to it and the urine flowed. And flowed. And flowed.

She blushed, realizing she was taking an inordinate amount of time to pee. But the guest smiled encouragingly so she just went with it. The gush finally slow trickle and then finished off with two squirts.

“After you’re done you move over to the bidet to clean,” she explained.

As soon as she was seated, warm, scented, pink-dyed water emerged from the appliance Elise gasped. She didn’t remember it feeling like this. It was supposed to be cleansing, not arousing.

“Well isn’t that clever,” Mr. Green commented. “I don’t think you ever came up with anything that clever back when you were a scientist YumYum. “

“is a super good pussy wash wash,” YumYum agreed

“Yes it gets you very…very… Clean!” Elise said as the insistent stream propelled her up the mountain “so fucking clean!”

You seem to like getting clean Elise, growth ” Mr. Green observed. You must have been very dirty.”

“So dirty! So fucking dirty! Such a dirty slut! Getting clean! So close, so close to clean!” Elise agreed.

“Maybe it would help if we squeeze your nipples” the guest suggested and pointed at her brass buttons which immediately gave way to their titanic burden.

Mr. Green grabbed her left nipple and Miss Fukadonki grabbed her right. Elise screamed out and she came with the most spectacular orgasm she’d ever had while not being an insect.

The world was still blurry when Mr. Green helped her to her feet, rebuttoned her uniform and pulled up her shorts, giving her her a helpful swat on the ass to make sure they were fitting properly.

“Now YumYum try! ” Miss Fukadonki announced and stripped off the uniform to perch stark naked upon the toilet.

“ YumYum always pees naked,“ Mr. Green explained.

“Of course she does,” Elise said, blinking rapidly to try and focus her eyes on the vision peeing before her. And of course, afterwards she cheerfully transferred over to the bidet. The fragrant wash began and the stacked Asian woman quivered and moaned. Elise  got a sloppy grin and drooled. She was going to need another cleaning herself at this rate. Such a dirty slut!

Her hand was about to go for her crotch when she remembered her duty. A guest’s needs always came first. She grabbed hold of Miss Fukadoki’s nipples and squeezed hard, smiling and nodding encouragingly at her.

The guest squealed, stiffened, and suddenly the warm pink fragrant water came bursting out from her ears, making her into an impromptu fountain splashing on to the bathroom floor as her eyes went wide and she smiled with her jaw slack.

Elise didn’t know what to think of this improbable situation. Had squeezing the guest’s nipples been the wrong move? Should she let go? She didn’t want to. But should she?

She had never been in this situation in all her life as a bellhop.

Fortunately, Mr. Green was there to comfort and instructor her. He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and a more reassuring hand on her ass.

” YumYum doesn’t have much between her ears, “ he explained. "I probably should have had the dust bunnies cleaned out some time ago. I truly appreciate it, Elise.”

“It’s a pleasure pleasure to serve you, Sir,” she said, squeezing the other guest’s nipples harder and increasing the flow with which the water arced out of her ears.

At Mr. Green’s urging, Elise played and played with the YumYum fountain, seeing what patterns and rhythms she could make. She felt a little guilty objectifying the woman she loved like this, but Mr Green I assured her that she liked it.

At last, the bidet stopped flowing and the fluid coming from Miss Fukadonki’s ears slowed to a trickle and then dribbled and dripped. She sighed and blinked back to greater consciousness

“YumYum so clean!” she said. “Inside and out!”

Reluctantly, Elise released the fountain controls. The Asian woman stood and shook like a wet golden retriever, if a golden retriever had the most spectacular tits in the history of breasts.

Elise whimpered and stared.

“Well Elise,“s  Mr. Green said with a focusing hand on her ass. "The only thing you haven’t shown us is the bedroom. I assume the suite comes with one.”

“Oh yes sir!” She exclaimed, “Yes sir! A very nice bedroom! A very big bed! Very, very big! Big enough for three, really!”

She tittered nervously.

“Then lead on Mighty Bellhop! ” he said and rang his bell, which made her hop and then lead the way to the master bedroom.

The bed was indeed humongous, strewn with superfluous pillows and seductively lit, expensively perfumed and altogether luxurious.

“This… This is the bed, “ Elise said, suddenly at a loss as to how to do her job.

This was the bed. This is the bed where Mr. Green would no doubt be fucking Miss Fukadonki. This was where she would be riding his cock, her spectacular tits bounding about unrestrained.

“This is the bed,” she repeated.

“YumYum like bed!”  Ms, Fukadonki exclaimed, making Elise’s inability to show off the room even worse.

“And does The Tamarind offer a turndown service? ” Mr. Green asked.

“ Oh! Oh yes, "Elise said, shaking it off and trying to focus "Anytime you want to get in the bed, you call me I will be here! For either of you or both of you!”

“That’s very good service, ” Mr. Green said. “You’re definitely getting a 5-star review! Does The Tamarind offer a go down service?”

“I’m… Not sure what that is. But if you’ll tell me, I’m sure I could arrange it! “ Elise said anxiously, devastated she had not anticipated her guest’s need.

“Well, I have YumYum to go down on me whenever I need it, ” he explained. “But my cock is really, really big. It’s an omnipotent thing. So really, for a proper blowjob, it’s kind of a two-woman job. There be a huge tip in it for you”

Elise’s jaw dropped in astonishment. Was her guest actually asking for that? This was without a doubt the best day of her whole fuxking life!

More than anything, even more then her sweet Ms Fukadonki, Elise wanted a big tip! And Mr. Green had a big tip. She turned to the female guest.

“Is it okay if we share? “ she asked. “Can I have the tip?”

“Super happy  sucky sucky best friends! ” she exclaimed throwing her arms out wide and hugging Elise. As their massive tits jostled each other, Miss Fukadonki’s tongue found its way into a ELise’s mouth. She tasted like the bidet water and that was beautiful. It was now Elise’s favorite flavor.

She released Elise from the kiss and the bellhop discovered she was now has naked has her partner with the exception of her little cap and her boots.

Mr. Green’s clothing had disappeared as well and he did indeed heaven have a tremendously large tip for her, along with a large everything else.

“We suck you suck you big time! “ YumYum declared, then dropped to her knees like a professional, cupped his balls in one hand and slid a palm under the shaft with the other and presented Elise with her tip.

Elise sank to her knees overjoyed it was so damn great to be a bellhop!

She took the tip in her mouth and all higher brain function ceased. It was like she was the one who had had her brain washed out. It was the biggest tip she had ever been given! Her life was perfect!

She didn’t gag. How could She? What was breathing in the face of this? She needed her tip deep down her throat. She leaned into it.

YumYum Fukadonki’s head was sliding along the Mr. Green’s shaft with frivolity, her pigtails flopping about occasionally smacking Elise  in the face and she took her tip. She was so adorable! And so generous to let Elise have the tip!

At least worshipped the death with her tongue as she bobbed devotedly along. Her eyes watered. Her clity hummed. Delicate fingers found their way between her Lavia Lavia. They were probably YumYum’s but Elise was not sure of anything other than the fact that she was the luckiest girl in the world.

And then the guest was coming, filling and fulfilling Elise. She swallowed with desperate delight.

“ happy birthday! Miss Fukadonki exclaimed, applauding and hopping to get feet.

Elise was much slower and unsteady getting up. Mr. Green’s jism packed more of a punch than the champagne. She was totally wasted.

“You give great service little lady!” the generous guest exclaimed. “ I believe I owe you a gratuity!”

“He tugged on YumYums pigtail, bending her over, and pulled a roll of hundred dollar bills out of her ass. He divided it into two stacks and tucked one stack between Elise’s tits.  It was only then she realized she was back in uniform. The guest tucked the other part of her gratuity into her shorts with a gracious squeeze of her ass.

“Thank you sir,” she said with a sticky smile. Quote that’s very kind

Then she blew a jazz bubble and giggled manically.

“Well, thank you for showing us the room,” Mr. Green said.  “I think we’ll get settled in now.”

Elise blinked, trying to grasp what the guest was implying.  Her lower lip quivered.

“You…you want me to leave?” she asked in a small voice.

“Well, that is usually what a bellhop does after she’s been tipped, isn’t it?” he asked.

Elise couldn’t deny that.  The game was getting the big tip.  Then the bellhop went off in search of tips from other guests.  But she didn’t WANT tips from other guests!  She was happy with what she’d just gotten!

“But what if you need me again?” she asked.  “I could just wait here until you need me.”

“Oh, that doesn’t seem right.  You should go back to the lobby and we’ll just buzz you if we need you,” the omnipotent guest insisted.

“Buzz me?” she asked.

“Yes!  That should work!  If we buzz you, you just come scurrying up on those luscious legs of yours,” he said.
“We…we don’t have buzzers,” she confessed.  “You’d have to call the lobby.”

“Oh nonsense!  There’s bound to be a buzzer!” he said and turned to the chest of drawers beside the bed.  

He started tossing out an astounding variety of sex toys onto the bed, Miss Fukadonki giggling at each one, until Mr. Green exclaimed “I thought so!”

He turned to display a bullet-shaped bit of brass, a small black box with a red button, and a tube of lube.

“Bend over, Elise!” he said.

Elise was confused, but of course she complied.  And soon her shorts were being peeled down again and the lubed-up bullet was being pressed deep up her asshole.  Her eyes went wide but she didn’t object.  Her shorts were rolled back up and she took the slap on her ass as an indication that she should stand again.

“There!” Mr. Green exclaimed.  “Now, if we need you to come back to the room, we’ll just buzz you!”

And her pressed the red button, which lit up.

Deep in her ass, the brass bullet started to vibrate, insistently, arousingly, maddeningly.

“Oh my god!” Elise exclaimed.  “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!”

“That should get your attention, right Elise?” he asked.  “That will make sure you scurry on up to the penthouse.”

“Ye-ye-yessssir!” she exclaimed, saluting because she didn’t know what else to do.  “Yessiryesiryessir!”

“Well good, that’s all settled then!” he said, then he steered her out of the bedroom and out of the suite with a hand on her ass, Miss Fukadonki following and giggling.

“We’ll buzz you if we need you!” he exclaimed, then clicked the button again.

The vibration stopped just as the door closed firmly behind her.  Elise turned with eyes wide and jaw slack, wondering what purpose her life had outside of that room.  But she was outside of that room.  So she staggered towards the elevator and used what little will she had left to punch the L.

There in the lobby, Chester was lovingly assfucking Molly.  They were such a cute couple.  She staggered past them without interrupting.  She went into her private office.  So nice of The Tamarind to give a bellhop a private office.  Of course, she was a really good bellhop.

She sat behind her desk, sighed, and waited to be buzzed.

The End
[email protected]

It all works out fine in the end.



You wanted to see me, Boss?

Yes! I seem to have suddenly turned in to some sort of bimbo!

Yes, you have. I forgot to tell you that I got the reality engine working. All this is because of that.

Oh! So this is normal?

It’s the new normal, yes.

Well, that’s a relief! I’m not the only one?

A good two thirds of the office at this point. And it’s spreading beyond the building. The whole city will be mostly bimbosluts by nightfall. Still, I must say, you’ve got the nicest pair of jugs I’ve seen so far!

Really? That’s so sweet of you to say! Knowing you like my tits makes me want to have you jack off all over them! Is that normal?

It’s the new normal, yes. So we might as well lean into it!


Models: Angela White and some dick.
