#reality tv



It came to me while reading a fic, the Wayne’s think Mari doesn’t know about their nightly activities, but she does know and she isn’t telling them to mess with them, imagine,

Batboys sitting on a couch like in those tv shows:

Duke: we’ve been trying every we can to make sure she doesn’t find out.

Dick: if she ever found out she’d be in so much danger so we’ve even been taking different shifts to keep an eye on her.

Tim: but she’s starting to get suspicious, just the other day she found a batarang in the living room, we all just told her some lie about how we found it and decided to keep it, no one knew who it belonged to though.

Damian: all in all, it was an idiotic lie.

‘Scene switch’

Mari walks into the dining room with a confused face and a batarang “hey guys anyone knows where this came from? It was in the living room” everyone turns their head at Mari and look like they’ve seen a ghost, “isn’t that the batarang we got from Batman’s last fight with the joker?!” Could be heard from the table followed by a bunch of ‘oh ya’s and ‘that’s where it was’s, “thank Mari we really owe you one” said Dick in a nervous laughing voice, Mari looked at them suspiciously while they all internally panicked for about 10 seconds then responded in a cheerful tone with “ok” then skipped off out of the dining room while the Wayne’s finally stopped holding their breath.

‘Scene switch’ ‘Mari sitting on the couch like a boss’

“Oh, I know, I’ve just been messing with them, but could you blame me? they actually think they can hide it, not when they act like that, so until they tell me, this is my entertainment.”
