#reblogging stuff



I’m on a sugar crash

bigmammallama5:rhythmic-idealist:apricot-studies: dedalvs:incidentalcomics:How to Finish I drew






How to Finish

I drew this poster for Jon Acuffand his FINISH book tour. Big thanks to Jon for this collaboration, his book has some great ideas about how to complete creative and life goals.

Love this, but reblogging it specifically for “Get rid of secret rules.” That’s one of the most amazing illustrations—and points—I’ve ever seen.

so important especially for perfectionists who procrastinate and never finish, or even start because they set such high standards for themselves.

“Kill until” and “get rid of secret rules” are, I have to say, what really did it for me.

My art buddy @jmillerart shared this following video with me years ago and I find myself going back to it a couple times a year. Finished Not Perfect is such a wonderfully succinct way to really hone in on this.

“Part of becoming an amazing artist is the ability to finish something.”

So get out there and do it.

Post link


Ok as funny as that ask may be it shouldnt be the first thing u see on my blog…. So,, as a refresher heres my totally non shitty art uwu



When you want to progress on your own projects but you could be playing games but you could be drawing OCS but you want to make Fanart but you




twitter sucks for art because you have a maximum of 48 hours before your art post completely fades out of existence whereas tumblr lets things circulate forever. and also you can read all of the fun lovely things that people leave in the tags that they’d probz be too shy to say in a public reply 

i will always 100% prefer tumblr’s slow accumulation of notes and the wave cycle of popularity on an art post over the years than getting 50k likes in the first 24 hours and 0 likes the next on twitter


Mushishi is just “here’s 20 minutes of clinically depressed people realizing they have intrinsic worth as human beings and working toward getting better. also this weird guy wandering around incredibly beautiful scenery” and so many of y’all slept on that.

60-six:i dunno. a guy! if you know him, you know him


i dunno. a guy! if you know him, you know him

Post link


don’t you know it’s not good for your hair to wash it every day. you have to use sulfate and paraben free shampoo. you have to wash your hair with conditioner instead. you should stop washing your hair for a month because actually your scalp has the natural ability to maintain itself. greasy hair can make your acne worse so make sure you wash it every day. you have to use this three step regiment on your face EVERY SINGLE night. buy this $70 serum and use it with the 10 other serums you have but don’t combine them. don’t use anything on your face except a gentle cleanser and moisturizer. do NOT use moisturizer on your face you are DESTROYING your skins natural moisture barrier! acne is just for teenagers you’ll grow out of it :) oh no but adult acne is sooooo common. just take birth control and your acne will go away. cut out all sugar and dairy and your acne will go away. actually those studies are fake, get light therapy treatments instead. take accutane and your acne will go away, only a couple of those kids killed themselves! shave your armpits because it looks better. if you shave your armpits you’re not a feminist. actually shaving your armpits is for HYGIENE. wax your legs. wax your bikini line. but waxing any part of your body can give you ugly ingrown hairs and permanently damage your skin and follicles and besides that’s the patriarchy. (but get laser hair removal instead.) don’t have an eating disorder because that’s too much but definitely do intermittent fasting. don’t eat carbs. don’t eat sugar. don’t eat fat. actually your brain uses carbs as its main energy source. actually fat is necessary but only good fat. you have to DRINK MORE WATER!!! drinking 8 glasses of water per day is a myth. burn fat and get toned by doing these exercises. but cellulite is natural and 99% of women have it so you HAVE to embrace it. take diet pills. ummm don’t you know those are meth?? take NATURAL diet supplements for weight loss. take THESE vitamins to cure your depression and clear your skin and make you better at sex and make your vision better and speed up your metabolism and make your digestion better and make you focus better. i know the ONLY right answer but you have to pay me for it. follow my blog! listen to my podcast! subscribe to my email newsletter! buy my snake oil!!


wait quick is HP health points or hit points in your head


Existential angst doesn’t always have to be a crisis. Like, I know the term “existential crisis” has a certain ring to it, but most of the time that’s going a bit far, isn’t it? Sometimes what you’re really experiencing is more like existential perplexity. Existential furrowing of the brow. A spot of existential what’s-all-this-then.


Watching the new @staffand@changes on tumblr who actually listen and respond to their userbase is so bizarre to see, because I feel like I’ve come full circle on the site.

I joined 10ish years ago (shortly post-Reichenbach, if that dates me) and that time was still solidly in the era of David Karp. Staff communicated but were overall seen as lovingly incompetent. Everyone used Missing E to fix all the problems, and then Xkit when Missing E stopped working, but nobody thought twice about it. We mostly just joked about how often they fiddled with the shade of background blue.

I remember the sale to Yahoo, and how it took a while to notice, but the site kind of just got worse. We got ads, which everyone hated. Changes were passed down from above with little to no fanfare. But staff was still there and making some effort to reach out to users; we got some of the best April Fools jokes in that era, like Coppy and Decision 2016 that showed that someone in there knew what users liked. Features like direct messaging and rebloggable asks and stacked posts were still coming through, even if the communication with users was opaque. Bots invaded every inch of the site. And then we got the porn ban, which snapped the site like a twig.

After Verizon bought tumblr, there were a few years where staff almost seemed to vanish, or did their best to hide what they were doing. I can’t even remember the last few years of April Fools jokes, if they happened at all. Ads got bigger. Changes just happened and there was no way to tell if it was intentional or glitches. If they were intentional, they seemed almost malicious. Users started talking about shadowbans and tags getting wiped out and some posts not showing up in tags or searches and user deletions happening behind the scenes. Bots got worse and worse and less was done about them. If anything went wrong, there was no confidence that reaching out to support would do a thing. Staff was spoken about in posts with the same tone as Bezos or Google, just another tech giant slowly making our lives worse for the sake of squeezing another buck out of us and then selling us to the highest bidder. If nothing else, we could be proud of squeezing the resale value out of the site for them.

I don’t know exactly what happened over the last year, if it was because of the sale to Automattic or other internal changes. But all of a sudden, staff started talking to us again. And we didn’t fuckin trust em an inch, and rightly so. Changes got rolled out again, and we started complaining again, because we may have no power to make any web experience better so the least we can do is go down complaining.

But the things they started changing were… stuff we wanted? We got tag viewers, timestamps, dash customization, filtering that actually worked. Most new features get toggles so you can turn it off if you don’t want it. Huh, we thought, that doesn’t seem right. Ideas flopped like Post+, and god did we complain. But after we did… the features… changed? Staff started testing out the ideas that the users endorsed? Like tipping posts on a per-post basis to avoid copyright issues with fanworks and an ad-free subscription model? Huh, we said.

And the final nail in the coffin was that new iOS tag-copying “feature” that we all complained about to no end… that was actually a glitch. Not some coder’s whim that got passed down and we just had to deal with it forever. Sorry, staff said, we’ll get that fixed right away.

Huh, we said. Huh.

Aside from being an unexpected change for tumblr, it’s making me realize how weird it feels in the internet as a whole to have some transparency and communication between site developers and the userbase. When I joined tumblr, forum culture and the heyday of the early creator-run internet were fresh memories. Staff who posted like users were common, and popular demand was the actual goal of web design. But now there is no social media where the developers speak directly to the users and incorporate real feedback into the changes they make. Algorithms drive everything, moderation happens silently, and it’s impossible to tell what a human has laid eyes on. Decisions are made based on what can get the most eyes on sponsored ads and drive clicks. Social media is now Big Tech, driven by Big Money Decisions and ad space.

Having a staff who talks and listens to the userbase is a direct return to tumblr’s roots and also the most jarring and noticeable jump back to Classic Internet that the rest of social media has long since abandoned.


my fatal flaw is that if i don’t want to do something i just won’t do it like mama raised a quitter for sure.. i’ll be doing something and suddenly be like damn what if i just didn’t . very freeing but also i suffer so many consequences


i know most people have seen it but i cant emphasize how much this is literally my favorite breath of the wild clip of all time. also i can never fucking find this clip when i need it especially in high definition so here it is


    …     VOICES !          

pairing, choi namra x gender neutral reader. genre,fluff & comfort.setting,non-apocalyptic / magic realism. track,voices by stray kids.


they say that blessings come with curses. from personal experience, you can back up their words—your consequence is that you can’t mute the voices in your head.

even if you press your hands to your ears, or isolate yourself in some space, they always follow behind. like a moth to a flame, your peers’ thoughts stick to your mind. and the fact that they think so loudly doesn’t help your helpless state.

hey, a familiar voice calls out to you. shuffling away from the railings of the rooftop, you turn around to see namra hovering by the emergency exit.

huh, wasn’t expecting company.nevertheless, you gesture her to take a seat on the closest bench and sit yourself down as well. “what brings you here, nana?”

nana, a name you only called her by in private conversations. is it because you love the idea that you’re the only one who can call her that? maybe.

the ebony haired girl tucks her hands beneath her thighs and clarifies, i wanted to check on you, that’s all.

so you do care about me. you coo and gently nudge her shoulder. namra pretends like it doesn’t affect her, while the slight smile on her face tells you otherwise.

after a little more teasing from your part, the two of you fall into a comfortable silence—the type where you truly do feel okay because namra is different. she doesn’t let her thoughts speak louder than the recommended volume level, nor does she allow them to roam freely. she lets your mind rest, even if the respite is temporary.

nana? you whisper, as if what you’re about to say is a secret that must only stay between the two of you. thank you.

for what? all i’m doing is sitting here after making sure you’re alright. you can’t help yourself from laughing a little; her honest nature endears you. (and it makes you fall for her just a little further.)

i’m thanking you for being here with me, right in this moment of time.

oh, she thinks of what to say before settling down. it’s nothing astronomical.”

to you, it is. for what choi namra gives you is something priceless, something no one else has ever gifted to you—peace.  

(and you hope fate will be kind enough to let you have this without a curse attached to it.)


© SOLEURS2022.
