#really proud of the fire on this one

When Kuwei came home one day to find his family dead, he cried till he couldn’t anymore, then finished the job. He set his home and any remaining traces of his childhood alight, and never looked back.
- Burning Bright [x]

my@grishaversebigbang​ piece for burning bright, a fic written by @fricklefracklefloof​ !!!

Corporalki (beta readers): @wybiegowritey​ and @owleys

Materialki (artists & edit makers): @niecity​ [x] [x],@bookish-ginger​ [x],@ousakasougos​ [x], and @misterrimpossible​ [x] [x]

image id below the cut

[Start ID:

A digitally illustrated comic page. The first row has three panels. The first shows a wall with a picture frame containing a family portrait of Kuwei Yul-Bo, and his father Bo Yul-Bayur from the Grishaverse series by Leigh Bardugo. The second, that same wall and picture frame, but Kuwei’s hand is placed against the wall underneath the picture and starts smoking. The third, kuwei’s hand is pulled away to the right, and the wall catches fire. The fourth panel, underneath the first row is completely black, with white shatter lines and shards of glass running through it. To the sides of that fourth panel are the FX words: “crack,” and “shatter.” Below that is a close up on the family portrait of Kuwei and Bo. The glass on the frame is now cracked. Kuwei smiles up and Bo and Bo smiles down at Kuwei. The picture is engulfed in flame.

End ID.]
