


MARY J. BLIGE photographed by Ivan Berrios (2021)

sativa-jhene: SUMMER WALKERSpin Magazine, December 2021sativa-jhene: SUMMER WALKERSpin Magazine, December 2021sativa-jhene: SUMMER WALKERSpin Magazine, December 2021sativa-jhene: SUMMER WALKERSpin Magazine, December 2021sativa-jhene: SUMMER WALKERSpin Magazine, December 2021sativa-jhene: SUMMER WALKERSpin Magazine, December 2021sativa-jhene: SUMMER WALKERSpin Magazine, December 2021


Spin Magazine, December 2021

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A punk stops during a gay pride parade to allow a mesmerized child to touch his jacket spikes.

I lost control about reblogging this picture. 

and this is the perfect “fuck you” to people who stereotype people like this. 

literally one of my favourite pictures ever

nothing more punk than letting small children touch your clothes spikes or hair spikes

If you think punks would miss the opportunity to be a good fucking human to kids you don’t know much about punks

Oh my gods, this is so cute.

It’s impossible not to love this photo ❤️

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Reblog si eres un Chileno caliente



a list of questions

1: what was the first movie you can recall ever watching?

2: what’s your least favorite holiday?

3: are you an auditory, visual, or tactile learner?

4: do you have allergies?

5: happiest memory?

6: how often do you use chapstick?

7: what subject do you wish you were an expert in?

8: would you travel to another planet?

9: if you could make any job you want, what would it be?

10: your scariest story?

11: favorite 2018 trend?

12: scarf or hat?

13: what was your favorite year in school?

14: preferred weather?

15: do you remember your dreams?

16: favorite song you’ve recently discovered?

17: book/movie that you would never read/watch again?

18: someone who’s changed your life?

19: least favorite breakfast food?

20: why do you hate ____? (your choice)

21: why do you like ____? (your choice)

22: would you rather live in antarctica or the sahara desert?

23: top five movies of 2018?

24: are you religious?

25: what’s your dream aesthetic?

26: tea or coffee?

27: favorite boardgame?

28: have you ever used tarot cards?

29: what fictional character would you bring to life?

30: telekinesis or telepathy?

31: real or fake plants?

32: do you have a full length mirror?

33: what’s something that no one on tumblr knows about you?

34: what’s something that no one outside of tumblr knows?

35: dream url?

36: how long have you had your most recent blog?

37: is it raining right now?

38: fuzzy socks or oversized sweaters?

39: have you ever dated?

40: what’s your favorite joke?

41: what’s a random fact you know?

42: do you have any siblings?

43: if you had to stay in a dark closet for five hours, what would be the first thing to scare you out?

44: floral scents or warm scents?

45: weirdest thing you own?

46: something you’re proud of?

47: are your walls covered in posters?

48: favorite picture you or someone else has taken of you?

49: cottage by a waterfall or cabin by a ski slope?

50: something you’ve done that’s out of your comfort zone?

51: how many languages are you fluent in?

52: do you play any instruments?

53: household item that creeps you out?

54: favorite word?

55: what three things would be needed to summon you?

56: are you a meat eater, vegetarian, pescatarian, or vegan?

57: one thing you wish never existed?

58: one thing you wish existed?

59: if you could time travel only once and back, where would you go?

60: favorite story you read as a kid?

61: tuxedo or dress?

62: what’s an addiction of yours?

63: long or short nails?

64: wand or crystal ball?

65: what’s one food you would like to try?

66: fruits or vegetables?

67: have you ever gone ice skating?

68: something you’ve excelled in?

69: do you like public speaking?

70: have you ever bought a yearbook?

71: what’s something that would make you laugh?

72: favorite thing about your personality?

73: deep sea diving or cave exploring?

74: who would you bring with you on an adventure?

75: have you ever been to disneyland?

76: have you ever met a celebrity?

77: would you rather climb a tree that reaches the sky or down a ladder that goes to the middle of the earth?

78: favorite extracurricular class you’ve taken?

79: what’s something you want to do for someone else?

80: if you were given 1 million dollars and you could only spend it on five things, what would you spend it on?

81: worst memory involving someone else?

82: do you keep books in your room?

83: have you ever traveled somewhere alone?

84: what natural disaster are you most afraid of?

85: are you more brave, determined, or curious?

86: whales or dolphins?

87: mansion or penthouse?

88: would you rather live alone or with a friend?

89: if you discovered a country, what would you name it?

90: do you keep letters and holiday cards?

91: what’s something you know you hoard?

92: favorite video game?

93: what genre do you like most?

94: have you ever broken a promise?

95: what color do you want to paint your room?

96: first word that comes to your mind?

97: do you sleep with a light on?

98: what’s something that puts you at ease?

kaylaxbrianne:peachyig: kaylaxbriannekaylaxbrianne:peachyig: kaylaxbriannekaylaxbrianne:peachyig: kaylaxbrianne


ig: kaylaxbrianne

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if youve never physically been in the presence of like, a real live wolf, and you probably wont get the chance to, heres some stuff about them you should know

  • a wolf’s fur is so unbelievably thick that you can get like, your whole hand into it while petting. and then you can keep going
  • wolves are a lot bigger than you think they are. think about how big you think a wolf is then just like double that
  • they dont really smell like dog but they DO smell and youre not going to be able to figure out if its a good smell or not
  • a wolf really wants to lick the inside of your mouth. he will not stop trying to lick the inside of your mouth at any cost, and generally speaking you need to press your lips together kind of tightly when he approaches your face so that he doesnt worm his damn tongue in there to give you what he thinks is an appropriate greeting
  • a wolf doesnt really want to look at you while you pet him but he wants you to pet him. hes embarrassed
  • if a grown ass wolf decides to lay down on you, you just have to deal with it and thats your life now
  • young wolves, much like young dogs, are overwhelmingly goofy and stupid. a teenage wolf will see your very fragile, very human shoulder and go “i can probably step on that with my full weight” and then he will do it
  • letting a wolf eat out of your hand is actually not remotely frightening, and youll want to do it all day

I wanna know who did this research.

well, i did!


Your daily reminder that asexual relationships are not any less powerful, romantic, or satisfying than sexual relationships, y'all are just conditioned to think so by the same society that brought you the concept of virginity.

Stay tuned for a message about the integrity and value of aromantic love.

latealzalost: The sea captain that would give Michael one of five evolutionary items that allow his latealzalost: The sea captain that would give Michael one of five evolutionary items that allow his latealzalost: The sea captain that would give Michael one of five evolutionary items that allow his latealzalost: The sea captain that would give Michael one of five evolutionary items that allow his


The sea captain that would give Michael one of five evolutionary items that allow his Eevee’s evolutions has unique dialogue should the player choose to release his starting Pokemon. He will proceed to give away an evolutionary item even without an Eevee in the player’s party.

Since that Eevee is probably the last thing Michael’s father gave him before he passed, according to the in-game details and dialogue, doing this would probably be very out-of-character for Michael.

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siobhanchiffon: Firestarter, a fire genasi Phoenix Sorcerer  He works in the Sorcerer’s Grave, a magsiobhanchiffon: Firestarter, a fire genasi Phoenix Sorcerer  He works in the Sorcerer’s Grave, a magsiobhanchiffon: Firestarter, a fire genasi Phoenix Sorcerer  He works in the Sorcerer’s Grave, a mag


Firestarter, a fire genasi Phoenix Sorcerer 

He works in the Sorcerer’s Grave, a magic-only battle arena in the city of Moonkiss. 

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techranova: It’s Sweater Season! ❄ My Etsy store has just been updated, and I’ve added my fi


It’s Sweater Season! ❄

My Etsy store has just been updated, and I’ve added my first Sweatshirt for UK/EU and + USA listing, and probably more in the future if anyone has any requests with my previous designs! :3 Took far too long!


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techranova: :D Aww yeah the wonderful folks over at @ ShirtPunch are printing these designs today ontechranova: :D Aww yeah the wonderful folks over at @ ShirtPunch are printing these designs today on


:D Aww yeah the wonderful folks over at @ ShirtPunch are printing these designs today only!
I will reblog it below soon! :3 Thank you ShirtPunch for printing them!


Front page until the 11th Nov :3

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techranova:Some Zoroark and Hisuian Zoroark art in that silhouette style! Hope you like!   reblog! :techranova:Some Zoroark and Hisuian Zoroark art in that silhouette style! Hope you like!   reblog! :techranova:Some Zoroark and Hisuian Zoroark art in that silhouette style! Hope you like!   reblog! :techranova:Some Zoroark and Hisuian Zoroark art in that silhouette style! Hope you like!   reblog! :techranova:Some Zoroark and Hisuian Zoroark art in that silhouette style! Hope you like!   reblog! :techranova:Some Zoroark and Hisuian Zoroark art in that silhouette style! Hope you like!   reblog! :


Some Zoroark and Hisuian Zoroark art in that silhouette style! Hope you like!  

reblog! :3

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techranova: Othertees are screenprinting my Autumn Vibes design until the 12th :3 I shall reblog rig


Othertees are screenprinting my Autumn Vibes design until the 12th :3 I shall reblog right after this with a way to get to it!


Auutmn Vibessss :3

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rainbow-shell:☀️ ~ summer crops ~ ☀️


☀️ ~ summer crops ~ ☀️

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