#thanks tumblr

chiconaturalfoods:Fully Immersive experience


Fully Immersive experience

Post link

Hey guys because I really want to get back into writing and because I’m having trouble accessing and editing older posts I’m remaking a post again! I can’t actually access my main URL page but that’s beside the point.

AN: Hey guys! Video-Game-Imagines here, I’m back with another prompt idea (similar to my dialogue prompt challenge… sort of). I honestly don’t know how I came up with this one so I really don’t have an excuse. I was looking up the meaning of a symbol and then one thing led to another and suddenly I had this list! I’m going to list the meanings, from my research; of various colors, shapes, and plants. My thought was to, much like the Dialogue Prompts, you guys can choose anywhere from 1-3 characters and no more than 5-7 symbols (You can choose all shapes, all colors, whatever combo you want. Just no more than 5, please). So what I’ll end up doing is I’ll take the prompted colors, shapes, or flowers and craft a story revolving around their symbolism with the characters you’ve listed. Also if you guys want a certain emotion expressed, please let me know (Like if you wanted something silly, romantic, sad, happy, etc.)   Important:When you are listing the characters that you want, please include the reader if you would like it to be a reader-insert! If you only list one character then I will assume that you only want one character in the story. I hope that you guys like this idea! Thank you!


Black: Seriousness, Elegance, Power, or Death

Brown: Warmth, Wholesome, or Stability

Dark Grey: Classic, Somber, Responsible, or Authoritative

Light Grey: Logical, Reserved, Practical, or Trustworthiness

Red: Aggression, Passion, Sexiness, or Power

Dark Red: Refined, Luxurious, or Rich

Light Red: Willpower, Courage, Longing, or Vigor

Hot Pink: Playfulness, Flirtation, or Excitement

Light Pink: Romantic, Sweet, Innocent, or Youthful

Purple: Sophisticated, Mysterious, Dramatic, or Creative

Light Purple: Romantic, Sentimental, or Nostalgic

Lavender (Color): Delicate, Kind, Sensitive, or Romantic

Blue:Natural, Dignified, Confident, Stable or Intelligence

Sky Blue: Heavenly, Faithful, True, or Happy

Light Blue: Calm, Patient, Content, or Trusting

Teal: Serene, Cool, or Sophisticated

Green: Healthy, Fertile, Conscious, or Reliable

Light Green: Soothing, Refreshing, or Youthful

Yellow-Green:Argumentative, Discourse, Jealousy, or Illness

Yellow: Friendly, Positive, Surprising, or Energetic

Dull (Dark) Yellow: Cautious, Instability, Warning, or Thought-Provoking

Golden Yellow: Warm, Comforting, or Soft

Peach:Sweet, Luminous, or Whimsical

Orange: Fun, Cheerful, Exuberant, Spontaneous, or Optimistic

Dark Orange: Distrust, Deceit, or Misguidance

Red-Orange: Leadership, Domination, Desire for Change

Cream: Soft, Comforting, or Natural

White: Pure, Truthful, Faithful, or Refined

Silver: Sleek, Modern, or Classy

Gold: Valuable, Expensive, or Prestigious


Circle:Never-ending, Completeness, or Coming Together

Square/Rectangle:Familiarity, Stability, Trust, or Order

Triangle:Dynamic, Aggressive, Conflict, or Strength

Spiral:Creativity, Growth, Change, or Transformation

Cross: Healing, Connection, Balance, or Life

Diamond:Clarity, Purity, or Wisdom

Hexagon:Balance, Union, Harmony, or Sincerity

Pentagon: Knowledge, Control, or Sensibility

Star: Change, Fulfillment, or Ambition

Heart: Love, Passion, Attraction, or Unity


Acacia:Secret Love

Adonis: Sad Memories

Almond Blossom: Hope or Contemplation

Alstroemeria: Devotion and Friendship

Amaryllis:Success after a struggle

Amazon Lily: Charming or Feminine Charm

Ambrosia: Reciprocated Love

Anemone:  Fragile

Apple Blossom:Promise


Azalea: Delicate or Patience

Bachelor Button:Anticipation

Begonia: Deep Thoughts

Bellflower:Unwavering Love

Bird of Paradise: Joyfulness or Wonderful Anticipation

Black Bryony: Be My Support

Black-Eyed Susan:Encouragement



(Blue) Camellia: You Are A Flame in My Heart

(Pink) Camellia: I Long For Your Touch

(White) Camellia: You’re adorable

(Red) Carnation: An Aching Heart

(White) Carnation:Motherhood

(Pink) Carnation: Gratitude

(Striped) Carnation: Refusal

(Yellow) Carnation:Cheerfulness

Cherry Blossom: Gentleness & Kindness


(Yellow) Chrysanthemum: Secret Admirer




Dame’s Rocket: Rivalry or Competition

(Pink) Dianthus:Newlyweds


Forget-Me-Not: Remember Me Forever

Foxtail Lily:Curiosity




Gerbera: You Are Lovely!


Gloxinia: Love at First Sight




Hibiscus: Delicate Beauty

Holly: Domestic Happiness

Hollyhock: Great Ambition

Honeyflower: Sweet Disposition

Honeysuckle: Bonds of love

(Coral) Honeysuckle: I Love You


(Purple) Hyacinth: I’m Sorry

(Yellow) Hyacinth: Unconscious Jealousy



(White) Ivy: Anxious to Please

Jasmine: Grace and Elegance

(Indian) Jasmine: Sensual Love

Kennedia: Intellectual Beauty

(White) Larkspur: Beautiful Spirit

(Purple) Larkspur: An Open Heart


Lemon Blossom: I Promise To Be True

Lilac: First Love

(Mauve) Lilac- Do You Still Love Me?


Love-in-a-Mist: Unrequited Love

Maidenhair (Fern): Secret Bond of Love


Marigold: Desire for Riches

Mignonette (Reseda): To Deserve or You are Desrving

Moonflower:Dreaming of Love

Moss Rose: Confession or Realization of Love

Morning glory:Affection


Orange Blossom: Fertility or Pregnancy

Orchid: Quiet Beauty

(Cattleya) Orchid: Maturity or Mature Grace/Beauty

Pansy: Loving Thoughts

(Purple) Pansy: You Occupy My Thoughts

(Pink) Pansy: Young Love

(Yellow) Pansy: I Cannot Live Without You

Passion Flower:Passion

Peach Blossom: I Am Your Captive

Peony: Happy Marriage

Pepper Flower: Warm Feelings

Petunia: Your Presence Soothes Me

Plumeria: Perfection or A New Beginning

Primrose:Eternal Love

(White) Poppy: Dreams of Peace

(Red) Poppy: Pleasure or Love

(Yellow) Poppy: Wealth or Success

Queen Anne’s Lace: Femininity

Ragged Robin: Ardor (Intense Feelings of Love)

Rainflower:I love you back


(Pink) Rose:Admiration

(Red) Rose: Passionate Love

(Orange) Rose: I Love You Still and Always Will

(White) Rose:Purity

(Violet) Rose: Love at first sight

(Yellow) Rose:Friendship

Sainfoin: You Confuse Me

Snap Dragon:Presumptuousness

Snowflower: You Are Dazzling but Dangerous

Spider Flower: Elope With Me

Star of Bethlehem:Hope

Sunflower: Adoration

Sweet Pea:Shyness

Thornapple:I Dreamed of You


(Red) Tulip: Declaration of Love or Believe Me

(Purple) Tulip: One-sided love

(White) Tulip:Forgiveness

(Yellow) Tulip: Hopelessly in Love

Verbena: Pray for Me


(White) Violet: Let’s Take a Chance

Viscaria:Invitation to Dance


Zinnia: Thoughts of Friends

Zephyranth: Fond Caresses

Plants & Such

Aloe: Healing, Protection, and Affection

Basil: Good wishes

Bamboo:Strength and Grace

Bay Leaves:Glory


Clover (white): Think of me

Coriander: Hidden worth


Edelweiss:Courage or Devotion


Honey:Delight or Sweetness



Myrtle: Marriage or True Love

Nettle:Life or Death


Rue:Regret or Sorrow





Wormwood:Absence or Bitterness

Yarrow: Everlasting love

I realized that, at least on my end, my masterlist link is not working on mobile or the actual tumblr website. So to fix this, I’ve created separate “mobile masterlists” which will be made for each character as individual posts. Hopefully finding my stories will be easier this way as you’ll ideally be able to, on my page, just search “Character Name Imagines” (ex. Nathan Drake Imagines or Delsin Rowe Imagines) and you’ll find their masterlist that way. I haven’t made a masterlist for all of my imagines yet because I have a bunch of characters that only have one or two requests. So I’ll probably group those characters together with other characters from the same fandom and make them a masterlist when I have the time. I’ve also gone ahead and done the same thing for my request guidelines & rules (searchable by “request rules”).

I hope it will make things easier to navigate going forward because I know nothing about technology and this was the only way I could think to fix this problem. If you guys notice anything else that isn’t working or have tips please let me know! Thanks.




litmus test for tumblr olds

you’re angles are beyond compare

no same degrees found here nor there

the strongest shape and classic tumblr meme….

THANK you. Someone had to.








the japanese “-ne?” particle and the british slang term “innit” serve the same function

Standard English: It’s cold, isn’t it?

Japanese: Samui desu ne?

British: It’s fuckin’ freezin’, innit?

i have to do everything around here

i hate this cause i did japanese for like a year and this explains the use of the -ne particle WAYYYY better than my teachers ever did. it took me ages to comprehend what this post makes abundantly clear.

my teachers: its like a, a little rise at the end of a sentence, to show that you are seeking a response, while not warranting the -ka particle which would make it a proper question.

me: ok. i guess i get that??

this post: its like saying “innit?” 

me: oh. oh no.

fun fact: afaik, “-ne” was inherited from the Portuguese settlers/priests that stayed in Japan in the 16th century. It comes from “né?”, which the contraction of “não é?”, “isn’t it?”.

It’s LITERALLY “innit”.

oh so like “eh” in canadian

*un-Babels your Tower*

Trying to get my YouTube channel up n going!!!! If you see this sub me up!!! Comment or dm me also if you’d like a sub back!! Thanks everyone!! It’s mostly fixes at the moment but there’s going to be lots of car stuff coming up!!


New! Isabelby Thiago Bomfin on BehanceFollow In search of beauty and please don’t copy…. reblog



by Thiago Bomfin on Behance

FollowIn search of beauty and please don’t copy…. reblog

Post link

MiniVan Sofa Seating Recolor

Back from my hiatus and already making cc? interesting. anyways. im making an apartment for my gameplay and i liked this style of sofa to match everything else I had going on in there but uh. the color choices were wack at best. so I made a recolored version specifically for the grey shade but decided to make some more as well and release them, even though im sure its already been done before lol. this is also my first furniture recolor so theres that.

A few things:

  • this is simply a recolor, so university is needed for this to show up in game.
  • comes in 20 different shades.
  • i didnt make a thumbnail because again this was really just for me and releasing it was an afterthought, but there are proper swatches and all that jazz and you can find it by searching “minivan”.
  • there shouldnt be any issues since its just a recolor but if you do find something wonky lemme know.
  • also, you can see still images of colors here.

Download links:SimfileshareorMediafire (no ads on either)


Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:

  • blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
  • scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
  • scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
  • glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
  • poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
  • horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
  • eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)

Links are super cool until they break and you don’t know how to fix it no matter how many times you try

Hey folks, I guess some realized that my account was deleted of Tumblr, like 2 days ago. And I thought that my account was nuked for any reason, but not, my account was canceled due to some problem in Tumblr. I’m glad because Tumblr support contacted with me, and they told me that my account was canceled for error, due to some fails and problems in their system.

In my case before this happened, i experienced a list of strange events in my account, I couln’t read messages etc, so yes, if you experiment any type of strange thing, and your account dissapear for any reason, be sure to contact with Tumblr support.

Blessed staff! thanks Tumblr support <3

Okay so I made like one or I guess two posts about ramen and now tumblr is all “hey there you wanna follow these ramen blogs?”

I dunno. A dash of porn and cute animals and ramen sounds pretty chill.

can’t wait for this to be removed because of sexually explicit content

#thanks tumblr    #reported    #lit af    #dank meme    #shitpost    #i hate myself    

I just went thru this whole blog (basically 6-7 years of content) to see what got flagged.

It’s kinda ridiculous how I DO HAVE dem FEMLAE NIPLES(TM!!) and straight up P000RN from years ago in here, and they didn’t get flagged (…yet).

On the other hand, here’s some of my “favs” that did got flagged…

(^ the original post wasn’t flagged, but the reblog with some comments was?)

(^ maybe tumblr thinks I’m horny for dem deers)

And then, these three.

(^ okay I kinda get this one but at the same time I don’t)

So yeah.

There was obviously more posts that got flagged, some I understand but some… I really don’t………



twitter sucks for art because you have a maximum of 48 hours before your art post completely fades out of existence whereas tumblr lets things circulate forever. and also you can read all of the fun lovely things that people leave in the tags that they’d probz be too shy to say in a public reply 

i will always 100% prefer tumblr’s slow accumulation of notes and the wave cycle of popularity on an art post over the years than getting 50k likes in the first 24 hours and 0 likes the next on twitter

Tumblr coming at me with sage advice

a mini rant for a Tuesday:

so apparently I’ve been missing a ton of people’s posts lately??? There were a few users who I thought hadn’t posted in a while and wondered where they were, but when I went to their profile there were a bunch of posts that never came across my dash I think it’s a mobile problem, but either way I’m super annoyed that I’m missing posts of people I ACTUALLY follow, while getting a bunch of random “based on your likes” suggestions of people I don’t.

Cyborg soldiers - reposting as it was flagged -__- Cyborg soldiers - reposting as it was flagged -__- Cyborg soldiers - reposting as it was flagged -__- 

Cyborg soldiers - reposting as it was flagged -__- 

Post link

Why tf are the things in my drafts also censored???? There were so many nudes on there that I’ve lost now. Even the shit in my inbox are gone. At least don’t delete the shit in my own fucking blog when no one can see it but me. Fuck You @staff
