

Fixing Old Content: How To Improve Your Site’s Authority Without Damaging Your Rank

Fixing old content is a big deal for your search rankings.

It can have a dramatic effect on where your page winds up in the search engine results pages that can be either positive or negative depending on how and why you’re fixing the content.

As a result, many content marketers and small business owners are afraid to do anything to the old content for fear of their ranks getting worse.


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I’m single for the first time in a while and honestly this feels good because there’s so much else I have to focus on. Me, my boys, my well being, my life, my health, my mental health, my job, my hobbies and most importantly GOD….just so much. I’M GLAD I have time to let go of things no longer serving me and be able to focus solely on me and the plan that God has for my life without interruption. This is so HUMBLING for me but so needed. You can still be “that girl” and be in a humble place- this helps you to learn and grow and to be GRATEFUL for what you have. Sometimes the loss you think you’re taking is really a redirection into the win you’re about to receive. You truly just have to have faith and know that God has a specific plan for your life.


When you put your all into an application or relationship and get rejected it can hurt.

But maybe it’s time we redefine what rejection means. Essentially, rejection is just a redirection. Maybe you weren’t the best candidate for the position but something better is coming. Maybe the relationship didn’t work out the way you planned, but maybe that rejection is saving you from something!

Reframing our mindset when negative things happen to us is essential to success.

I get rejected from brand partnerships and job applications daily and I still don’t let that deter me from my goals. I see it as a redirection to something greater that I couldn’t even fathom for myself and so should you!

Happy Thursday!
